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16 Surprising Benefits of Watermelon Seeds Sexually




Are you looking to spice things up in the bedroom? The secret to better sex and improved sexual health may be hiding in your fruit bowl. Watermelon seeds are often discarded as a nuisance. However, They are loaded with nutrients that can rev up your libido and enhance your sexual performance. In this article, we’ll explore 16 amazing benefits of watermelon seeds for your sexual health. In addition, we will provide how to enjoy watermelon seeds effectively…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Nutrient Profile of Watermelon Seeds

Before exploring the potential benefits, let’s look at what watermelon seeds contain. These small, black seeds are packed with a surprising array of nutrients, including:

  • Protein: Watermelon seeds are a good source of plant-based protein, which is essential for building and repairing tissues in the body.
  • Healthy fats: The seeds contain both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are important for heart health, brain function, and inflammation reduction.
  • Magnesium: This mineral is crucial for energy production, bone health, and muscle and nerve function.
  • Zinc: Zinc plays a vital role in immune function, wound healing, and testosterone production.
  • Iron: Iron is necessary for the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood.
  • Folate: This B vitamin is essential for DNA synthesis and is particularly important during pregnancy for fetal development.
  • Antioxidants: Watermelon seeds contain various antioxidants that help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
Benefits of Watermelon Seeds Sexually

16 Surprising Benefits of Watermelon Seeds Sexually

1. Boosts Testosterone Levels

Watermelon seeds are rich in zinc, magnesium, and selenium. These are key minerals for testosterone production. Optimal testosterone levels are crucial for a healthy sex drive in both men and women.

Studies show that zinc deficiency is linked to low libido and erectile dysfunction. One study found that men with low testosterone had significantly lower levels of zinc compared to men with normal testosterone.

Plus, Magnesium also plays a role in testosterone synthesis by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. Snacking on a handful of watermelon seeds daily can help keep your hormones humming.

2. Improves Erectile Function

The amino acid citrulline in watermelon seeds is a precursor to nitric oxide, which relaxes and dilates blood vessels. This increased blood flow can lead to stronger, longer-lasting erections. The zinc and magnesium in the seeds also support healthy erectile function by boosting testosterone and improving blood circulation.

A study published in the journal Urology found that men with erectile dysfunction had lower levels of nitric oxide compared to men without ED. For a natural alternative to Viagra, you can try adding watermelon seeds to your diet. Your partner will thank you!

3. Increases Libido

Feeling frisky? The nutrients in watermelon seeds can help put you in the mood. Zinc is essential for regulating sex hormones and boosting libido. It also helps with the production of dopamine, a brain chemical involved in sexual desire.

One study found that women with higher levels of zinc reported greater sexual desire and satisfaction. The healthy fats in watermelon seeds, like omega-3s and omega-6s. This also supports hormone production and sexual function. If your sex drive needs a jumpstart, reach for some watermelon seeds.

4. Enhances Sexual Stamina

Watermelon seeds contain B vitamins and iron which help fight fatigue and increase energy levels. B vitamins like thiamin, niacin, and B6 are involved in energy metabolism and the production of sex hormones. Iron helps transport oxygen to muscles for sustained endurance.

In addition, the citrulline in the seeds also improves blood flow and oxygenation of muscles. This combination of nutrients can help you go the distance in the bedroom without getting winded. One study found that men who took a citrulline supplement had improved erection hardness and intercourse satisfaction.

5. Intensifies Orgasms

The improved circulation from citrulline doesn’t just lead to better erections – it can also intensify orgasms for both partners. Increased blood flow to the genitals heightens sensitivity and creates stronger muscle contractions during climax.

The magnesium in watermelon seeds also helps relax smooth muscles for more powerful orgasms. One study found that women who took a magnesium supplement had increased sexual desire, lubrication, and orgasm frequency. Watermelon seeds are nature’s Viagra for toe-curling orgasms that will leave you breathless.

6. Supports Prostate Health

Zinc is an important mineral for male reproductive health, especially prostate function. It helps balance testosterone levels and may reduce the risk of prostate enlargement and cancer. The selenium in watermelon seeds also supports prostate health by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

Lycopene, the pigment that gives watermelon its red color, has been shown to slow the growth of prostate cancer cells. One study found that men who consumed more lycopene had a lower risk of prostate cancer.

7. Increases Sperm Count and Motility

The selenium, zinc, and lycopene in watermelon seeds are crucial for sperm production and quality. Selenium helps protect sperm from oxidative damage, while zinc is involved in sperm formation and motility.

Lycopene also supports sperm health by reducing DNA damage. Men who are deficient in these nutrients may have lower sperm counts and decreased sperm motility. One study found that men who took a selenium supplement had improved sperm motility and morphology.

8. Boosts Fertility

Watermelon seeds contain folate, a B vitamin essential for reproductive health in both men and women. Folate helps prevent birth defects and supports healthy fetal development. It’s also involved in the production of DNA and red blood cells.

The zinc and selenium in watermelon seeds also promote optimal fertility by supporting hormone balance and sperm quality. One study found that women who took a folate supplement had higher pregnancy rates. For couples trying to conceive, snacking on watermelon seeds may improve your baby-making odds.


9. Reduces Stress

Nothing kills the mood like stress and anxiety. The magnesium in watermelon seeds helps calm the nervous system and promote relaxation. It works by regulating neurotransmitters like GABA and serotonin.

Plus, Magnesium also reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Chronic stress can tank libido and cause erectile dysfunction. One study found that men with erectile dysfunction had lower levels of magnesium.

10. Fights Inflammation

Chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on sexual health, leading to conditions like erectile dysfunction, pelvic pain, and vaginal dryness. Watermelon seeds are loaded with anti-inflammatory compounds like lycopene and cucurbitacin E. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and reduces oxidative stress.

Cucurbitacin E can help inhibit the production of inflammatory cytokines. By reducing inflammation, these nutrients support the health of reproductive organs and enhance blood flow for better bedroom performance. One study found that men with higher levels of lycopene had a lower risk of erectile dysfunction.

11. Promotes Vaginal Lubrication

Watermelon seeds contain essential fatty acids that help keep vaginal tissues healthy and well-lubricated. Omega-3s, in particular, are important for maintaining the integrity of cell membranes and reducing inflammation. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

The zinc in the seeds also supports the production of cervical mucus. This is essential for fertility and comfortable intercourse. For women who experience vaginal dryness, especially during menopause, watermelon seeds may help get the juices flowing and reduce discomfort. One study found that women who took an omega-3 supplement had improved vaginal lubrication and reduced pain during intercourse.

12. Balances Hormones

Watermelon seeds are a tasty way to balance your hormonal scales. Hormonal imbalances can tank libido and cause sexual dysfunction in both men and women. The nutrients in watermelon seeds, especially zinc and magnesium, help regulate the production of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

Zinc is involved in the synthesis and metabolism of these hormones. Magnesium helps with their activation and binding to receptors. Keeping your hormones in harmony is key to a healthy sex life. One study found that women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) had lower levels of zinc and magnesium.

13. Improves Body Confidence

The nutrients in watermelon seeds support healthy skin, hair, and nails. This can boost your overall appearance and confidence. Zinc plays a role in collagen synthesis and skin repair, while selenium protects skin cells from UV damage.

The healthy fats in watermelon seeds also nourish skin from the inside out. One study found that people who consumed more omega-3s had less skin aging and better skin hydration. When you look and feel your best, it shows in the bedroom.

14. Provides Natural Energy

Watermelon seeds are nature’s aphrodisiac power pellets. The complex carbs, healthy fats, and B vitamins in the seeds provide long-lasting energy without the crash. B vitamins are essential for converting food into energy and supporting the health of the nervous system.

The magnesium in watermelon seeds also helps regulate energy metabolism. You’ll have the stamina to keep going all night long. One study found that people who took a B-complex supplement had improved energy levels and reduced fatigue.

Lose Weight
Lose Weight

15. Aids Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for sexual function and overall health. Excess body fat can lead to hormonal imbalances, reduced libido, and erectile dysfunction.

Watermelon seeds are nutrient-dense but relatively low in calories. A one-ounce serving (about a handful) contains only 158 calories. The fiber and healthy fats in the seeds also promote satiety and stabilize blood sugar, reducing cravings and overeating.

One study found that people who consumed more magnesium had lower body fat percentages and better insulin sensitivity. Replacing high-calorie snacks with watermelon seeds may help you reach and maintain your happy weight.

16. Protects Heart Health

A healthy heart is vital for an active sex life. Cardiovascular disease can impair blood flow to the genitals, leading to sexual dysfunction. The citrulline, lycopene, zinc, and magnesium in watermelon seeds all support heart health. Citrulline helps dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

Lycopene reduces inflammation and prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, a major risk factor for heart disease. Zinc and magnesium also help regulate blood pressure and protect against arterial damage. One study found that people who consumed more lycopene had a lower risk of heart disease and stroke.

How to Enjoy Watermelon Seeds?

To reap the sexual health benefits of watermelon seeds, aim to eat about a handful (1 ounce) per day. Here are some tasty ways to enjoy them:

  • Sprinkle them on salads or yogurt for a crunchy nutrient boost
  • Blend them into smoothies for a creamy protein kick
  • Toss them into trail mix with other libido-boosting nuts and seeds
  • Bake them into bread, muffins, or energy bars for a sexy snack
  • Enjoy them straight out of the shell as a satisfying anytime nibble

Look for raw, unsalted watermelon seeds for the most nutrition. You can also dry roast them at home for a crunchy treat. Simply spread the seeds in a single layer on a baking sheet and roast at 325°F for 10-15 minutes. Then stirring occasionally, until lightly browned and fragrant. Let cool completely before storing in an airtight container.

You can also try sprouting watermelon seeds for an extra nutritional punch. Sprouting increases the bioavailability of nutrients and makes the seeds easier to digest. To sprout watermelon seeds, soak them in water overnight, then drain and rinse them twice a day until sprouts appear (usually within 1-2 days). Add the sprouts to salads, sandwiches, or smoothies for a fresh and crunchy twist.

Health Benefits of Watermelon for Men
Health Benefits of Watermelon

Precautions and Side Effects

While watermelon seeds are generally safe and well-tolerated, there are some precautions to keep in mind:

  • Watermelon seeds contain a compound called cucurbitacin, which can cause digestive upset in large amounts. Stick to the recommended serving size of about 1 ounce (4 tablespoons) per day.
  • If you have a history of kidney stones, talk to your doctor before adding watermelon seeds to your diet. The seeds are high in oxalates which can contribute to kidney stone formation in some people.
  • Watermelon seeds may interact with certain medications, including blood thinners and diuretics. If you take any prescription drugs, check with your doctor or pharmacist before eating watermelon seeds regularly.
  • Possible side effects of eating too many watermelon seeds. This may include stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and headache. However, These are usually mild and go away on their own. If you experience severe or persistent symptoms, stop eating the seeds and see your doctor.


1. How many watermelon seeds should I eat per day for sexual health benefits?

You can eat about 1 ounce (4 tablespoons) of watermelon seeds per day. This amount provides a good balance of nutrients like zinc, magnesium, and citrulline without going overboard. Eating too many watermelon seeds can cause digestive upset due to their cucurbitacin content.

2. Can women benefit from eating watermelon seeds for sexual health?

Absolutely! The nutrients in watermelon seeds support sexual health in both men and women. Zinc and magnesium are important for female hormone balance and libido. The fatty acids in watermelon seeds also help maintain healthy vaginal tissues and lubrication. And the citrulline may improve blood flow to the clitoris for enhanced pleasure.

3. What’s the best way to eat watermelon seeds for maximum benefits?

For the most nutrition, choose raw, unsalted watermelon seeds. You can eat them straight from the shell as a snack, or add them to recipes like trail mix, smoothies, and baked goods. Aim to chew the seeds thoroughly for best absorption. You can also try sprouting watermelon seeds for an extra nutrient boost.

4. How long does it take to see sexual health benefits from eating watermelon seeds?

The timeline for seeing results may vary from person to person. Some people may notice benefits like increased libido and energy within a few weeks of adding watermelon seeds to their diet. For others, it may take several weeks or even months of consistent use to see noticeable changes. Be patient and stick with it – the sexual health benefits are worth the wait!

5. Can I get the same benefits from watermelon seed oil or extract?

While watermelon seed oil and extract do contain some of the same nutrients as the whole seeds, they may not provide the full spectrum of benefits. Eating whole seeds provides fiber, protein, and a wider range of vitamins and minerals that work synergistically for sexual health. That said, watermelon seed oil can be a nice addition to your routine for its skin and hair benefits.

6. Are watermelon seeds better than other seeds for sexual health?

Watermelon seeds are uniquely high in nutrients like citrulline and lycopene that support sexual function. However, other seeds like pumpkin, sunflower, and flax also offer sexual health benefits thanks to their zinc, magnesium, and omega-3 content. The best approach is to eat a variety of seeds as part of a balanced, nutrient-dense diet.


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These Mistakes Rapidly Increase Uric Acid: Avoid Them Today





Uric acid is a waste product that is naturally present in the blood, formed from the breakdown of purines, substances found in certain foods and produced by the body. Normally, uric acid is filtered out of the blood by the kidneys and excreted through urine. However, when uric acid levels become elevated, it can lead to various health issues, including joint pain and more severe conditions such as gout. Managing uric acid levels effectively is crucial for maintaining overall health…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

Understanding Uric Acid and Its Impact
Uric acid levels typically range from 3.5 to 7.2 mg/dL, though these values can vary between individuals. When the body produces excessive uric acid or the kidneys are unable to eliminate it efficiently, uric acid can accumulate in the bloodstream, leading to a condition known as hyperuricemia. This condition often results in symptoms like severe pain in the joints, particularly in the fingers and toes, redness in the soles of the feet, increased thirst, and sometimes even fever.

Common Dietary Mistakes Leading to Elevated Uric Acid Levels
Excessive Consumption of Oil and Spices: In many diets, especially in certain cuisines, oil and spices are used liberally. Excessive intake of these ingredients can contribute to higher uric acid levels. For instance, dishes that are deep-fried or heavily spiced can elevate uric acid, leading to health complications. Preserved foods, which are often high in additives and oils, can also contribute to increased uric acid levels.

High Protein Foods: Foods high in protein, such as legumes, are known to raise uric acid levels. While legumes are a valuable source of protein, overconsumption or improperly stored legumes (e.g., those left out at room temperature for extended periods) can exacerbate uric acid issues. It is crucial to store legumes properly, preferably in the refrigerator if they are not consumed immediately, to prevent a rapid increase in uric acid.

Consumption of Sour Foods: Certain sour foods, including amchur (dried mango powder), tamarind, raw tomatoes, and raw mango drinks, can increase uric acid levels. While these foods add flavor, they can exacerbate uric acid problems, particularly if consumed in large amounts. Opting for alternatives like lemon or amla (Indian gooseberry) can be beneficial, as these can help in reducing elevated uric acid levels.

Eating Outside Food: Many people enjoy eating out, but external food items such as kachoris, samosas, and non-vegetarian dishes often contain excessive amounts of oil and spices. These can lead to an increase in uric acid levels. Furthermore, non-vegetarian dishes often contain higher levels of purines, which can further contribute to elevated uric acid. Limiting the intake of such foods and focusing on homemade, balanced meals can help in managing uric acid levels. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Lifestyle Changes to Manage Uric Acid Levels
Adopt a Physically Active Lifestyle: Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining overall health and managing uric acid levels. Incorporate activities such as walking, jogging, or other forms of exercise into your daily routine. Physical activity helps in maintaining a healthy weight and supports the effective elimination of uric acid from the body.

Balanced Diet: Include fiber-rich foods in your diet, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Opt for low-fat dairy products like yogurt and buttermilk, which can aid in managing uric acid levels. Eating balanced meals at regular intervals helps in maintaining metabolic stability and preventing excessive uric acid buildup.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is crucial. Water helps in flushing out excess uric acid through urine and prevents dehydration, which can worsen uric acid levels. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.

Avoid Irregular Eating Patterns: Stick to a regular eating schedule and avoid overeating or skipping meals. Irregular eating habits can disrupt metabolic processes and contribute to increased uric acid levels.

Managing uric acid levels requires a combination of dietary awareness and lifestyle modifications. By avoiding common dietary mistakes, such as excessive consumption of high-protein foods, sour foods, and external food items, and adopting a healthy lifestyle, individuals can effectively control their uric acid levels and reduce the risk of associated health issues. Making these changes today can lead to long-term health benefits and improved quality of life.


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4 Fruits To Eat To Make Blood Flow Very Well In Your Body




These 4 Fruits to Improve Your Circulation Today!

The first step in ensuring that sufficient blood is able to circulate throughout your body is to ensure that your blood arteries are not blocked. As a direct consequence of this, the elasticity and suppleness of your blood vessels will be restored.

Because the blood arteries are going to be freed up, the blood flow is going to become more unrestricted. According to Healthline, the heart does not need to work particularly hard in order for blood to be pumped through the veins…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


The body can clean out its arteries by utilizing certain fruit components, which can be found in fruits. As a direct consequence of receiving this treatment, the blood vessels will not grow inflamed, brittle, or burst.

Both the unclogging and strengthening of blood vessels can be helped along by the use of specific minerals, nutrients that are present in plants (called phytonutrients), and proteolytic enzymes. The results of your hard work are presented in the following list.

Rutin is a type of bioflavonoid that can be found in citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines. Taking these bioflavonoids regularly can assist in the strengthening of your blood vessels.

Rutin is frequently isolated by scientists and included into various dietary supplements. When peeling an orange, you should take care to remove only the outer layer of skin that is green or yellow. Consume the entire orange, including the white covering that sits on top of it. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Rutin, which has medicinal properties that strengthen your blood vessels, can be tasted, despite the fact that the bitterness is highly medicinal and helpful to both your health and your health specifically.

If you haven’t done so already, peel the pineapple. There is something in the core of your pineapple that you should look for. This is a challenging part of the process to go through. There is a particular region of the pineapple that is particularly rich in bromelin. If you consume it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, it may help unclog your arteries and protect you from developing heart disease.

Another trace element that helps strengthen the blood arteries is copper, which can be found in bananas and avocados.

Copper is required in our diets in only trace amounts; yet, over consumption of this mineral can be detrimental to the health of our blood vessels.

Your delicate blood arteries will not burst into an aneurysm, and you will not have any internal bleeding as a result of this.

Getting your hands on an unripe pawpaw is the fourth possible course of action. Peel it and eat it in this form first thing in the morning when your stomach is empty. This dish has a significant amount of papain, which is an effective enzyme for cleaning out the arteries.

The proteolytic enzyme found in pawpaw contributes to the unclogging of blood vessels, which in turn improves the flow of blood to the organs in the body.


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What typically Happens To Your Body if You Have Not Eaten For a While




Not eaten for a week can have significant effect on your body. The body Will initially rely on glycogen store for energy, but after 24 to 48 hours, it begins to break down fat and muscle tissue for fuel.

1. Muscles loss: Since the body needs protein for a certain essential functions, prolonged fasting can lead to muscles breakdown as protein is used as alternative energy source…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


2. Energy depletion: Glycogen, the stored form of glucose in the liver and muscles, get depleted within the first 24 to 48 hours. The body starts using fat stores for energy through a process called ketosis.

3. Immune system and Suppression: A lack of nutrients over time can weaken the immune system, making it harder for your body to fight off infections.

4. Metal and emotional changes: As energy reserves deplete, metal clarity and mood can be affected, potentially leading to irritability, confusion or mood swings. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

5. Dehydration risk: Since food contains water, not eating can increase the risk of dehydration which can worsen the symptoms of weakness and fatigue.

6. Fatigue and weakness: Without food, blood sugar levels drop, leading to extreme fatigue, dizziness and difficult Concentrating.


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