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Daughter came to say goodbye to her mother, She notices something strange And stops the Funeral –




A child walks up to her mother to give her a hug and say farewell, but she finds something strange and decides to interrupt the funeral. Little Katie’s life was full of joy until she was 9 years old. She lived with her mother and her stepfather, both of whom showered her with a great deal of love. She had received an enormous sum of money as an inheritance from her father.

Nevertheless, everything came crashing down when she unexpectedly lost her mother. While she was at the funeral, she saw something that made her scream, causing the funeral to be cut short. She was able to unearth a dreadful lie thanks to the sharpness of her vision. This was, without a shadow of a doubt, the worst day of Katie’s whole life.

Her mother was placed inside the casket and laid to rest. It appeared as though the woman, who had unrivaled beauty, was sleeping. They made fun of her ghostly pallor and her delicate use of natural cosmetics, which gave her face an angelic appearance. Two people were weeping uncontrollably next to the casket as it lay there: the mother of the woman and the grandmother of the little girl, as well as the little girl who had become an orphan as a result of the death of her father in a workplace accident when she was only three years old, and now her mother.

The little girl had a lot of affection for her father, but the truth was that she didn’t have any memories of him because she was too little when he’d been with her. It was her mother’s job to explain to her how exceptional Adam’s relationship had been with her. Her father was a millionaire; his parents owned a sausage firm, and he was an only child. Because of this, he had promised his daughter that he would work day and night so that the family money would continue to rise and she’d have the security of knowing what her future holds.

Katie’s mother Amanda enjoyed a happy life next to her husband, the man she cherished and called hers. When they got married, they promised each other that they would have at least four children so that their child could experience the joy of having siblings. This was because he had never had siblings of his own. Because of his low financial resources, his cousin Robert, who was the son of his mother’s sister, had resided in his house for some time. Robert was his closest living relative.

Robert felt as though his entire life had been taken away from him when Amanda and Aiden got married because he’d spent his entire life with Aiden. However, his uncles assured him that from that point forward, he would be treated just like one of their own children. The couple started their lives together in the new home that they’d just purchased together.

However, due to Amanda’s multiple polyclinics, they had trouble conceiving, and it was only after undergoing a number of treatments that they were finally able to realize their long-held goal of being parents. Amanda experienced a completely healthy pregnancy up until the final week when she began to show signs of high blood pressure and ultimately needed to have a cesarean section to deliver her baby. After the mother and daughter had successfully recovered from the C-section and returned home, the following day, Aiden approached his father with the request to look after them for the next 30 days.

The truth is that the young man was content, but a few months later, he would learn some very disheartening news: his wife had started to present bradycardia. They did a series of tests and discovered that her heart was beating very slowly because her thyroid was very inflamed due to the increase in blood pressure. The doctors advised them that they should not have any more children because doing so would put her life in grave danger. Aiden decided to follow the advice of doctors and became much more attached to Katie as he came to terms with the fact that they would never have another child. Amanda was in a great deal of distress but knew that she had no choice but to resign herself.

After that agonizing incident, two years passed, and they spent those two years living a happy life with their daughter. It wasn’t until one morning that a boiler exploded, taking the lives of three persons, including Aiden, as the young man was supervising the making of the sausages. The news was devastating for Amanda’s family, and it left her feeling hopeless and helpless. After that unfortunate event, Robert, Aiden’s cousin, stepped up to the plate and assumed responsibility for assisting the girl and treating her as if he were her own father. Three years later, he married the woman who had been his cousin’s widow, which made his aunt and uncle very pleased. As a result, they granted him the position in the firm that Aiden had previously held.

There was not a single thing wrong. Robert was a fantastic man and a wonderful father to the girl, and he loved her with all his heart because Robert had been able to replace the vacuum that Aiden had left in her life. He attended the daughter’s school performance where she danced and helped her with her homework while her mother worked at the shop she’d opened in order to support herself.

On the day that the tragedy occurred, everything was meant to be extra spectacular since Amanda was celebrating her 38th birthday with a big party with her friends and had prepared a big get-together. She set off for the bakery in order to ensure that the sandwiches and the cakes she had bought were of the standard she expected. She was requested to attend an earlier taste by the founders of the company, and she invited Robert to come along with her. However, because he had another appointment scheduled, it was impossible for Robert to join her at the tasting. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

She got in her deluxe van and drove off in the direction she needed to go, but as she exited her vehicle with her bag in her hand, she was ambushed by a criminal who grabbed her by the waist and told her not to make any noise because he had a gun and he could pull the trigger. Amanda informed the aggressor that he could take anything he wanted but please spare her life. She was then instructed by the aggressor to get back in the car, and the two of them drove off together.

All of this was captured by the bakery surveillance cameras as it happened. The man kidnapped her, drove her to the outskirts of the city, stole her stuff, and then shot her in the abdomen, which ultimately resulted in her death. A beggar who was strolling about the neighborhood heard the noise, and when he arrived at the scene, he found the woman in the process of passing away. There was also her expensive handbag and SUV car. The man noticed that she’d left her cell phone in the car, so he used it to contact emergency services.

After arriving at the scene to conduct the necessary investigations, the authorities concluded that it had been a fight that had a tragic ending. The process was straightforward, and they finished handling the situation quite quickly. Katie would now be living with her adoptive father, Robert, because he’s Katie’s father’s cousin and Amanda’s legal husband. This news left Amanda’s mother in a state of complete and utter devastation, and the pain she felt was compounded. The grandmother wanted to keep her grandchild, but Robert, who was a very caring man, explained to her that she was too elderly to provide care for the kid. He reassured her, however, that she would always be able to be by the girl’s side. The grandmother was very upset with this news, but because the man was such a capable surrogate father, the woman was able to maintain her composure.

The second problem is that Katie was her father’s only child; therefore, she had inherited his money. However, her father’s will said that she wouldn’t be able to collect it until she turned 18, so this presents a problem. In the meanwhile, her mother served as the executor of her estate. However, when her mother passed away and Robert was appointed as her guardian, Robert would have to step into Amanda’s role.

At the funeral, Robert appeared to be in a state of extreme grief. They all stopped by to express their sympathies to Katie and him. Despite the fact that he gave the impression of having nerves of steel, he appeared to be overcome with emotion and hopelessness and could not stop crying. People had a lot of compassion for him since it was clear that he was going through a lot of pain, and some people even stated that he was more impacted than Katie.

People saw how much pain he was in and felt sad for him. During the entire funeral, Robert did not want to part with the casket in which his wife Amanda was buried. This analogy is incredibly awkward, but Robert was just like the girl in that regard. But when Katie came back from the cafeteria to say goodbye to her mother, she saw that there was something odd about the stepfather.

The young lady noticed that her stepfather, who was sobbing in close proximity to the coffin, was wearing a ring on his finger. She was startled and began yelling as soon as she realized what had happened. The funeral came to a standstill. Everyone who was there was shocked. Nobody, not even the closest of acquaintances, had any idea what was going on. Katie immediately began screaming, “You brat! Are you responsible for the death of my mother? Where did you get that ring?”

Robert was shocked. He struggled to get his words out and then said, “Dear daughter, your mother was the one who presented me with this beautiful ring. You’re aware that her love for me was equal to the love I had for both her and you.”

When Katie heard this answer, she immediately realized that her stepfather was the one who was responsible for the death of her mother because the girl had given that ring to a poor woman on the day that she passed away. In addition to that, Katie had never seen the ring because she hid it in a compartment in her mother’s purse and didn’t tell her anything about it. She planned to tell her to buy some treats in the next two days so that her mother would open that compartment in her bag and find her birthday present. As a result, Katie realized that her stepfather had taken her mother’s life as well as her valuables, including her costly ring.

A policeman who was a friend of the family was attending the funeral, and he arrested Robert upon hearing what had happened. After doing an investigation, they concluded that Robert was, in fact, the murderer of Amanda. He intended to continue serving as Katie’s executor of assets while also attempting to eliminate her so that he could keep her riches.

He was sentenced to spend the remainder of his life behind bars. Katie makes regular trips to the cemetery to pay respects to her mother’s grave, and her grandmother is responsible for watching over her. In addition, she visits her grandfather and grandmother on her father’s side of the family every other weekend.

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Man Brutally Assaults His Ex-Girlfriend In Minna, Says She Was Lucky He Wasn’t Carrying A Knife





Mohammed Abba Yahaya, a 26-year-old man, has been arrested by the Niger State Police Command.

He was arrested for assaulting a 400-level student of the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University (IBBU), Lapai.

The spokesperson of the command, SP Wasiu Abiodun, who confirmed the incident said the suspect was arrested by police operatives attached to the Chanchaga Division in Minna on June 30, 2024, for criminal force and assault against the victim, Hussena Sani, who is his ex-girlfriend. 

“On 29/6/2024 at about 1630hrs, a case of criminal force and assault, causing injury, was reported at Chanchaga Division against the suspect, one Mohammed Abba Yahaya, 26, of Tungan-goro, Minna. At about 2100hrs, he assaulted one Hussena Sani, 25, of the same area, and inflicted serious injury on her,” the PPRO said. 

Yahaya claimed that he saw his female friend, Hussena Sani, being dropped off by a vehicle at Tungan-goro and, upon inquiring about the driver, did not receive a satisfactory response. 

An argument ensued, leading to a physical altercation in which Yahaya punched Sani in the face.

The victim was taken to the hospital for medical treatment, while the suspect has been transferred to the State Headquarters of the Niger State Police Command in Minna for further investigation and prosecution.

However, in a swift reaction, the victim debunked the suspect’s confessional statement to police investigators, though she confirmed that Yahaya was her former boyfriend. 

Sani, whose eyes were swollen and tightly closed, likely due to the beating by Yahaya, recounted her ordeal. 

She explained that the incident occurred on Saturday, 29/6/2024, at about 2100 hrs after she had seen off a visitor in his private car near her residence. 

Sani stated that Yahaya, who saw her alight from the visitor’s car, angrily approached her and demanded to know the identity of the car owner and her relationship with him. 

When she replied that it was none of his business, he slapped her, followed by heavy blows to her face and body, causing her to fall to the ground with one eye bleeding profusely.

She further explained that Yahaya, upon realizing she was struggling in pain and crying for help, forcefully took her iPhone/Android phone and fled.  READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Sani managed to walk slowly, holding her left eye, towards Yahaya’s house to report the incident to his parents. 

Yahaya accosted her again, hitting her on the remaining eye. 

She shouted at him, “Do you still want to kill me?” Yahaya responded that she was lucky he wasn’t carrying a knife, or he would have stabbed her to death.

Sani was later rushed to Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida Specialist Hospital in Chanchaga, Minna, for urgent medical attention and was subsequently referred to eye specialists at Minna General Hospital. 

She has started responding to treatment, though she still cannot see with one of her eyes as of Thursday, July 4. 

Meanwhile, Hajiya Fatima, Sani’s mother, in a brief interview with the Nigerian Tribune, described the injuries suffered by her daughter from her former boyfriend as unacceptable, wicked, and ill-treatment. 

She sent a passionate appeal to the Niger State Government and the State Police Command to ensure that Yahaya is held accountable for his alleged dastardly acts. 

The visibly distraught mother, who was crying throughout the interview, said her daughter’s precarious health condition was a great concern. 

She added that Sani was supposed to have returned to the university for the continuation of her academic program since last weekend, prior to the unfortunate incident.

Hajiya Fatima described the suspect as a brute, heartless, and a thief for snatching her daughter’s phone after inflicting serious injuries on her. 

She advocated for justice against Yahaya and a serious penalty to serve as a deterrent to others. 

She expressed appreciation to the Commissioner of Police, Niger State Command, CP Shawulu Ebenezer Danmamman, and his officers for the immediate arrest, detention, and investigation of the suspect, with plans for his prosecution upon completion of the investigation.

Fatima expressed fears that her daughter may be left with a permanent scar and trauma from the incident, emphasizing that justice must be served. 

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A Married Man Who Lives In His Family House With His Wife And Kids Is Still A Boy





Stella Justice, a Nigerian lawyer, has caused a stir with a statement she made online.

The lawyer opined that a married man who lives in his family house with his wife and children is still a boy.  READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

“If you are MARRIED as a MAN and YOU are STILL LIVING in your FAMILY HOUSE with your WIFE and CHILDREN, you are still a BOY. Such a man is not ready to take up his RESPONSIBILITIES,” she wrote in a Facebook post on Sunday. 

“You and wife needs PRIVACY. You don’t need to HIDE to MAKE LOVE for FEAR of anyone KNOCKING. YOUR WIFE needs to be FREE to wear transparent night gown for you as the husband.” 

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President Tinubu Re-elected ECOWAS Chairman




Tinubu, whose first tenure is to elapse on July 9, 2024, was elected by a unanimous decision of fellow Heads of Government at the 65th Ordinary Session of the Authority held at the State House, Abuja, on Sunday.


Nigeria’s President, Bola Tinubu has been re-elected as the Chairman of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of States and Government for another one-year tenure.

Tinubu, whose first tenure is to elapse on July 9, 2024, was elected by a unanimous decision of fellow Heads of Government at the 65th Ordinary Session of the Authority held at the State House, Abuja, on Sunday.

In his acceptance speech, the President said, “I have accepted to continue to deliver on this service with the great men and women on this democratic journey, to serve our interest and build democratic values on the structure we inherited.” READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Presidency sources had on Saturday night told our correspondent that Tinubu may be elected for another tenure.

“Some people say he should hand over, and others say he should continue. But they will decide tomorrow,” said the source who preferred to remain anonymous as he was not authorised to speak on the issue.

Tinubu was elected Chairman of the Authority at the 63rd Ordinary Session of the regional bloc held last July in Bissau, the capital of Guinea-Bissau.

Details shortly…

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