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Things In Your House That Kills You Slowly You Probably Did Not Know- Opinion




It’s possible that you’re not even aware of some of the things in your home that have the potential to result in a tragic death for you or a family member.

This article provides information on 15 common household goods that, if handled improperly, could result in fatal consequences for the occupants of the home. These consequences could be avoided by following the safety precautions outlined in this article. It is possible that these things contain radioactive chemicals, are extremely hazardous, or are risky in general. Additionally, it is possible that they are all three…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

Every day, we are guaranteed to participate in unheard-of gastronomic adventures as a direct result of the relentless march of technological progress. The majority of these pieces of furniture either improve the aesthetic appeal of our homes, make it simpler for us to unwind, or make the quality of our work better. All three of these outcomes are possible thanks to the furniture in question. These kinds of improvements to our homes may look like they will be beneficial and enjoyable, but in reality, they involve potentially harmful compounds that could make us sick.

2. Gas Range

The majority of us like to put houseplants all about our homes, including on our balconies, in our hallways, and in the rooms where we spend the most time. Despite the fact that these plants have a pleasing and appealing appearance, there is a potential danger to one’s health associated with them regardless of whether they are inhaled, consumed, or touched. This is the case even if one does none of these things.

3. Cords for extending spaces and adapters

Most of the time, the presence of carbon monoxide is to blame for fatalities that occur. The majority of residential cooking ranges are stocked with propane and butane, both of which are known to cause damage to an individual’s lungs. These flammable and poisonous compounds should be avoided.

cables, which are used to extend the amount of territory that a source of electricity may reach

There have been multiple fires that have been attributed to extension cords; however, the bulk of these incidents may have been caused by poor wiring in the first place. This is something that is pretty common and can be found in most people’s homes. It is also pretty widespread. An extension cable can become worn out from consistent use over the course of time, which creates a significant risk of starting a fire. This risk can increase as the cable ages.

4. Dental floss and tooth paste

The vast majority of tooth pastes do have fluoride in their formulations, and the vast majority of individuals keep toothpaste in their homes. You won’t even be aware that something terrible is happening to you because the thing that will kill you in the end will do it at a pace that is so inconspicuous that you won’t even know it’s happening. Because fluoride is present, which, if present in sufficient quantities, has the potential to become problematic, there is a possibility that the material in question will be exceedingly harmful. People put themselves at risk for gastrointestinal distress and intestinal obstruction when they swallow toothpaste because it can harden in the intestines.

5. Electric quilts and comforters

Even though they are costly and require a significant amount of time to operate, it is not uncommon to find them in more sophisticated homes. This is due to the fact that they are time and labor intensive. Using an electric blanket when pregnant puts a woman at an increased risk of being overheated. In addition to this, it gives off a significant quantity of electromagnetic radiation, which has been linked to both the development of cancer and the risk of having a stroke.

6. Indoors Swimming Pool

In a good number of these settings, we are provided with conveniences that are intended to make us feel more at ease and comfortable. There are several drawbacks to using an indoor swimming pool that you should be aware of, despite the fact that these pools are excellent. Swimming in an indoor pool can cause your body to become dehydrated and can also increase your risk of developing respiratory conditions like asthma and allergies. This is due to the fact that the chlorine levels in indoor pools are typically higher than those found in outdoor pools. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

7. a central or window-mounted air conditioner

The installation of an air conditioning system is another another amenity that is typically found in residential buildings. During the hottest days of summer, having one of them is an absolute requirement. However, it may take some time before an air conditioner claims your life as its victim. People who wear contact lenses may notice a worsening of eye conditions such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis as a result of their continued use of air conditioners. This may be the case especially if the person uses the air conditioners for an extended period of time. If there is a leaking air conditioner present, breathing contaminated air can make it difficult to breathe, cause convulsions, and possibly result in death.

8. a television set that has a flat screen

This is by far the most utilized piece of household equipment in the entire house. In addition to the risks associated with radiation exposure, individuals who watch more than three hours of television on a daily basis put themselves at an increased risk for a variety of adverse health effects. These adverse health effects include insufficient sleep, behavioral disorders, and other conditions.

9. Citronella candles

The use of mothballs, which are small balls that contain a combination of chemical insecticides and deodorants, is an effective method for warding off pests while storing clothing. Mothballs come in the form of small balls. Although there are a number of problematic habits that can be brought up for discussion, the one that really needs to be tackled is this one. Moth balls are known to contain a number of hazardous compounds, including paradichlorobenzene and naphthalene, amongst other similar substances. When they are exposed to air, they transform into a gas that has the odor of mothballs and give out a scent that is offensive.

These smokestacks discharge gases that have the potential to cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea in addition to irritating the eyes, lungs, and nasal passages. Both of these factors have been associated with the development of cancer in human beings.

10. Paints

a substantial amount of lead present in the paint

The makeup of many paints consists of a variety of volatile organic chemicals, including lead, which is just one of these components. It is widespread knowledge that lead exposure can result in a variety of negative effects on a person’s health.

When exposed to excessive levels of lead, a person runs the risk of developing renal disease, as well as anemia, weakness, and damage to both the kidneys and the brain. Lead toxicity can be fatal at high enough concentrations in the body.

When utilizing these things, it is imperative that you exercise extreme caution because, despite the fact that they are detrimental to adults, they may also be harmful to smaller children and you should keep this in mind.


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Fond of ginger tea? Beware of THESE side effects, know how much is too much




Ginger tea is good to drink as it tastes good and has many benefits. But drinking ginger tea many times a day can harm your health. Know what are the disadvantages of drinking too much ginger tea.

Drinking ginger tea during winter is considered beneficial for health. If there is no ginger in the morning tea, then it is not enjoyable. Ginger is considered very beneficial for health, but ginger tea can prove to be harmful instead of beneficial for health. Excessive consumption of ginger tea can cause stomach-related problems. Apart from this, tea with too much ginger can also lower your blood pressure. Drinking one cup a day is fine but not more than that. If you are also fond of drinking ginger tea, then know what are the disadvantages of it…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Disadvantages of drinking ginger tea 

  1. Acidity in the stomach may increase- Drinking 1-2 cups of mild ginger tea a day does not cause much harm, but if you drink tea several times a day and use more ginger in the tea, then it can cause gas, acidity and cramps in the stomach. People who have stomach problems should not drink ginger tea.
  2. Makes blood thinner- Ginger works as a natural blood thinner. In such a situation, people whose blood is already thin can be harmed by drinking ginger tea. Such people should avoid drinking ginger tea.
  3. Lowers blood pressure- Ginger tea is beneficial for high blood pressure patients, but if your BP remains low then do not consume ginger tea. Ginger contains elements that reduce blood pressure. This can cause more problems for low BP patients.
  4. Do not drink during pregnancy- Ginger tea should not be consumed in large quantities during pregnancy. It can cause heat in the stomach. Ginger is hot and drinking it can increase the problem of gas and acidity. Consuming too much ginger can also harm the baby in the womb.
  5. Allergy can occur- Many times people are allergic to some food items. In such a situation, people suffering from allergies can have problems like itching, rashes and swelling on the skin by drinking ginger tea.


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How Long Can You Have Cancer Without Knowing About It?




Cancer can often be present for years without being detected, depending on its type, location, and growth rate. The duration a person can have cancer without knowing varies widely due to these factors.

Many cancers grow slowly and might not produce noticeable symptoms for a long time. For example, prostate cancer or certain types of breast cancer may develop and progress very slowly…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


In such cases, the cancer could be present for several years before symptoms arise or a diagnosis is made. Prostate cancer, in particular, can sometimes be asymptomatic for a decade or more. Similarly, some types of thyroid cancer or chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) might not show symptoms until they are quite advanced.

Conversely, some cancers are aggressive and grow quickly, potentially causing symptoms within months. Pancreatic cancer, for instance, is known for its rapid progression and late presentation of symptoms, often being diagnosed at an advanced stage. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

The absence of symptoms or vague, non-specific symptoms can delay diagnosis. Many people may experience symptoms that they attribute to less serious conditions, such as fatigue, weight loss, or mild pain, leading to delays in seeking medical advice. Additionally, some cancers are discovered incidentally during imaging studies for unrelated issues.

Regular screenings and awareness of family history can play a crucial role in early detection. For example, mammograms for breast cancer, colonoscopies for colorectal cancer, and PSA tests for prostate cancer can help identify cancer before symptoms develop, particularly in individuals with a higher risk.

Ultimately, the length of time one can have cancer without knowing varies greatly and is influenced by the cancer’s characteristics and the individual’s health monitoring practices. Early detection through routine screenings and attention to potential symptoms can improve the chances of catching cancer before it becomes more advanced.


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Reason Why Black Line Appear Along The Stomach Of Pregnant Women And It Functions




The appearance of a dark line along the stomach of pregnant women is a common phenomenon known as the “linea nigra.” This line, which runs vertically from the pubic area to the navel or sometimes even up to the sternum, is a normal part of pregnancy and typically becomes more pronounced as the pregnancy progresses

The linea nigra is a result of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. Specifically, it is caused by an increase in the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color. During pregnancy, elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone stimulate the melanocytes (the cells that produce melanin) in the skin, leading to the darkening of the linea alba, a line of connective tissue that is normally present on the abdomen but not usually visible…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


In addition to hormonal changes, the linea nigra’s appearance can be influenced by genetic factors. Women with darker skin may experience a more noticeable linea nigra due to their higher baseline levels of melanin. The line is usually more noticeable in women with fairer skin but can appear in varying degrees on all skin types.

The function of the linea nigra is not entirely clear, but it is believed to be a remnant of the evolutionary process. Some theories suggest that the line could serve as a marker or guide during pregnancy, potentially aiding in the alignment of the fetus during birth, though this is not definitively proven. Another possible function is that the line may help to provide a visual reference for the growing uterus and the expanding abdomen, which could be beneficial during the later stages of pregnancy. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

It is important to note that the appearance of the linea nigra is generally harmless and fades after childbirth. As hormone levels return to pre-pregnancy levels, melanin production decreases, and the line gradually lightens and disappears over time. However, the rate at which it fades can vary from woman to woman.

In conclusion, the linea nigra is a natural and common occurrence during pregnancy, caused by hormonal changes and increased melanin production. While its exact function is not fully understood, it is considered a normal part of the body’s adaptation to pregnancy and generally resolves after childbirth.


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