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These bugs emerge at night and assault victims, killing them silently or infecting them for life.




As a young child Emiliana Rodríguez recalls watching friends play a nighttime game of soccer, where one of the players suddenly dropped dead on the field. Not knowing what had happened, the Bolivian-born Rodríguez grew fearful of the night, afraid of the silent killer called Chagas, the “monster” she was told only comes out at night.

Chagas is a different kind of monster, a “silent and silenced disease,” transmitted by nocturnal bugs that infect up to 8 million people each year, and Rodríguez’ friend was one of 12,000 people killed each year…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


An acute Chagas disease infection with swelling of the right eye (Romaña’s sign) / Wikipedia Commons

Kissing bugs mostly live in the walls of low-income housing in rural or suburban areas and are most active at nighttime when people are sleeping. The bug passes the T. cruzi infection by biting an animal or human, then defecating on the skin of its victim, who may accidentally scratch the spot and break the skin, or spread the feces into the eyes or mouth.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in Mexico, Central America, and South America, approximately 8 million people–6 to 7 million worldwide as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO)– have Chagas disease, the majority unaware of their infection. When left untreated, the lifelong infection can be a killer. About 12,000 people die of Chagas each year, killing “more people in Latin America than any other parasite disease, including malaria,” writes the Guardian.

Though these bugs have been identified in the U.S.–close to 300,000 people are infected–it is not considered an endemic.

Some people never develop symptoms but CDC reports that decades later, 20 to 30% have cardiac complications that can lead to death, or gastrointestinal complications, which can cause severe discomfort.

And the global case detection rate is only 10%, which makes treatment and prevention very difficult.

Wikipedia Commons / Bärbel Stock

Looking for some support, Hernández and her daughter Idalia visited several doctors who also knew very little–if anything–about Chagas, or how to treat it. “I was surprised, scared and sad because I thought my daughter was going to die. Above all, I couldn’t find out any reliable information, and this added to my anxiety,” Hernández said.

Finally getting some help from a family member who worked in health care, Idalia received the treatment she needed.

“In Mexico, the authorities say that there aren’t many people affected by Chagas and that it’s under control, but that’s not the situation,” says Hernández. “Medical professionals don’t receive any training and mistake Chagas for other heart diseases. The majority don’t realize there is Chagas in Mexico.”

Chagas is listed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a neglected tropical disease, meaning it’s not getting attention from the global health policy agenda.

Chagas disease treatment

Colin Forsyth, a research manager at the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi), explained that Chagas is neglected partly because “it’s a silent disease that stays hidden for so long in your body … because of the asymptomatic nature of the initial part of the infection.”

Referencing the poor populations, Forsyth continued, “The people affected just don’t have the power to influence healthcare policy. There’s this confluence of biological and social issues that keep it hidden.”

But as Chagas travels to other continents, its visibility is increasing and it’s now known that it can be transmitted through blood transfusions and organ transplants, and from mother to baby during pregnancy or childbirth.

Professor David Moore, a consultant at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London, created the Chagas Hub, a UK-based facility with the primary goal of having “more people tested and treated, and to manage the risk of transmission, which in the UK is from mother to child,” he said.

Moore said that progress in eliminating Chagas is “glacial,” and addressing the target set by WHO for a 2030 disease elimination, he said, “I can’t imagine that we’ll be remotely close by 2030. That seems highly unlikely.” READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Chagas can be treated with two medicines, benznidazole and nifurtimox, both on the market 50 plus years, that Moore says is “toxic, unpleasant, not particularly effective.”

It can cure a baby but there’s no guarantee the medications can prevent or curb disease progression in adults.


As for severe side effects, Rodríguez remembers coming out in hives, feeling dizzy and nauseated. She completed treatment and goes for check-ups every year.

Moore adds that more effective medication for Chagas is critical in curbing its spread but right now, there’s no financial appeal to pharmaceutical companies.

Until there’s a higher market appeal to develop more treatments, Hernández is on a mission to make the silent disease louder, in her title as president of the International Federation of Associations of People Affected by Chagas Disease (FINDECHAGAS).

What should I do if I find a triatomine bug?

Meanwhile, Rodríguez is in Spain, fighting the “monster,” by bringing awareness to Chagas through a campaign by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health.

“I’m fed up with so much silence,” Rodríguez says. “I want people to talk about Chagas, and to know about it. I want people to get tested and to get treatment.”

And, they are being heard.

The WHO established World Chagas Disease Day, which runs every year on April 14, the day in 1909 when Carlos discovered the first human case. WHO writes that “Global targets for 2030 and milestones are set out to prevent, control, eliminate and eradicate a diverse set of 20 diseases and disease groups.” This includes Chagas.

To prevent a possible infestation, the CDC recommends that you:

  • Seal cracks and gaps around windows, walls, roofs and doors
  • Remove wood, brush and rock piles near your house
  • Use screens on doors and windows and repair any holes or tears
  • Seal holes and cracks leading to the attic, to crawl spaces below the house and to the outside
  • Have pets sleep indoors, especially at night
  • Keep your house and any outdoor pet resting areas clean, in addition to periodically checking both areas for the presence of bugs

If you believe you have come across a kissing bug, it is advised by the CDC not to crush it. Instead, you should carefully place the bug in a container and fill the container with rubbing alcohol or freeze it in water.

Afterward, it is recommended that you take the container with the bug to your local health department or a university laboratory for identification.

It’s quite frightening to think these bugs live in the walls of homes–it’s like those horror stories you hear as a child to be wary of the monster that lives in the walls.

We really hope the WHO makes good on its promise to eliminate Chagas, and other Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Please share this story and help raise awareness on this silent disease!


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What are Causes of Swollen Ankles and Feet in the Elderly




Do you or an elderly loved one suffer from swollen ankles and feet? You’re not alone. Swelling in the lower extremities, known as edema, is a common issue among older adults. While it can be uncomfortable and concerning, understanding the potential causes can help you manage this condition effectively. In this article, we’ll explore 12 reasons why seniors may experience swollen ankles and feet, and what steps you can take to find relief…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Causes of Swollen Ankles and Feet in the Elderly

12 Causes of Swollen Ankles and Feet in the Elderly

1. Venous Insufficiency

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is the heavyweight champion of leg swelling causes in older adults, responsible for about 70% of cases. But what exactly is CVI, and why does it affect so many seniors?

CVI occurs when the valves in your leg veins start to weaken or malfunction. These tiny valves are crucial for maintaining proper blood flow. They act like one-way gates, allowing blood to flow upward toward your heart while preventing it from flowing backward. When these valves fail, blood can pool in the lower legs, causing pressure to build up in the veins.

This increased pressure forces fluid to leak out of the blood vessels and into the surrounding tissues, leading to swelling.

Symptoms of CVI include:

  • Swelling in the ankles, feet, and lower legs that worsens as the day progresses
  • A feeling of heaviness or aching in the legs, especially after standing for long periods
  • Skin changes, such as discoloration, thickening, or even the development of ulcers in severe cases
  • Itching or a burning sensation in the affected areas
  • Appearance of varicose veins or spider veins

2. Heart Failure

Heart failure is a serious condition that can significantly impact your overall health. This causes swelling in your legs, ankles, and feet. But don’t let the term “heart failure” scare you – it doesn’t mean your heart has stopped working. Rather, it means your heart isn’t pumping blood as efficiently as it should.

When your heart’s pumping ability is compromised, it can lead to a backup of blood in the veins. This backup increases pressure in the blood vessels, causing fluid to leak into surrounding tissues. It’s like a traffic jam in your circulatory system, with fluid spilling over into nearby areas.

Beyond swelling, other symptoms of heart failure include:

  • Shortness of breath, especially when lying down or during physical activity
  • Persistent fatigue and weakness
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Reduced ability to exercise
  • Persistent coughing or wheezing
  • Increased need to urinate at night

Remember, early diagnosis and proper management can significantly improve your quality of life when living with heart failure.

3. Kidney Disease

Your kidneys are remarkable organs that act as your body’s natural filtration system. They work tirelessly to remove waste and excess fluid from your blood. However, when kidney function declines, as it often does with age, these vital organs may struggle to maintain the delicate balance of fluids in your body.

Kidney disease can cause fluid to accumulate in various parts of your body, including your ankles and feet. This swelling, or edema, occurs because your kidneys aren’t able to remove excess fluid effectively, leading to its buildup in your tissues.

Signs that kidney disease might be behind your swollen ankles and feet include:

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Decreased urine output or changes in urine color
  • Nausea and loss of appetite
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Muscle cramps
  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Swelling around the eyes, especially in the morning

4. Liver Disease

The liver is often called the body’s chemical factory, performing hundreds of vital functions. One of these functions is producing albumin, a protein that plays a crucial role in maintaining the right balance of fluids in your body. When liver disease strikes, it can affect albumin production. This will lead to fluid accumulation in various parts of your body, including your ankles and feet.

Liver diseases like cirrhosis can cause a condition called ascites, where fluid builds up not only in the legs and feet but also in the abdomen. This can lead to a distended belly along with swollen extremities.

Signs that liver disease might be causing your swollen ankles and feet include:

  • Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)
  • Abdominal pain and swelling
  • Itchy skin
  • Dark urine color
  • Pale stool color
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Loss of appetite

Remember, liver disease can be serious, but with proper medical care and lifestyle changes, many people can manage their condition effectively.

Over the Counter Medications
Over the Counter Medications

5. Medications

While medications are essential for managing various health conditions, some can have the unintended side effect of causing swelling in the ankles and feet. It’s a classic case of the treatment causing its own set of challenges!

Common medications that may cause swelling include:

  • Calcium channel blockers: Used to treat high blood pressure, these medications can cause swelling by dilating blood vessels.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): While they help reduce inflammation, NSAIDs can also cause fluid retention in some people.
  • Steroids: These powerful anti-inflammatory drugs can lead to fluid retention and swelling.
  • Antidepressants: Certain antidepressants, particularly those in the class of medications called monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), can cause swelling.
  • Hormones: Estrogen and testosterone supplements can sometimes lead to fluid retention.
  • Diabetes medications: Some medications used to treat type 2 diabetes, like thiazolidinediones, can cause swelling.

6. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): The Silent Threat

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a serious condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein, usually in the leg. It’s like a roadblock in your circulatory highway. It can have potentially life-threatening consequences if not addressed promptly.

DVT can cause swelling, typically in one leg, along with other symptoms. It’s crucial to be aware of this condition, especially if you’re at higher risk due to factors like recent surgery, prolonged immobility, or certain medical conditions.

Symptoms of DVT to watch out for include:

  • Swelling in one leg (rarely, both legs can be affected)
  • Pain or tenderness in the affected leg, often described as a cramping or soreness
  • Warm skin in the area of the clot
  • Red or discolored skin
  • Visible surface veins

DVT requires prompt medical care because of its potential complications. The most serious risk is that the clot could break loose and travel through the bloodstream to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism. This is a medical emergency that can be life-threatening.

7. Infection

Infections, particularly in the skin and soft tissues of the feet and lower legs, can cause localized swelling, redness, and pain. For seniors, especially those with conditions like diabetes. This can affect circulation and nerve function, foot infections are a significant concern. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

One common type of infection that can cause swelling is cellulitis. This bacterial skin infection can spread quickly if not treated promptly. It’s like an unwelcome guest that shows up and starts causing trouble in your body!

Signs that an infection might be causing your swollen ankles and feet include:

  • Redness and warmth in the affected area
  • Pain or tenderness
  • Fever or chills
  • Skin that appears stretched or shiny
  • Possible discharge or pus
  • In severe cases, red streaks extending from the initial area of infection

Note that infections can escalate quickly, especially in older adults. Don’t hesitate to seek medical care if you suspect an infection is causing your swelling.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Swollen Ankles
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Swollen Ankles

8. Injury or Surgery

Injuries to the foot or ankle, such as sprains or fractures, can cause localized swelling as part of the body’s natural healing process. Similarly, swelling is a common occurrence after surgery in the lower extremities or pelvic area. It’s like your body’s repair crew showing up with all their equipment – there might be some congestion while they work!

While some swelling is normal and expected in these situations, excessive or prolonged swelling can interfere with healing and cause discomfort.

The RICE method is a tried-and-true approach for managing swelling related to injuries or post-surgical recovery:

  • Rest: Give the affected area time to heal by avoiding activities that cause pain or discomfort.
  • Ice: Apply cold packs to the swollen area for 15-20 minutes at a time, several times a day. This helps reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Compression: Use elastic bandages or compression socks to help reduce swelling. Be careful not to wrap too tightly, which could impair circulation.
  • Elevation: Keep the affected limb elevated above heart level when resting to help fluid drain away from the area.

9. Prolonged Standing or Sitting

We’ve all experienced it – that uncomfortable swelling in our feet and ankles after a long day of standing or sitting. For seniors, this can be particularly problematic. When you stand or sit for extended periods, gravity pulls blood and fluid into your lower legs, causing them to swell. It’s like your legs are buckets, slowly filling up over time!

This type of swelling, while usually temporary, can be uncomfortable and may increase the risk of other issues like skin breakdown or circulatory problems if it occurs frequently.

Strategies to Combat Gravity-Induced Swelling:

  • Take movement breaks: If you need to stand or sit for long periods, try to take regular breaks to move around and stretch. Even simple ankle rotations or calf raises can help promote circulation.
  • Elevate your legs: When resting, try to elevate your legs above heart level. This allows gravity to help drain fluid back towards your heart.
  • Wear supportive shoes: Good footwear can help support your feet and promote better circulation. Avoid shoes that are too tight or that don’t provide adequate support.
  • Use compression socks: Compression stockings can help prevent fluid from pooling in your lower legs.
  • Stay hydrated: Proper hydration helps maintain good circulation and can actually help reduce fluid retention.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Excess weight puts additional pressure on your legs and feet, making swelling more likely.

10. Obesity

Carrying excess weight can significantly contribute to swollen ankles and feet in the elderly. It’s like asking your legs to carry around heavy shopping bags all day, every day! This extra burden puts additional pressure on your veins and lymphatic system. This making it harder for fluid to circulate properly.

Obesity doesn’t just affect your ankles and feet – it can impact your overall health in numerous ways. It increasing the risk of conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis, which can further contribute to swelling.

Tips for Managing Weight and Reducing Swelling:

  • Adopt a balanced diet: Focus on eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Reduce intake of processed foods, sugary drinks, and high-sodium items.
  • Stay active: Regular physical activity is crucial for weight management and overall health. Start with low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, or chair exercises if mobility is a concern.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help flush out excess sodium and reduce fluid retention.
  • Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep is important for maintaining a healthy weight. Aim for 7-9 hours per night.
  • Manage stress: Chronic stress can contribute to weight gain. Try stress-reduction techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or gentle yoga.
  • Seek support: Consider joining a support group or working with a nutritionist or personal trainer who specializes in senior health.

11. Pregnancy: A Special Case of Swelling

While not typically a concern for the elderly, it’s worth mentioning pregnancy-related swelling for those caring for multiple generations. Swelling in the feet and ankles is common during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and the added weight of the growing baby.

While mild swelling is normal, sudden or severe swelling may be a sign of preeclampsia, a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. Other warning signs include:

  • Swelling in the face and hands
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Severe headaches
  • Vision changes
  • Upper abdominal pain

Pregnant women should always discuss any concerns about swelling with their healthcare provider.

12. Lymphedema

Lymphedema is a condition in which the lymphatic system, your body’s drainage network, fails to function properly. This leads to a buildup of lymph fluid, causing swelling typically in the arms or legs. It’s like a backed-up drain in your body’s plumbing system!

Lymphedema can be primary (inherited) or secondary (caused by damage to the lymphatic system, often due to cancer treatment, surgery, or infection). In the elderly, secondary lymphedema is more common.

Signs and Symptoms of Lymphedema:

  • Swelling in part or all of a limb or other body part
  • A feeling of heaviness or tightness in the affected area
  • Restricted range of motion
  • Aching or discomfort
  • Recurring infections
  • Hardening and thickening of the skin (in advanced stages)

When to Seek Medical Help?

While mild swelling in the feet and ankles is often manageable at home, certain situations warrant immediate medical attention:

  • Sudden or severe swelling
  • Swelling accompanied by shortness of breath, chest pain, or cough
  • Swelling in only one leg, especially if it’s warm or painful
  • Swelling that doesn’t improve with home care
  • Skin that is red, warm, or painful to touch


Swollen ankles and feet are a common concern among the elderly. By understanding these underlying factors and taking proactive steps to manage swelling, seniors can find relief and maintain their quality of life.

Remember, your feet are your foundation – taking care of them is an important part of overall health and well-being. If you’re experiencing persistent or concerning swelling, don’t hesitate to see your doctor.


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I Rubbed Potato on My Face & It Removed My Dark Spots and Hyperpigmentation




Did you know that a simple potato can be a powerful ally in your skincare routine? It’s true! I discovered this natural remedy and was amazed by the results. In just 30 days, rubbing potato on my face helped to fade dark spots and reduce hyperpigmentation. Here’s how you can try it too!

Why Potatoes?

Potatoes are more than just a tasty side dish. They are packed with vitamins and minerals that are great for your skin. Potatoes contain Vitamin C, which is known for its brightening properties, and enzymes that help gently exfoliate the skin. This combination makes potatoes an excellent natural remedy for dark spots and hyperpigmentation…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>> READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

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People who quit drinking all give same answer when asked why they stopped




Recently, the sober life has seemed to become more and more tempting for former party-animals, particularly those in their 20s and 30s.

In fact, the UK’s largest recent study of drinking behaviours showed that the Gen-Z generation were discovered to be the most tee-total generation of all, with a colossal 26%. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

So, for Alcohol Awareness Week, which kicked off this week (1 July) and is set to continue on until Sunday (7 July), we’ve rounded up a bunch of answers from people who quit drinking who all gave the same answer when asked why they stopped in the first place…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

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