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Pregnant at 10, she arrives at the maternity ward to give birth, and what happens –




Everyone thought that a 10-year-old girl was pregnant, but when the day of delivery arrived, the truth about what was really inside her shocked everyone.

The year was 2002, and it was a beautiful Sunday afternoon in the village where Lily and her family lived. She ran with her friends through the village, and the sound of their laughter filled the air. The sun’s rays reflected on the beautiful waters of the creek nearby, creating a magical atmosphere. The nature surrounding the village was vibrant with colors, beautiful trees, and loving animals.

Lily and her friends, Ben and Eva, were happily running around the village, playing games and racing to the creek. They were sweaty and excited as they ran down the hill, dodging the branches of the large trees and the big stones on the ground. When they reached the creek, the three friends stopped to rest, breathless and tired. Ben, being the liveliest among them, decided to challenge the girls to get into the water. They hesitated at first but soon jumped into the water and had fun swimming in the cold waters of the creek. The children dove into the creek, laughing and giggling with delight as the cool, refreshing water surrounded them. They had fun playing games and having swimming competitions…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


“Good day, ma’am,” she greeted Ava with a stern tone, conveying a message that she was there for business. Ava returned the greeting with a shy, genuine smile, unaware that following this introduction, things would soon spiral out of control for her family. Ava saw the lady lose her composure for a split second, as if wanting to say something before hesitating.

But as quickly as she made that minor slip, she regained her poise, hiding her emotions behind a calm, collected expression. Ava’s curiosity peaked. The older woman knew deep within her that this was not a chance meeting. The young lady had not knocked on the wrong door and was no ordinary stranger. She had a clue who the young girl was, yet hesitated to bring herself to that standpoint. Fed up with the suspense, Ava inquired about the lady’s presence at her house. However, instead of responding to the question, the young lady dropped a bombshell.

“My name is Felicity. I’m your biological daughter.”

The words threw Ava off balance, hitting her like a punch in the gut. Although she had realized who she was long before the lady spoke up, her heart still sang at an alarming speed as she understood the gravity of the devastating situation. The lady before her was the daughter she had abandoned about 20 years ago, a child she and her husband gave up due to her apparent imperfections. Now she stood by their door, beaming with determination and an unclear motive. Ava was shocked and confused by her sudden appearance, fearing what lay ahead. Little did she know that this encounter would lead to a life-changing experience for her and her husband, one that would unfold in a few minutes.

Ava and Peter Morris were the epitome of a match made in heaven. Each came from influential backgrounds, with Ava’s family owning an upcoming fashion line and Peter’s family heading a chain of art galleries in Sydney, Australia. They met in college, and soon a beautiful relationship bloomed. At the time, the duo were the envy of many couples.

They were attractive, classy, and passionate about art and beauty. After college, their youthful romance led to a fairy tale wedding of the century. Many of their friends and well-wishers envisioned a beautiful family for the power couple, with children who would inherit their charm and appealing physical attributes. They even pictured their offspring as a perfect blend of their parents’ best features, potentially becoming the face of their beauty empire.

When Ava became pregnant a few months after their wedding, everyone, especially Peter, was overjoyed. With each passing day, they imagined the miniature version of themselves finally completing their picture-perfect family. Along the way, they discovered that their baby would be female, which was joyous news that the couple eventually celebrated with family and friends at the gender reveal.

As Ava and Peter waited for their baby’s arrival, they busied themselves preparing the nursery, debating over a list of adorable names, and even creating a savings account for their future bundle of joy. The excited couple got so engrossed with their anticipation for the newborn that they never left room for disappointment. This factor left them unprepared for the shock they were going to receive at their child’s birth.

When their daughter was born, their dreams shattered instantly. She had ginger hair, large ocean-blue eyes, and pale skin. Additionally, her neck seemed stiff, appearing stuck in a fixed position to the left. Then, to sum it up, her face was squished together with wrinkles all over, giving her the appearance of an old person. Ava and Peter were devastated. Their daughter’s face was repulsive and it was nothing like they had imagined all this while. Ava’s doctor assured them that newborns often look unattractive immediately after birth. He urged them to be patient, promising that her natural face would surface within days.

The couple found solace in the expert’s advice, holding on to the hope that their newborn’s face would be attractive soon. However, despite their resolve, Ava and her husband couldn’t shake off some factors regarding their daughter’s physical features. The apparent dissimilarities they noticed in the child threw the couple off.

While Ava and Peter had tan skin, their daughter had a pale complexion. Furthermore, her unexpected hair color contrasted heavily with Ava’s dark and Peter’s brown hair, raising more eyebrows on the topic. The only correct feature was her blue eyes, which matched perfectly with Peter’s. Just like that, the joyous day they had anticipated for months spiraled into a day of confusion and major disappointment.

Ava and Peter were so ashamed of their daughter that they dismissed their parents’ request for a video call following her birth. Peter left afterward for his business meetings, refusing to cast another glance at their newborn. As for Ava, the young mother struggled to hold the baby in her arms, as she always felt repulsed whenever she saw their daughter’s face.

Due to their immense pride and ego, they refused to spread news of the baby’s birth, afraid that their friends would visit, see their child, and mock them. As time passed, the child had no noticeable changes, contradicting the doctor’s encouraging words. To their dismay, their daughter was still ugly, and this bothered Peter and Ava immensely. Then, a week later, the family changed location to avoid unwanted visitors. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Desperate for a medical solution, the couple visited a specialist, hoping for good news. During one of these sessions, they received interesting news. Their daughter’s face could potentially be fixed through corrective surgery; however, it could only be permissible when she reached a certain age. Although the news offered a glimmer of hope for the concerned parents, it did not help calm the raging storm within Ava and Peter.

The thought of taking their ugly daughter out in public made them sick to their stomachs. When they failed to find any possible immediate solution to their little venture, they resigned to one drastic measure: confining the baby girl in their house until a new development sprung up. Peter and Ava pushed through with their plan. Access to their daughter was limited, and whenever friends asked for her, the couple would explain that they had a stillbirth.

Four months later, Ava and Peter finally found their solution when Ava became pregnant. This new development offered an escape from their current predicament, consequently leading them to make one last life-changing move: abandoning their daughter at a foster care home. All the while, the couple had never cared enough to give their daughter a name, seemingly because they viewed the naming ceremony as an acknowledgment they were never ready to make. After abandoning their little girl, Peter and Ava never thought that they would cross paths with her again. But they learned 20 years later that fate had other plans in store for them, as their daughter, now known as Felicity, surprisingly showed up at their doorstep.

Ava and Peter stared at the young lady, mesmerized by her presence and noticing something different about her look. While her ginger locks and blue eyes remained, the wrinkles, large eyes, and wrinkled neck she was born with were no longer prominent. Instead, she had beautiful, glistening skin, almond-shaped eyes, and good posture. Ava and Peter struggled to admit it, but Felicity was beautiful. They knew she must have had corrective surgery but were curious to know how. Felicity, sensing their curiosity through the incredulous expression on their faces, offered them the explanation they sought.

“I had corrective surgery if that’s what you’re thinking,” her voice conveyed an undertone of bitterness and triumph as if she was rubbing the truth in their faces. With that, Felicity took a trip down memory lane, opening up chapters of her life that she had long since buried. She recounted her painful past, revealing the struggles she faced as a growing kid in foster care. For as long as she could remember, Felicity was moved from one home to another.

She was an unproblematic child, but complaints about her appearance from other children resulted in her continuous transfers. As she grew up, she watched as kids her age were adopted into good homes with loving families, leaving her feeling unwanted. As time passed, she grew to resent the foster system and her parents, who put her there. All Felicity ever longed for was a normal childhood with friends and a stable family. But as she grew older, she realized such a dream was too much for a foster kid to ask for.

At age 14, she knew her chances of ever getting adopted were non-existent, and so she arrived at a resolution in her mind. Instead of waiting for someone to welcome her into a family, she would make one for herself. Her determination soared to staggering heights. Over time, she focused on her studies in the public school she was enrolled in and worked a part-time job at a bookstore to support herself. However, there was only so much the young girl could do alone. Her ugly face restricted her from taking on specific jobs, and her school didn’t offer her many favors. These downturns left her distraught and on the verge of giving up. But just before calling it quits, a window of opportunity presented itself for the young lady.

On her 17th birthday, the bookstore owner she worked for gifted her a phone. With this phone, Felicity utilized various social media applications to build a name for herself. Like her parents, the young lady was an art enthusiast with a passion for modeling—an irony for someone with a perceived unappealing face.

She posted fashion reviews and modeling content for months, including videos of herself strutting and striking poses. While she did this, she hid behind a mask, unwilling to scare her followers away. From her tiny room in her foster home, Felicity maintained her online persona, drawing global fans who were curious about her identity. Eventually, she witnessed a breakthrough. Two months before she turned 18, a modeling agency contacted her through her social media account. They signed her, and her life took a transformative turn from then on.

For the next year, she continued to model with her mask as it helped her with viewer retention. However, while the world grew accustomed to seeing her hidden face, something bizarre was brewing underneath. Felicity’s agents unexpectedly sponsored her medical procedure to fix her face. For one year, the lady went off the fashion radar as she underwent a series of extensive corrective surgeries on her face and neck. It was after she welcomed her new face that she took the bold step of searching for Ava and Peter. The search was a challenging feat, though. Felicity had to enlist the help of a private investigator who traced her roots to the Morris’s doorpost.

Felicity concluded her story by emphasizing her motive for the visit, which she revealed was to let Peter and Ava know of her success without them. Although she never grew up in a wealthy family or enjoyed a normal childhood, she was grateful for the life lessons she learned along the way. Following her closing statement, Felicity motioned to leave, but Ava stopped her in her tracks. Ava and Peter begged her for forgiveness. The beauty they desperately wanted to preserve in the family had waned with time. This fact taught them a valuable lesson: such a thing was of no importance in the family. Unfortunately, they realized their mistake a little too late and had caused their daughter irreparable pain.

Seeing that the air was thick with sadness and regret, something different stirred within Felicity. She felt a pang of relief, knowing that her parents, despite having a comfortable life and a stash of material possessions, still felt miserable about their decision to give her up. In response to their remorseful apology, Felicity did something unexpected. Felicity told Peter and Ava that she forgave them. She confessed that although it was not part of the plan, she felt it was necessary to do so. Instantly, the elderly couple were hit by a wave of relief, feeling a mighty burden alleviated from their shoulders. Peter asked if she was willing to join the family, and she gave a shocking reply.

Felicity refused, explaining that she still wanted to continue down the path she had created for herself. Irrespective of her forgiving them, she still needed time for acceptance and adjustments. That said, the young lady wasn’t ready or interested in settling down with them. However, she still promised she would be in touch. Afterwards, Felicity left, her presence feeling like a new being. She endured a dark past but was lucky enough to have overcome it thanks to sheer determination and resilience. In her modeling job, Felicity found the peace she had always dreamed of and vowed to never let societal or personal standards ruin her life again.


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How The People of Ara-Ekiti Committed Mass Suicide To Avoid Enslavement in 1855




The mass suicide was initiated by the leader of Ara town, Alara Elejofi, who (with the help of his first son) destroyed his properties, killed his family and himself. Many other households in the town replicated this act, and when the Ibadan army arrived with their wide array of weaponry, they turned back at the gory sight of dead bodies that littered the town…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>> READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

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19-Year-Old Girl Beaten For 4 Hours Because She Wouldn’t Get Boyfriend Cigarette




This past summer, Kelsie Skillen, 19, was beaten by her boyfriend, James McCourt, 19 in Glasgow, Scotland. Kelsie, a makeup artist, shared pictures of her injuries on Facebook.

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Mother says boyfriend forced her 5-year-old daughter to put uriine-soaked socks in her mouth and then pulled it out so aggressively that two of her teeth fell out, but that’s not the worst of it!




Prosecutors said the 23-year-old mother, Katrina, and her 27-year-old boyfriend Jose forced her 5-year-old daughter to put uriine-soaked socks in her mouth and then pulled it out so aggressively that two of her teeth fell out.

But, unfortunately, that’s not the worst of it! Last week, the mother pleaded guilty to her role in the death of her 5-year-old daughter. Prosecutors said the mother pleaded guilty to a first-degree felony count of injury to a child causing serious bodily injury by omission, NYP reported…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>> READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

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