In light of the recent economic downturn, some individuals with dishonest intentions have resorted to breaking into homes and stealing belongings, despite their claims of desperate...
Have you ever given any thought to what would happen to your body if you continually subjected it to the effects of drinking hot water? When...
Marriage is a wonderful marriage between a man and his wife; nevertheless, many people who married years ago have separated, whereas others are celebrating their marriage....
Shaving may be a time-consuming and occasionally painful activity. If you’re seeking an easy way to remove face and body hair, Coca-Cola could be the answer....
Daniel Ruiz, 25, was watching television and used his foot to crush a 1-year-old girl to death! He is now facing 25 years to life...
A mom in South Carolina has been arrested after she allegedly threatened to kill her 2-month-old baby before throwing the child into a wooded area....
This is Dominque Cottrez, a French woman who is on trial for suffocating eight of her newborn babies. Cottrez had an incestuous relationship with her...
As a parent, you may have questions to consider while deciding whether or not to stay at home or send your child to childcare. The...
When a person does something crazy like committing a crime, normally they are held accountable for their irrational choices, no matter the reason or who...
Life is full of surprises! Most of us have lived through difficult times in our lives and can proudly say that we have survived. Our...