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Hungry Teen Goes to Kroger to Ask Strangers for Food, He Has No Idea Life is About to Change Forever





Some people will go to any length to advance in life. Instead of waiting for life to happen to him, one adolescent opted to confront his fate head-on. With only a bus pass and no money, he set out for the “rich” area of town. He was about to do something he’d never done before, but he knew he had to.

Inside the Highland Kroger, Chauncey Black approached a stranger with a request that would change his life forever.

Chauncy Black, 16, was dealt a hand that most of us could never imagine having to deal with. He had a place to live with his mother, but he didn’t have enough food. The poor kid was famished! So he did the only thing he could think of and went to the one place he could think of that had plenty of food: a Kroger grocery store in a posh area…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Despite his lack of funds, Chauncy was able to scrape together enough change for a bus pass that would bring him there and back. In exchange for a mouthful of food, he planned to give work. But he had no idea that a fortuitous encounter with a stranger would forever change his life.

Chauncy boldly approached a stranger inside the Kroger grocery store and asked if he could carry his groceries to the car in exchange for a pack of doughnuts. He is, after all, a teenager!

The young man’s request moved the nice stranger, Matt White.

“This kid appeared to have been turned down a hundred times.” He appeared embarrassed, hungry, and bereft. I screamed a loud “yes!” in my head, but all I replied to him was, “Yeah man, we’ll grab you some doughnuts.”

Matt soon discovered Chauncy didn’t have a phone, only a bus pass, and a starving mother at home. Chauncy was relying on the kindness of a stranger to feed him before his bus arrived in less than an hour.

Matt wasn’t going to hand over a single pack of donuts to the teen and call it a day. It was clear that the kid needed assistance. How could he possibly overlook that? The Good Samaritan then proceeded to fill the cart with various items for Chauncy to carry home to his mother.

“It goes without saying that he and I went on a buying spree.” We had a great time! We grabbed cereal, chips, frozen vegetables, pizzas, Cheetos, melons, and spaghetti, peanut butter, milk, soap, and toothbrushes, a little bit of everything.”

Matt discovered that the entrepreneurial young guy was a straight-A student who was attempting to acquire a job to assist his mother pay rent while they were shopping for all the goods Chauncy and his mother needed to survive.

“This kid was incredible. Chauncy continued referring to himself as poor, but he promised me that one day he would be wealthy and run his own businesses, allowing him to aid others in his area by buying groceries for them, just like I did. “I was speechless.” READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Even though Chauncy had a difficult start in life, he had high hopes of assisting others who were in need.

Chauncey accepted a lift instead of riding the bus, but when he returned home, he and his mentally ill mother were taken aback by the stranger’s kindness.

“I gave him a lift home so he wouldn’t have to use the bus, and I was genuinely humbled when we arrived at his house. He wasn’t joking when he said that. He and his mother were penniless. There were no beds or furniture in the room. They slept on sleeping bag pads, had two lanterns, and had nothing in their refrigerator.”

Matt could see Chauncy’s mother was in poor health because she trembled excessively and struggled to move.

Matt could see optimism returning to Chauncy’s eyes as the two unpacked the food. It was as though he had reverted to being a typical youngster.

“As I was leaving, I hugged him and told him how much God loved him and that he was going to be a great guy.” That hug will stay with me forever. It mattered more to me than any of my other possessions.”

That “goodbye” was not, however, the end of this lovely narrative. That day, Matt didn’t just leave Chauncy with a bag of groceries. He created a GoFundMe campaign to seek funds for the essentials that this family required.

Chauncy required trousers for his mother as well as a $10 Ross gift card. He felt embarrassed by his soiled clothing. But Chauncy didn’t just get a $10 gift card; $341K was raised to help this family with their basic necessities. It also meant Chauncy could buy the tools he’d need to establish his own lawn-mowing company.

It also meant he’d be able to sleep in a proper bed for the first time.

Strangers’ goodwill never ceases to astonish me. Not only did Matt assist Chauncy and his mother, but the outpouring of support on social media was also overwhelming. Despite the significant sum of money received on his behalf, Chauncy felt compelled to start his own business in order to be self-sufficient and help others. What a fantastic adolescent!


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Doordasher Saves Woman’s Life While Delivering Pizza





Caryn Herbert Sullivan had ordered a pizza from DoorDash on a usual Friday evening on February 11th. The driver that accepted the package was Sophia Furtado. The location was on West Island Fairhaven, some 20 miles southeast of Fall River.

When Furtado arrived at the delivery address about 10 p.m., she was in for the surprise of her life. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

She found Sullivan sprawled across the ground in front of her house when she arrived. Her head had been severely injured and was leaking blood. Fortunately for Sullivan, Furtado was not your average DoorDash delivery woman; she had previously trained as an EMT…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

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Pregnant Woman Goes for an Ultrasound, Doctor Gets Quiet When He See the Baby Is Not Alone There





An ultrasound scan is one of the most rewarding experiences for pregnant parents because it allows them to view their children before they are born. This is the story of a woman who got some startling news during one of her ultrasound examinations.

Pregnancy is associated with a variety of emotions. It’s both beautiful and challenging, charming and draining, alienating and uniting. Despite all of the challenges of pregnancy, the joy of most expectant mothers is immeasurable. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Whether a woman is expecting her first child or her second, third, or fourth, the nine months leading up to the birth are indisputably magical and life-changing…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

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Black Boy Grabs Hand of Crying White Classmate, Shows It ‘Doesn’t Matter What Color Kindness Is’





On the first day of school, a year two student went viral for his act of generosity toward a classmate.

When Christian Moore, eight years old, observed his classmate Connor Crites crying, he came up, took his hand, and led him into Minneha Elementary School in Wichita, Kansas, on August 14.

Christian had no idea that Connor was autistic and that his modest gesture had helped him cope with a stressful situation.

“Christian Moore’s mother, Courtney Moore, said KAKE, “I saw him on the ground with Connor while Connor was crying in the corner, and he was consoling him…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


“[Christian] takes his hand in his and leads him to the door. We waited until the bell rang, and then he escorted him into the school. The rest is legend. They are inextricably linked.”

Connor’s mother, April Crites, sat next to Courtney and expressed her concern about her son and how others might perceive him.

The message isn’t lost on their mothers as the photo continues to gather popularity on social media, with many complimenting Christian’s behavior on that first day. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

“Color doesn’t matter. Gender doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if you’re disabled or not — just be kind and open your heart… it’s what the world needs right now “In response to Christian not treating her son any differently than the other students, April stated.

“One act of kindness has the power to change someone’s life and the planet. That’s all there is to it.”

Courtney posted on Facebook, “I’m very proud of my son.” “It is a privilege to raise such a caring, loving youngster! He’s a youngster with a big heart, and he had a great first day at school.”

Despite the attention they’re getting on social media, the boys don’t seem to grasp what’s so special about their touching contact.

Connor stated, “He was nice to me.” “I was crying on the first day of school, and he came to my rescue, and I was overjoyed… I cried happy tears when he found me and held my hand.”

The lads expressed their hope that their friendship, and the event that prompted it, will teach them something.

“Be kind,” Christian and Connor both said at the same time.


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