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6 Signs He’s Serious Boyfriend Material




As women, we come to a point in life, where we want to stop messing around and learn how to find true love. This may also be the perfect time to set some goals for your love life, stop hanging around guys who are using you (even if you’re using them back!) and learn how to identify the kind of man you want to date I like to call him “Mr. Boyfriend Material”. Like you, Mr. Boyfriend Material dates with dignity and is interested in finding someone confident, independent, and has the skills necessary to communicate…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

Your ability to understand what being “Boyfriend Material” means is vital because he won’t put up with emotional immaturity. He won’t let you “sulk”or manipulate him with your tears.

He expects you to communicate your needs, have boundaries, express your expectations directly, and allow him to engage in activities that fulfill the essence of who he is.

A guy is typically most confident, secure, and ready to be in an exclusive long-term relationship when he feels “settled.” He’s spent time building his career and has the time available to invest in your relationship. He’s financially secure.

Remember, men who are not in this place in life are still worth dating; they’re just not likely to be good candidates for a long-term partnership. If you’re dating someone who’s just starting to climb the ladder to emotional and financial security, you’ll likely need to be extremely patient as he moves through these phases of ***.

A man who is capable of a long-term relationship has integrity, and as a result his words and actions match. He calls when he says he will call. He follows through on the promises he makes.

This is one of the most crucial signs a man is boyfriend material. If his words and actions match consistently, it’s clear he’s ready to play in the big leagues.

He doesn’t apply the “Three-Day Rule” to the women he dates, wait twenty-four hours before returning your phone call, or “vanish” to draw you into his world. When he’s interested in pursuing you, he’ll just DO it.

Conversely, if you play games with Mr. Boyfriend Material, he’ll politely decline the opportunity to get to know you and probably dismiss you as immature.

Be gracious, kind and authentic, because Mr. Boyfriend Material is attracted to a confident woman who, like him, is past playing games.

Mr. Boyfriend Material will not manipulate you with silence, or criticize or judge you. When he has a need, or feels like he must discuss something pertaining to your relationship, he doesn’t hesitate to bring it up.

He’s also honest in telling you when he needs to spend time with his friends, needs to work or wants to go to the gym (by himself). He expects you to respect his needs and not see his independence as rejection. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

This one may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s worth mentioning that a man who’s worth your time is NOT already in a relationship or going through a divorce. By being single, he is emotionally available to pursue a relationship with you.

He doesn’t need to hide you until the divorce is final, “call you later” under the guise of running an errand, or meet you in a hotel, his art studio, or at your place because he hasn’t yet moved out of the home he shares with his partner.

While Mr. Boyfriend Material finds you incredibly attractive, he doesn’t expect you to kiss him at the end of the first or second date. He doesn’t expect you to have sex with him until you both have gotten to know each other and determined you’d like to advance your relationship to the next level.

What’s more, if he does prefer physical intimacy early on (say, after the third date, for instance), he won’t mind if you refuse. In fact, he’ll most likely apologize, respect you immensely and be impressed by your self-respect, dating dignity, and confidence — all huge turn-ons.

In short, Mr. Boyfriend Material is confident, mature, unafraid of vulnerability and feels comfortable with commitment.

Sex is not his primary motive and he certainly doesn’t expect you to sleep with him until you’re ready — whether that is in three months, six months, or maybe even waiting until you’re married.

Mr. Boyfriend Material is seeking an interdependent relationship with a confident woman who wants the same. He may not be someone you encounter often, but when you do, knowing about these qualities will help you recognize him.

If you don’t settle for anything less than Mr. Boyfriend Material, you have the potential for a great relationship that can fulfill you, bring you happiness, and meet your needs.



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Here Are 5 Things That Happen To Your Body Once You Eat Chillies




Eating chillies can induce several physiological responses in the body due to their active component, capsaicin. Here are five notable effects:

1. **Heat Sensation and Pain Relief:** READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Capsaicin activates heat receptors in the mouth and on the skin, triggering a sensation of heat. This response is not due to actual temperature increase but rather the activation of specific nerve fibers. Initially, this can cause discomfort or pain, but with repeated exposure, the body may become desensitized, leading to pain relief. This property has been utilized in topical creams for pain relief, especially in conditions like arthritis…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

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Discover the Surprising Benefits: Why You Should Put Garlic in Your Ear Before Bed




Unlock the Healing Power of Garlic: A Natural Remedy for Ear Health

Garlic, a staple in kitchens around the world, is renowned for its robust flavor and myriad health benefits. While most of us are familiar with garlic’s culinary uses and its role in boosting the immune system, there’s a lesser-known, yet surprisingly effective, use for this pungent bulb: placing it in your ear before bedtime. This unconventional practice might sound odd at first, but it has roots in traditional medicine and offers several health benefits that are worth exploring…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>> READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

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7 Diseases That Can Kill You Within 24 Hours




Certain diseases have the potential to rapidly progress and become life-threatening within a remarkably short timeframe, sometimes even within 24 hours. These conditions often require urgent medical attention and can escalate swiftly if left untreated. Here are seven such diseases:

1. **Meningitis**: Bacterial meningitis, in particular, can progress rapidly. It causes inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms such as severe headache, fever, sensitivity to light, and altered mental status can develop quickly. Without prompt treatment with antibiotics, it can lead to brain damage, coma, and death…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>> READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

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