Maria was an ordinary eighteen-year-old girl studying at a university filled with ambitious students striving for success. She was beautiful, smart, and kind, and many...
In a small town, surrounded by green hills and blooming gardens, lived two sisters, Lena and Katya, who had been inseparable since childhood. From a...
Do you remember Kenneth Brumley? Of course you do, and if you don’t, you will learn all about him in this video. Kenneth was one...
He put a phone in his daughter’s coffin. Then he was shocked to open the video when a parent has to bury a child. It’S...
Colonel Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu and Biafran troops Background On the 27th of May, 1967, General Yakubu Gowon promulgated decree number 14 which created 12 states (six...
It was a November afternoon in Chicago. Donald Trump, clad in a long blue-black coat and red tie, strolled down Michigan Avenue. He was in...
Leah’s life came grinding to a halt after she gave birth to black triplets. She was kicked out of her house, and her husband wanted...