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Why Do Lions Not Attack Tourists Who Drive Up To See Them? See The Clear Reasons For This




This inquiry has been circumscribing my brain particularly since my affection for watching “Public Geographic Wild” truncated as ‘ NatGeo Wild‘ has developed enormously.

I generally can’t help thinking about why a gathering of individuals would sit in an open vehicle and drive gradually past enormous ruthless creatures like Lion, Leopard, Tigers and the preferences and wouldn’t be spooky or pursued by them.

So I chose to delve in and accomplish a greater amount of examination on the topic, and I’m here with the reasons. The best and appropriate clarification I got was that most savage creatures, have their view substantially more centered around development following (This is deductively demonstrated) than subtleties on its preys.

To stall down, it basically implies that when these creatures see numerous individuals in an open safari vehicles, all they see is one single thing. All they see is an extremely enormous creature with certain supplements on its head.

Seeing this, they expect the creature since it’s enormous, could be more impressive than they are so it doesn’t intrigue them to assault. This clarification is appropriate for reasons why lions and panthers and other savage creatures don’t normally assault grown-up rhinos and elephants: they feel the pressure isn’t commendable. So they don’t assault human, not on the grounds that they dread people…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

Be that as it may, there is something you should comprehend. Summit predators, for example, lions or panthers are clever and inquisitive creatures.

In the event that using any and all means an individual from the travelers stands up or move away from the remainder of the people(‘people’ who appeared to them as an enormous monster), the predator might be befuddled and along these lines gets inquisitive which could make it approach the isolated individual. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

For this situation, the predator may assault the individual who might appear to be simple for it to slaughter and eat. It is for the previously mentioned reasons, that nearby aides ordinarily sharpen travelers and vacationers to keep up complete respectability and quietness when near these creatures.

You’re not expected to move any aspect of your body, in order to persuade the predators that you are every one of the a solitary substance( a huge monster) and consequently won’t endeavor any assault on the safari vehicle.

Once more, some private game stores don’t illuminate the defensive measures, to be taken by travelers, all together not to terrify them into thinking about a plausible assault. Or maybe, they get ready and train the creatures to become accustomed to human presence.

They get the creatures used to the safari vehicle and individuals, by running near them on a successive premise, until the creature is utilized to the vehicle and individuals and don’t show forcefulness any longer.

Now and again where lions or different predators appears to be difficult in adjusting to human presence, they either exchange them or destroy such creature. This is done to abstain from giving the game hold an awful name. It isn’t to state fatalities don’t occur however.

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“My Boyfriend Forgets his bank card every time we go out to Eat.” Lady complains.




A 32-year-old woman dated her 39-year-old boyfriend, who had two young children, for nine months when they had a massive argument. The woman turned to Reddit for advice after her boyfriend repeatedly “forgot” his wallet during restaurant outings, forcing her to pay for everyone.

She was particularly concerned about how she acted in front of his children. The woman shared that her boyfriend’s kids loved eating out, so they went to restaurants weekly. However, every time they went out, he conveniently forgot his card. Initially, it didn’t bother her, but she was left broke after covering multiple meals in the previous month…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>> READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

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Man Bursts into His Boss’s Office after Learning He Spreads Rumors about His Wife




I was finishing up my day at work when I overheard some coworkers talking about my boss, Mr. Craft, and claimed he had slept with my wife, Amanda.

I was completely furious. My blood was boiling, and I couldn’t see clearly when I stormed into Craft’s office to face him. He didn’t even deny it, saying Amanda was dissatisfied and wanted a promotion to help me out…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


I rushed home, desperate to talk to Amanda, but she was gone, and our safe was empty. Days turned into months with no sign of her. I was a wreck, barely holding it together. But, a year later, I accidentally ran into her. It turned out she was living under a new name in a nearby town. I had to know what had happened.

“Amanda,” I called out, my voice trembling as I saw her at the local grocery store. She turned, her eyes widening in surprise and then filling with something I couldn’t quite place. Fear? Guilt?

“Eric, I…” she started, but words failed her. I grabbed her by the arm and guided her to a nearby café. She didn’t resist.

Image for illustration purpose only (Freepik)

We sat down, and I demanded answers. Amanda took a deep breath and started to explain, her hands shaking.

“I never wanted to hurt you, Eric,” she said, her eyes filling with tears. “Mr. Craft made advances on me, and I felt trapped. He promised me a promotion and more money if I went along with it. I thought it would help us, but it spiraled out of control. When I finally refused him, he threatened to ruin us both.”

I could barely contain my anger, but I listened. “So you just left? Took everything and disappeared?”

She nodded, wiping her eyes. “I was scared, Eric. He said he would make sure you’d lose your job, that we’d lose everything. I thought if I left, he’d leave you alone.”

I leaned back in my chair, my mind racing. “And the money?”

Image for illustration purpose only (Freepik)

Amanda looked down, ashamed. “I took it to start over. I didn’t think you’d forgive me, and I was desperate.”

We sat in silence for a few minutes. I was overwhelmed by a mix of emotions — betrayal, anger, sadness. But beneath it all, there was still a small part of me that cared for her. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

“Why are you here, Amanda?” I finally asked.

“I couldn’t go far,” she said. “I wanted to keep an eye on you, make sure you were okay.”

I shook my head, attempting to grasp everything. “What now?”

Amanda stretched across the table to take my hand. “I want to make things right with Eric. I realize I made a mistake, but I want to make things right. “Will you ever forgive me?”

Forgiveness was not going to be easy. But the earnestness in her eyes made me understand she, too, was a victim of Craft’s deception.

I drew a long breath and nodded gently. “It will take time, Amanda. Lots of time. “But we can try.”

Image for illustration purpose only (Freepik)

We spent the next few hours chatting, attempting to patch together the broken pieces of our life. Amanda agreed to help me face Mr. Craft and reveal his manipulation and deception. We knew it wouldn’t be easy, but it was a beginning.

Based on Amanda’s testimony and the information we acquired, we filed a report against Mr. Craft. The investigation found a history of abuse of power, and he was finally sacked and prosecuted. It was a minor win, but it felt like reclaiming a piece of our lives that he had attempted to destroy.

Amanda and I tackled it day by day, restoring our trust and connection. The path was long, but we were resolved to walk it together.

In the end, we emerged stronger, knowing that even in the darkest of circumstances, there is a way to discover light and hope.

The post Man Bursts into His Boss’s Office after Learning He Spreads Rumors about His Wife appeared first on Timeless Life.


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Man lured 11-year-old girl into his home and indecently assaulted her, but ‘judge only gave him probation because of what he blamed the girl’ for doing!





Per reports, the then-22-year-old man, Meili, met the 11-year-old child on an online dating app and began chatting with her. Shortly after, their communication became romantic and the 11-year-old girl, unfortunately, agreed to meet up with the man at his home.

Prosecutors said that the 22-year-old man drove the girl to his apartment, where the girl says she accidentally fell asleep. The 11-year-old girl told investigators that she reportedly felt strange when she woke up at Meili’s apartment, feeling like something se-ual had happened to her…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Just days later, she told investigators that the 22-year-old man had se* with her, which the authorities confirmed through a DNA sample in the child’s underwear.

Prosecutors said that the girl also tested positive for chamydia, a se-ually transmitted disease. After pleading guilty to first-degree statutory ra-e, first-degree statutory sod-my, and child kidnapping, Meili should’ve spent years in prison. However, the admitted ra-ist won’t even see the inside of a prison cell thanks to the incredible deal he received. For pleading guilty to the ra-e and kidnapping, Meili’s charges were reduced to just one count of third-degree child molestation.

Despite his charges being drastically reduced, Meili still faced 3 to 10 years in prison along with a $10,000 fine. However, he was given only 5 years of supervised probation after the judge heard his disturbing excuse. Meili told Judge Calvin that he believed the 11-year-old girl was actually 18. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Additionally, he blamed his child victim for the ra-e, claiming that he was “essentially catfished” by the girl after she told him online that she was older and her profile listed her as being 18. “He felt horrible about the entire incident,” his attorney, Scott, said. “He’s going to be required to register as a se* offender for the rest of his life … It’s a tough case. Neither side is really going to get justice here.”

The prosecution later confirmed that it was “absolutely” impossible that Meili believed the girl was 18 years old, as she was identifiably much younger from her physical features alone. Still, the County Senior Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Elizabeth believes that it was willful ignorance that led him to go ahead with the se-ual assault.

Even with his plea deal, prosecutors recommended that Meili serve at least 120 days in a se* offender treatment program and up to 7 years in prison for his crimes. However, Judge Holden only gave him probation, allowing him to literally get away with the ra-e of a vulnerable child.


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