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Black Boy Grabs Hand of Crying White Classmate, Shows It ‘Doesn’t Matter What Color Kindness Is’




On the first day of school, a year two student went viral for his act of generosity toward a classmate When Christian Moore, eight years old, observed his classmate Connor Crites crying, he came up, took his hand, and led him into Minneha Elementary School in Wichita, Kansas, on August 14…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Christian had no idea that Connor was autistic and that his modest gesture had helped him cope with a stressful situation.

“Christian Moore’s mother, Courtney Moore, said KAKE, “I saw him on the ground with Connor while Connor was crying in the corner, and he was consoling him.”

“[Christian] takes his hand in his and leads him to the door. We waited until the bell rang, and then he escorted him into the school. The rest is legend. They are inextricably linked.”

Connor’s mother, April Crites, sat next to Courtney and expressed her concern about her son and how others might perceive him.

The message isn’t lost on their mothers as the photo continues to gather popularity on social media, with many complimenting Christian’s behavior on that first day.

“Color doesn’t matter. Gender doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if you’re disabled or not — just be kind and open your heart… it’s what the world needs right now “In response to Christian not treating her son any differently than the other students, April stated. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

“One act of kindness has the power to change someone’s life and the planet. That’s all there is to it.”

Courtney posted on Facebook, “I’m very proud of my son.” “It is a privilege to raise such a caring, loving youngster! He’s a youngster with a big heart, and he had a great first day at school.”

Despite the attention they’re getting on social media, the boys don’t seem to grasp what’s so special about their touching contact.

Connor stated, “He was nice to me.” “I was crying on the first day of school, and he came to my rescue, and I was overjoyed… I cried happy tears when he found me and held my hand.”

The lads expressed their hope that their friendship, and the event that prompted it, will teach them something.

“Be kind,” Christian and Connor both said at the same time.


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Devastated mom wants to adopt, spots girl at adoption agency strikingly similar to her late daughter




The softly lighted living room, which had once been filled with a child’s laughing, reminded Eleanor of her great loss and incapacity to move forward. She and her husband, Joseph, lost their daughter Ava to cancer, and things have never been the same since. The anguish and pain that had settled into Eleanor’s life was incredibly difficult to overcome. Eventually, the loss impacted her relationship with Joseph, and the two separated…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


All Eleanor could wish for was to be a mother again.

Five years after Ava passed away, she decided to adopt a kid. Eleanor was browsing adoption websites for hours on end when she came across an image of a young girl named Charlotte. The girl’s similarity to Ava was amazing. They not only had the same hair color, but Eleanor noticed that they had similar facial features.

Without hesitating even a bit, Eleanor called Grace Adoption Services.

“Hello, this is Grace Adoption Services. I’m Samantha. How can I assist you today?” a warm voice came on the other end.

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“My name is Eleanor. I’m hoping to adopt, and a little girl on your website has caught my attention,” she said, scratching her head.

“We’ll set up an appointment for you to come in and meet us. It’s always best if we do this in person.”

Eleanor was quick to agree. “I’m ready to take that step,” she said. “I want to make a difference in a child’s life.”

On the day of the meeting, Eleanor waited nervously at Samantha’s office.

“It’s wonderful to meet you in person,” Samantha said. “I’ve read your application and can already tell you’d be an amazing parent.”

Eleanor was questioned about her motivations for wanting to adopt, as well as other aspects of her background. She was also asked about her spouse, and Samantha informed her that a two-parent home had a better chance of adopting a kid.

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Eleanor revealed that her relationship with her ex had shattered with the loss of their daughter, but the two were still in contact and working to repair their relationship.

Eleanor then left the agency with high expectations of being able to adopt Charlotte. She was so confident that her wish to become a mother again would be granted that she set up a child’s room and purchased everything Charlotte would require if she became her daughter.

Eleanor and Charlotte then met in the park. When Eleanor saw her in person, she was struck anew by the child’s similarity to the late Ava. She purchased some coloring books and markers, which Charlotte received with a modest “Thank you”.

The day was full with fun and laughter, and Charlotte even informed Eleanor that she would love for her to be her mother since she didn’t want to be in foster care anymore.

In the following weeks, Eleanor and Charlotte developed a stronger bond as Charlotte visited Eleanor’s home, explored her new bedroom, and shared meals with her.

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Finally, Eleanor called Joseph. “Ellie,” he greeted warmly. “I’ve been thinking about you.”

“I have some big news to share. Can we meet tomorrow?” she told him.

The following day, Eleanor explained to Joseph that she wanted to adopt. “I can see this means a lot to you. It’s good to see you so alive again,” he responded. “I can’t let grief consume me,” she said. “We can’t let grief consume us.”

In the days to come, Joseph joined Eleanor and Charlotte to dinners and visited them in the house.

Charlotte was happy in what she imagined would be her lifelong home. “I never had a mother like you. “I don’t want to return to foster care,” she said Eleanor. I will be, sweetheart. “I’ll be your mother forever.” READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Finally, the adoption day arrived, and Eleanor brought her closest family and friends to witness the wonderful event. Joseph was also present.

Eleanor and Charlotte stood hand in hand before the court, who formalized the adoption. Eleanor’s eyes welled up with happy emotions as she gazed at Charlotte, understanding they were starting a new chapter together.

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Charlotte thrived in her new setting, acting as a reminder of the love Eleanor and Joseph had once lost, as well as the bountiful love they now possessed.

Charlotte’s presence in their lives drew Eleanor and Joseph closer together, rekindling their bond.

Eleanor received an unexpected call from Samantha. Her voice sounded weird, and Eleanor’s heart skipped a beat because she knew something was wrong.

“Eleanor, Charlotte’s biological mother has contacted me,” the adoption agency owner revealed. “She claimed that Joseph could be Charlotte’s biological father.”

“What? Charlotte could be Ava’s half-sister?” Eleanor whispered.

“We need to confront Joseph about this,” Samantha advised. “If he denies it, a paternity test may be necessary.”

“Why does it matter if she gave the kid up?”

“She said that the affair was quick, but if the biological dad suddenly wants to be in the picture, she may want to challenge the adoption,” Samantha told me. “I just want to be sure nothing can mess with Charlotte’s happiness.”

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Eleanor got up the phone and approached Joseph, who was gardening outside. She told him what Samantha had told her and asked whether he had an affair with anyone. Joseph admitted to having a one-night stand with a lady he met in a support group for grieving parents that he joined following Ava’s death and their separation.

“It was a terrible mistake,” he confessed.

“You mean to say that you might be Charlotte’s father then if this woman gave her up for adoption?” Eleanor inquired, horrified.

“I left the organization shortly after she informed me she was pregnant. “But she might have given the child up for adoption,” Joseph said, nodding.

Eleanor, overwhelmed, inquired about a paternity test, to which Joseph said without hesitation, “I will.” “I’ll take full responsibility for this.”

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Eleanor spoke with Samantha regularly while they waited for the results. “In most jurisdictions, once an adoption is complete, it is generally irreversible,” her now-friend stated softly. When the results arrived, Eleanor had difficulty breathing as they opened the envelope that could change their life yet again. She read it slowly: “Joseph is not Charlotte’s father! “Thank God!”

Upon hearing this news, Eleanor saw Charlotte’s resemblance to Ava as a miraculous coincidence and a second chance for her family. Through Charlotte, Ava could forever remain a part of them.

The post Devastated mom wants to adopt, spots girl at adoption agency strikingly similar to her late daughter appeared first on Timeless Life.


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Teen Boy Puts His Newborn Son up for Adoption, Years Later He Accidentally Meets Him




At the age of 17, Daniel made a difficult decision to give up his newborn child for adoption, as encouraged by his parents. Years later, while coaching a little league team, an unexpected encounter took place. A new student named Robert joined the team and bore a striking resemblance to Daniel’s late girlfriend, Emily. It sparked a curiosity within Daniel, prompting him to find out if Robert was indeed his long-lost son…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Daniel, now 27 and serving as the coach of a little league baseball team at his former elementary school, found immense joy in working with children. This unexpected job opportunity aligned perfectly with his interests and gave him a sense of fulfillment. Teaching English to disinterested teenagers had taken its toll, and coaching young kids proved to be much more rewarding.

As he witnessed little Josh, a shy and bookish nine-year-old, step up to bat, Daniel encouraged him to swing with all his might. Josh was hesitant, fearing the potential impact of the ball. Despite his trepidation, Daniel recognized Josh’s inherent talent and hoped that with time, he would gain confidence and start enjoying the game.

Eventually, Josh connected with the ball, sending it soaring farther than anyone expected. Daniel cheered on the field, filled with pride and admiration for the young boy’s achievement. Amidst the excitement, Mrs. Finkle, a familiar face, approached Daniel with a new student named Robert Marshall, who had recently transferred to the school and expressed interest in joining the team.

Daniel warmly greeted Robert and promised to assess his skills after completing the ongoing practice session. As the days went by, Daniel couldn’t shake off a familiar feeling while observing Robert. He resembled Emily, his late girlfriend, in an uncanny manner. Doubt fueled Daniel’s thoughts, prompting him to entertain the possibility of Robert being his own son.

Ten years ago, when Daniel and Emily were just 17, they found themselves facing an untimely parenthood. Their parents dismissed the idea of abortion, leading Emily to go through with the pregnancy. Sadly, she tragically passed away while giving birth to their son. Emily’s parents distanced themselves from the situation, leaving Daniel torn between his love for his child and his parents’ insistence on giving him up for adoption due to financial constraints.

Coaching the little league team provided Daniel solace, as the kids were of similar ages to his own child. Although physical resemblances were minor, Daniel couldn’t ignore the striking similarity in behavior between Robert and his former self. The unsettling feeling grew with each passing practice, urging Daniel to seek answers. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Summoning courage, Daniel approached Robert’s mother, Mrs. Marshall, and candidly asked if Robert was her biological son. To his surprise, Mrs. Marshall, preferring to be called Nina, acknowledged the physical resemblance but confirmed that Robert was adopted. Without offense, she inquired about the reason behind Daniel’s question.

Hesitant but determined, Daniel disclosed the circumstances surrounding his child’s birth and subsequent adoption. Overwhelmed with regret for the decision he made ten years ago, he expressed his desire to confirm if Robert was indeed his son. Deep down, he longed to know that his child was loved and had a family.

Nina listened attentively and empathized with Daniel’s story. Intrigued, she agreed to a DNA test to provide clarity. The results confirmed Daniel’s suspicions – Robert was his biological son. True to his word, Daniel respected Nina’s life and promised not to interfere. However, Nina extended an invitation to Daniel and his baseball buddies to attend Robert’s birthday celebration that year. This marked the beginning of a new chapter.

Following the party, Nina believed it was time to share the truth with Robert and let him decide if he wanted a relationship with his biological father. Daniel pledged his commitment to embrace the role wholeheartedly, assuring Nina that he would do everything in his power to protect Robert from any potential pain.

The truth gradually unfolded, and Robert began to open up to Daniel. The existing trust they built as coach and player eased the transition into a father-son relationship. As Daniel spent more time with his son, he also found himself falling in love with Nina. Their connection deepened, leading to a blossoming romantic relationship.

The announcement of Nina and Daniel’s engagement filled Robert with pure joy. Finally, he had the father he longed for, just like most of his friends. His little league team had become his extended family, and his life was complete.


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How to Skip an Entry Rug




Tired of their cat Lucky ruining entry rugs, the author embarked on a project to replace the laminate flooring beneath the ruined mat with hexagon tiles. Despite the rubbery and patterned nature of the mat, the cat found a way to soil it, causing concerns about the subfloor

We decided to use hexagon tiles, similar to their kitchen flooring, to create a durable and visually appealing entry. With the plan in mind, we cut out the old flooring along the traced line, preparing the space for the new tiles…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


To address potential moisture issues, we applied waterproofing using Schluter Kerdi membrane and AquaDefense liquid membrane. The tiles were then laid with rapid-setting thin-set mortar, and once set, the author proceeded to grout. We shared the process of mixing and applying the grout, emphasizing the necessity of patience.

The exterior gaps between the tiles and other flooring were intended for caulking, offering flexibility with any shift in the flooring. While grouting can be messy, it is an essential step in the process. It is helpful to use baby wipes to remove the grout film from the tiles. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

The final step involved caulking the edges, providing a finishing touch to the project. The caulk helped hide any irregular cuts and contributed to a seamless look. The completed floor not only addressed the cat-related challenges but also became a practical and visually appealing entryway, capable of withstanding wet and muddy shoes.

The project, while born out of necessity, transformed a previously ruined floor into a functional and aesthetically pleasing space.


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