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Suspicious Priest Has No Idea Camera Was Watching Him, Then He Did Something SHOCKING To The Nun! –




Father Albert had been grappling with theft and vandalism in the church. Determined to catch the thief, he decided to install a secret camera in the church. The footage revealed something shocking.

Father Albert sat in the front pew of St. Andrew’s Parish as they were concluding a fundraising event. He wanted to expand the parish and construct a few new buildings on the church grounds. After the mass, he and the other trusted members counted the donations, which totaled thousands of dollars. Father Albert placed the money in a bag and took it to the vestry, a secure building that housed all the church’s sacred items. He locked the money inside the vestry, confident it was safe since he was the only one with the keys…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


The next morning, Father Albert planned to contact the church contractors and begin the projects. When he went to the vestry to retrieve the cash, he was shocked to find the lock had been tampered with. Stunned, he stood there, hoping his greatest fear hadn’t come true. He pushed the door open, and to his dismay, he discovered the bag of money was gone.

Albert broke down in tears, wondering who could have done such a thing. The church environment was secure, and there seemed no way for a thief to access the vestry. The theft raised many questions but provided no answers. Determined to prevent a recurrence, he doubled the security and changed the vestry lock. He also advised everyone in the parish to be vigilant and watchful.

The following Sunday, after the service and offerings were collected, Father Albert took the bag of money to a sanctuary, a secluded building used as a prayer room. He locked the money in a secret chamber, confident it was safe, and made a mental note to take it to the bank on Monday morning. The next day, as he dressed and headed to the sanctuary, he was dismayed to find that the locks had been picked again.

“Oh my God, what is happening?” he screamed as he pushed the door open. The entire room had been ransacked. Father Albert checked the chamber, but there was no sign of the money. The thief had struck again, leaving him in deep pain. Grieving, Father Albert stepped out of the sanctuary and walked into the church, contemplating how to best handle the situation.

Father Francis, his assistant, met Albert in the church. They discussed the issue, and Francis promised to be extra vigilant, assuring Albert that the thief would be caught soon. Francis, a priest who had been transferred to the parish four months ago, had earned Albert’s trust. Francis suggested that Albert keep the money in his own room for added security. It was a good idea, and Albert decided to act on it.

A week later, the church embarked on a philanthropic mission, donating a significant sum of money to support the parish orphanage. Albert gathered all the money and took it to his room, confident that the thief wouldn’t break in there. A few hours after midnight, an emergency arose at the church when a woman brought her sick son for prayers. Albert’s attention was needed, so he put on his robe, locked his door securely, and went to the church.

He spent hours praying for the boy until dawn. He went back to his room and unlocked the door, his eyes widening in shock. It was clear someone had been inside. His heart pounded as he headed to the shelf where he had placed the money, but to his utter shock, the money was gone. He couldn’t understand how it had happened. His room had a secure door and a burglar-proof lock. There were no signs of forced entry, and no one else had a copy of his keys.

“Oh God, what’s happening in my parish? Lord Jesus, what do I do now? Where do I start from?” he exclaimed. That evening, during mass, he broke the news to the parish members, and everyone was saddened. Father Albert suspected the theft was the work of an insider. An outsider wouldn’t have been able to find his room and unlock the door. It was a painful realization he didn’t want to accept. He trusted every single priest and nun, believing none of them could steal from the church.

Amidst the robbery scandal, a controversial rumor was spreading in the church. It was a sensitive issue that Albert hadn’t paid much attention to because of the thefts. The church and the entire community suspected an illicit affair between Father Francis and the nun named Rebecca. Rebecca, a faithful sister who served in the children’s department, was a beloved nurse and caregiver who had been in the parish for over six years. During that time, she had never exhibited any questionable behavior until Francis was transferred a few months ago. Since Francis’s arrival, he and Rebecca had grown very close.

They prayed together, did domestic chores together, and spent a lot of time with each other. Parishioners began to wonder about their relationship as they often sat together in the church garden, studying the scriptures and laughing heartily. Although Albert had noticed their closeness, he wasn’t concerned about it. His primary focus was on the thefts, an unprecedented issue for the parish.

Father Albert was well known for being zealous for the things of the church. He had initially been transferred to St. Andrew’s Parish as a junior priest. A year into his tenure, he had been promoted to senior priest and had been serving for a total of eleven years. Although his primary duty was to uncover the culprits behind the recent thefts, he knew he needed to address this issue swiftly to prevent it from escalating into a full-blown scandal. Father Francis and Sister Rebecca were questioned by the church council regarding the rumors about them.

Francis insisted that their relationship was purely platonic. Rebecca had merely helped him settle into his role at St. Andrew’s Parish since his arrival a few months ago. He explained that she assisted him with various tasks and helped him navigate issues unfamiliar to him. Additionally, Rebecca ran errands for him and showed him around town, all out of goodwill and innocence. The church trusted Father Francis, who was a well-respected servant of God with a history of good deeds in his former parish. After questioning, he and Rebecca were dismissed. Father Albert then addressed the congregation, cautioning them about the dangers of spreading false scandals. He reminded them that slander was contrary to their faith and urged them to refrain from it.

A few days later, a nun saw Rebecca sneaking into Father Francis’s room. This incident was reported to the council, and both were summoned again. Father Francis maintained that there was nothing inappropriate between himself and Rebecca, emphasizing his respect for the sanctity of the priesthood and his commitment to his vows. Rebecca, however, could not provide a satisfactory explanation for her actions. Consequently, the council ordered her to avoid any further contact with Father Francis. The previous scandal had finally been forgotten when another shocking incident occurred.

The cathedral in Rome sent vestments, medals, and relics to St. Andrew’s Parish to foster a sense of unity. The vessels arrived at night, known only to the nuns, mass servants, and priests. They were locked up in the sanctuary as they were meant to be officially blessed before being used. Two days later, Albert decided to check on the items in the sanctuary. To his shock, he found the locks had been picked. He opened the door and, to his horror, stared into the empty room.

The communion vessels were gone, carted away without any trace. Albert was now convinced that the thief was among the parishioners. Heartbroken, he struggled to accept that those he trusted were responsible for stealing from the church, an abomination to the holy order of the parish. The church was now but a shadow of its former self, and he feared the news reaching the cathedral in Rome, potentially leading to sanctions. Knowing he needed to act quickly before the situation worsened, Albert was aware that without intervention, the thief might strike again.

Albert had an idea and wanted to discuss it with the church council, but he hesitated. He realized that any information reaching the council might also reach the thief, who could be among its members. Instead, he took matters into his own hands. He purchased a CCTV camera and hired a technician from outside town to install it discreetly, making sure no one else knew about the camera. He was confident that this time the thief would be caught.

With a major event scheduled for the next week, Albert anticipated that the thief would strike again during the event. Donations were collected as usual. After the program, Father Albert took the money to the sanctuary, placed it inside, and locked it up. Afterward, he returned to his room, hopeful that the thief would strike again. All night, he stayed awake, staring at his computer screen, waiting for the intruder to appear. As the hours passed, the stress of the day caught up with him, and he began to feel fatigued. Despite his efforts to stay awake, he couldn’t fight nature. Eventually, he lay back on the bed and dozed off.

A few minutes after midnight, Albert was startled awake by a noise. Groaning, he realized it was just a bird perched on his window. Though he wanted to go back to sleep, the thought of the camera kept him alert. He moved to his computer and watched the live footage. A few minutes after he began watching, he saw a shadow lurking around the sanctuary. His heart skipped a beat as he watched carefully. The thief crept toward the door, wearing a mask and carrying a bag. The thief set the bag down, pulled out some tools, and began picking the locks. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

After a few minutes, he pushed the door open and stepped inside. Removing his mask, he switched on his flashlight. He clearly had no idea a camera was watching him. For a moment, Albert’s heart seemed to stop. He placed his hand on his head in dismay as he recognized the criminal. It was Francis, a man he had trusted and served with in the church. He couldn’t believe Francis was capable of

such an act. As Francis started to arrange the bundles of cash into his bag, everything began to make sense to Albert. The thefts were indeed the work of an insider. Just as he decided to call security, he saw someone else creep into the room. It was Sister Rebecca.

Father Albert slammed his fist into the table, realizing the rumors were true. He was devastated that people he trusted could betray him, showing no respect for the sanctity of the order. It seemed like they were not only having an affair but also stealing from the church. As Albert stood up, he saw something shocking. Rebecca pulled out a bat from her bag and tried to fling it at Francis, but he was faster. Dodging the blow, he quickly disarmed her.

As he swung a punch, Rebecca swiftly ducked and threw herself at him. Francis dragged her back and landed a few punches. He seized the bat and prepared to swing, but she ducked again. Rebecca’s basic martial arts training from high school helped her evade most of Francis’s deadly attacks. Still, Francis knew he had to succeed to escape with the money, so he did something very shocking to the nun. Just then, his eyes caught a small crucifix on the wall, and he immediately reached for it. Using all his strength, he hit Rebecca with it and immediately fled the scene.

Father Albert was shocked as he watched the fight between the priest and the nun. He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed security, then ran to the sanctuary to help Rebecca. By the time he arrived, Francis was nowhere to be found, and Rebecca was lying unconscious on the ground. Albert immediately called for an ambulance. A few minutes later, the ambulance and the security arrived. The entire church was placed on lockdown while Rebecca was rushed to the hospital.

Afterward, Albert led the security team to Francis’s room. Francis, unaware that he had been discovered, was briskly placing his clothes and everything he had stolen into a big bag. He planned to escape through a secret entrance without anyone knowing. When he heard knocks on his door, he quickly pretended to be asleep, hoping whoever was at the door would leave. However, the knock only grew louder. Quickly, he hid the bag under his bed before getting to the door. He was shocked when he saw Albert and the security guards at the door.

“What do you want from me?” he stammered.

“Arrest this thief!” Father Albert thundered before ordering the security team to search his room. Francis tried to escape but was restrained. The security team found bags of money hidden under the bed. Albert stared at him in shock, unable to comprehend that Francis would steal and even hurt a nun. A few moments later, the police arrived and took Francis into custody. The news spread like wildfire, leaving everyone disappointed and feeling betrayed. Some even began to lose faith in the sanctity of the priesthood. Albert was still in shock over the entire incident. The police launched a thorough investigation into Father Francis, and what they discovered was very shocking.

Father Francis was an impersonator. The real Father Francis, who served at St. Louis Cathedral and was to be transferred to St. Andrew, had been waylaid by robbers and shot to death. The imposter’s real name was Bernard, a fugitive who had escaped from prison. He was wanted for murder, drug trafficking, and other crimes, and had been on the run for over a year. While evading the police, Bernard joined another gang and lived a rough life, committing all sorts of crimes.

They made money off people’s sweat and tears and spent recklessly. Bernard enjoyed this phase, but he knew the police would find him soon. He needed money and resources to leave the country but lacked both. It was during this period that the gang ambushed Father Francis on his way to St. Andrew’s Cathedral. Bernard noticed the priest had similar features to his own that could fool people who had never met him, so he decided to steal his identity and pose as him.

Born into a Catholic family, Bernard had some knowledge about Catholicism and priesthood, making it relatively easy for him to impersonate one. After taking Father Francis’s life, he threw the body out of the car, wore the priest’s robe from the back seat, and drove to St. Andrew. Upon his arrival, he was welcomed as Father Francis.

Bernard had no idea that someone at the parish would recognize—or rather, not recognize—Father Francis, and that was none other than Rebecca. After a few days, Rebecca was discharged from the hospital. Father Albert and a few police officers visited her, and they were stunned by her reports. Rebecca had served at St. Louis Cathedral six years ago, where the real Father Francis had been her mentor and friend.

She was pleased to hear he would be transferred to St. Andrew’s, but to her utmost disappointment, the man who arrived claimed to be Father Francis yet clearly was not. Initially, Rebecca attributed the differences in his facial expressions and appearance to aging. However, when he failed to recall any memories of their time together in St. Louis, she became suspicious. This inconsistency piqued her curiosity, leading her to suspect something was amiss.

“Everything about him was strange, and I felt compelled to investigate,” Rebecca explained her suspicions. Her growing closeness to him was part of her scrutiny. She discovered that he was unfamiliar with many priestly tenets, which was highly unusual for someone in his supposed position. Several times, she asked him questions about the cathedral doctrines, and his lack of knowledge confirmed her doubts. At that point, she realized he was not a real priest.

Rebecca had twice caught him roaming the premises late at night. After the first theft occurred, she suspected him but lacked proof. Hesitant to make false allegations against the priest, she decided to take a more direct approach by stealing his keys to sneak into his room. Unfortunately, she was caught by a nun during the attempt. Had she succeeded, she might have uncovered his identity as a thief. By then, Father Francis had grown suspicious of the nun and her tendency to show up unannounced during the day.

He decided it was time to steal from the church one last time before disappearing, but he had no idea a camera would be watching him. The fateful night when the truth came out, Rebecca had caught him creeping toward the sanctuary. Initially, she had thought he was a stranger, but upon closer inspection and recognizing his face, she realized it was him. She immediately went into her room and picked up her bat, which she used to confront him. That had led to the nasty fight that landed her in the hospital.

Everything now made sense to Albert and the police. Albert apologized for not conducting a proper background check on Bernard and commended Rebecca for her courage and determination. He saluted her bravery and expressed his gratitude. The police discovered the body of the real Father Francis in an alley, leading the church to hold a funeral in his honor.

Bernard was subsequently tried in court and sentenced to life imprisonment. All the stolen money was recovered by the police and returned to the church, allowing all halted projects to resume. The church experienced no further thefts. However, Albert was left with a sense of guilt over his initial carelessness, which had nearly cost the church its reputation. He resolved to be more diligent in verifying the backgrounds of anyone transferred to his church in the future.


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At Husband’s Funeral, Woman Notices Note Sticking Out of His Pocket, Quietly Pulls It Out At husband’s funeral




\At the husband’s funeral woman notices, notes, sticking out of his pocket and quietly pulls them out. Christy believed she was in a loveless marriage, as her husband would always be drowning in work and never had time for her. In the end, she realized her husband loved her more than anything in the world, but it was too late.

Christy and alex had been married for 10 years and had no children together. Instead, they were focused on each other’s careers and it ended up taking a toll on their relationship during special occasions like Valentine’s Day, and their anniversary, alex and Christy would always head out to a simple dinner at a restaurant…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Instead of thinking these dinners were romantic. Christy would often find it more of a routine as it’d be the same thing happening year after year, Christy always dreamed of traveling the world and experiencing new cultures as they didn’t have children.

She thought this would be possible and they could strengthen their relationship through these travels. However, alex would always turn down her trip proposal saying they were expensive and unnecessary. He insisted on saving up for the future, so they could go on these trips once they’ve retired.

Eventually, Christy fell out of love. She felt her life was routine and that she would simply go home and eat to make matters worse. Alex was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that numbered his days, making it difficult for Christy to leave him one day while she was headed home from work, Christy received a call from the hospital. Mrs. Carson, your husband is not in good condition. It’s best.

You head over here immediately the nurse said. Admittedly, the thought of alex dying, so young still broke Christy’s heart and made her stomach twist, while she felt their love was stagnant and had no spark. He was still her husband, with whom she spent most of her adolescent years with she drove to the hospital trying to hold back her tears.

She started to think about where it all went wrong and how things could have changed if they both just tried harder. As a couple when Christy got to the hospital alex was connected to several machines and could hardly speak, however, he still tried his best to speak to Christy, to let her know how he truly felt Christy.

He started to say. I know I didn’t get to prove this to you, but I want you to know that I love you more than anything in the world. I realized at one point that this love might not be mutual between us. He shared slowly as he had a hard time. Breathing, I do love you Christy, and I didn’t expect to leave this world so early.

I had so many things planned for us. He said searching for Christy’s hand she reached out and held on to him as he continued to speak. These are my last hours and there’s nothing more I’d like than to spend them with you and when I die I’d like to bring a piece of you with me. So please and my funeral – please put something in my pocket yours so that I can keep it forever at this point. Christy was in tears, even though she fell out of love with alex she still loved him and considered him a great part of her life. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

I promise to do that alex. Don’t you worry about me too I’ll take care of myself, so you rest easy and watch over me from up there. Okay, I’m glad you don’t need to be in pain for much longer. She assured him alex nodded as he continued to hold Christy’s hand. If it’s not too much to ask, would it be all right if I was buried in my favorite blue suit?

You know which one that is. He asked christy nodded her head, of course, but don’t think about that now: let’s just enjoy these moments together. Okay, she said trying her best to smile for the next couple of hours. Christy sat beside alex. They listened to music reminisced about their younger days and sometimes sat in silence simply enjoying each other’s company.

That night alex slowly drifted to sleep and never woke up goodbye alex. Thank you. Christy whispered, as he flatlined tears, fell from her eyes and she wept quietly as the doctors and nurses started, taking out the wires connected to his body at his funeral. She approached him one last time and carefully put her locket in his coat pocket. The locket was significant because it was the first-ever gift alex gave her when they were still in college and had one of their first photos together in it.

I wish to remember you for our good times and not for what happened late in our marriage. Thank you for the wonderful years alex she said to him quietly as she placed the locket inside the pocket. She noticed a piece of paper inside and carefully pulled it out for Christy. It read in Alex’s handwriting. She had never seen it before but realized it.

Alex must have anticipated his death before placing it there. She decided to read it later and put it inside the pocket that night when she got home, she prepared herself to read the note. There alex wrote dear christy, I’ve loved you all my life and I’m glad that it’s you I chose to spend the rest of my life with I’m sorry that in the process of wanting to prove my love to you, I forgot to live in the present and Because of that somewhere along the way we became distant, I remember when we were younger you’d talk about your lifelong dream, of putting up a cafe by the ocean where you’d bake your delicious cake recipes and serve hearty meals to customers. I never forgot about this so every day that was my motivation to work so hard. I am sorry that it took up all of my time that I neglected you in the process.

I was so close to watching you fulfill this dream Christy in my safe there’s a bank passbook under your name. There I’ve saved up enough money for you to open your business, there’s also an envelope in there with documents for the purchase of a plot of land. With a small cottage overlooking the sea, this is where you can put up your cafe. I didn’t plan to leave the earth so early. I wanted to open this cafe with you.

I’M sorry. I won’t be there with you as you make this a reality but know that I’m always with you in mind and spirit. I love you with all my heart, eternally alex after reading the note Christy was in tears for the longest time. She believed alex simply didn’t care about her or their relationship. She regretted not speaking to him about their issues and not working it out when she still had time, I’m sorry for letting go so quickly, alex christy sobbed to herself.

I wish I could turn back time. She cried that night. She prayed to alex the entire time speaking to him about his regrets and wishes. Although it took her some time to get over his death, she slowly got back on her feet and started planning the cafe opening as it was. What alex would have wanted after a couple of months, she was ready to finally launch her cafe.


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My 22-Year-Old Son Threatens to Leave the House and Go Live With My Ex-Husband Unless I Buy Him a Car




My son is Michael. He had just turned 22 last month, and I thought we had passed the turbulent teenage years. Little did I know, a storm was brewing right under my nose.

While I was preparing lunch in the kitchen, Michael stormed in, his face twisted with frustration…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

Image for illustrative purpose only. Freepik

“Mom, we need to talk,” he said, his tone unusually serious.

I turned to him, and said. “Sure, what’s on your mind, honey?”

He leaned against the counter, arms folded. “I need a car.”

I paused, taken aback. “A car? What happened to your part-time job? You were saving up for one.”

Michael let out an exasperated sigh. “I know, but it’s taking forever to save up, and I really need it now.”

I frowned, wiping my hands on a kitchen towel. “Michael, cars are expensive. You know that. Besides, you have a job, you can save up a bit more and—”

Impatient, he cut me off, “No, Mom, I can’t wait anymore. All my friends have cars, and I’m tired of depending on you for rides or taking the bus. I need my freedom.”

I felt frustrated, saying “Michael, I understand, but we can’t just afford to buy you a car out of the blue. It’s not that simple.”

He clenched his jaw, his eyes narrowing. “Well, maybe I’ll just go live with Dad then. He’ll buy me a car.”

His words hit me like a ton of bricks.

Image for illustrative purpose only. (Pexels)

David, my ex-husband, always tried to buy Michael’s affection instead of being a responsible parent. I couldn’t believe Michael would even suggest such a thing.

“Michael, you can’t just threaten to leave because you’re not getting what you want,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm.

“Why not? Dad would be happy to have me. He always spoils me,” he retorted, his tone defiant.

I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts, “This isn’t about your dad. It’s about responsibility. You’re an adult now, and part of being an adult is making responsible decisions.”

He rolled his eyes, “Yeah, responsible decisions like being the only one among my friends without a car.”

Though our conversation ended there, the tension lingered in the air. I couldn’t shake off the feeling of disappointment and worry.

Image for illustrative purpose only. Freepik

The following days were filled with silent treatments and tension between Michael and me. Every time I tried to bring up the topic, it ended in arguments.

One evening, we sat down for dinner, and I decided to try again.

“Michael, can we talk about the car situation again?” I asked, cautiously.

He sighed, poking at his food, “What’s there to talk about, Mom? You still won’t buy me one.”

“It’s not just about buying you a car, Michael. It’s about the way you’re handling this whole situation,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

He looked up, his expression defensive, “What do you mean?”

“I mean, threatening to leave if you don’t get what you want is not how adults handle things. It’s not fair to manipulate me like that,” I explained, feeling a mix of frustration and sadness.

He shrugged, “I’m just tired of waiting. Dad would understand.”

“Dad isn’t here, Michael. And buying you a car won’t solve everything. What about the expenses that come with it? Insurance, maintenance…” I trailed off, hoping he would understand. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

He remained silent for a moment before pushing his plate away, “Forget it, Mom. You’ll never understand.”

As he left the table, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt, wondering if I was being too harsh or if I was failing as a parent somehow.

Days turned into weeks, and the tension in the house only seemed to escalate. Michael became more distant, spending most of his time out with friends or locked up in his room.

Image for illustrative purpose only. (Pexels)

One Saturday morning, I found a note on the kitchen counter:

“Mom, I’m going to stay with Dad for a while. I can’t stand being here anymore. Maybe he’ll understand me better.”

My heart sank as I read the words. I knew this day might come, but I never thought it would happen like this.

I immediately dialed Michael’s number, but it went straight to voicemail. Panic started to rise within me as I tried to think of where David lived now. We hadn’t been in touch for years after the divorce.

After some frantic searching, I managed to find David’s number and dialed it, hoping he would pick up.

“Hello?” David’s voice sounded surprised on the other end.

“David, it’s me, Sarah. I… I need to know if Michael is with you,” I blurted out, trying to keep my voice steady despite the rising panic.

There was a moment of silence before he responded.

“Sarah, what’s going on? Michael isn’t here.”

My heart sank even further. “He left a note saying he’s coming to stay with you. He’s upset because I won’t buy him a car.”

David let out a frustrated sigh, “I had a feeling something like this might happen. Look, I’ll try to talk to him if he shows up, but he can’t just run away from his problems.”

I thanked him before hanging up. Days passed without any word from Michael. I tried calling and texting him, but he didn’t respond. I couldn’t focus on anything, constantly worrying about him.

Then, one evening, there was a knock on the door. My heart leaped into my throat as I rushed to answer it. It was Michael, looking tired and defeated, with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

“Mom, can we talk?” he asked, his voice sounding small.

Relief washed over me as I pulled him into a hug, “Of course, come in.”

We sat down in the living room, and Michael began to speak, his voice shaky, “I’m sorry, Mom. I was being stupid.” I squeezed his hand gently, “It’s okay, Michael. I’m just glad you’re back.”

He looked down, avoiding my gaze, “I realize now that running away wasn’t the solution. Dad didn’t even have a clue what I was talking about when I arrived.” I nodded, feeling a mix of sadness and relief, “I’m just glad you’re safe. But we really need to talk about what happened.”

Additionally, we talked. We talked about responsibility, about communication, about the challenges of adulthood. It wasn’t an easy conversation, but it was a necessary one. In the end, Michael understood that getting a car wasn’t just about fulfilling a desire for freedom; it came with responsibilities. And I understood that communication was key, even when things got tough.

Since then, we worked on rebuilding our relationship, stronger than before, knowing that challenges would come, but we would face them together.

The post My 22-Year-Old Son Threatens to Leave the House and Go Live With My Ex-Husband Unless I Buy Him a Car appeared first on Timeless Life.

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Sick Couple Arrested For The Worst Case Of Child Abuse The World Has Ever Seen




Some people do not deserve to be called ‘mom’ or ‘dad.’ Being a parent is the most awesome responsibility! You are in charge of a new human being. They will grow up watching you and learning from you.

How you treat them will be how they treat others. Two infants in Owasso, Oklahoma had bed sores, severe diaper rash, and they were very malnourished…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


child abuse
Image Credit: N/A

The doctors who cared for them said this was the most horrific case of abuse they had ever seen. The two people arrested for the crime on Dec. 10 are Aislyn Miller, 24, and Kevin Fowler, 25.

child abusechild abuse
Image Credit: N/A

When police were called, a nurse told them that she had seen a maggot crawl out of one of the baby’s genitals. The other child reportedly had feces in its ear. One of the babies had a wound on her finger that had been caused by a piece of hair being tied around her finger and not being removed.

child abusechild abuse

Miller claimed that she and Fowler were new parents and didn’t know how to take care of babies. She also added that their condition was a result of being born two weeks premature. Miller has no health insurance and doesn’t know how to use the Affordable care act. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

child abusechild abuse
Image Credit: Facebook

Sounds like she is just making up excuses for her own incompetence. There is no way a baby left the hospital with maggots. How does that even happen? Both Fowler and Miller are now in jail, and bail has been set at $100,000.

child abusechild abuse
Image Credit: Facebook

Good news is that those two babies are out of that awful situation. Share away, people.


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