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Officers Grow Suspicious When Mum Poses This One Particular Query Soon After The Baby’s Passing!




Per reports, the 42-year-old mother, Stefanie, experienced a tragedy, but detectives are suspicious this may be another scandal the mother has gotten herself into.

The mom drove her 2-month-old son Leo to the hospital and within 40 minutes, the baby was dead Investigators found her behavior and history suspicious, so they issued a search warrant on the blue minivan that the mother used to bring her son to the hospital…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Investigators said that within 20 minutes of hearing that her son died, the mother asked how soon death benefits would be paid to her. Documents also mention that doctors recall her being unusually upset after she heard that an autopsy would be performed on her son.

The mother was later charged with eight counts of embezzlement. The total amount stolen was $1.3 million. The mother allegedly stole the money from the property management company of which she was vice president. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Her accusers say the money was stolen to fund her shopping addiction and her husband’s business. Investigators said that she would forge checks and log fake invoices and had been doing so since 2009.

Court documents reveal that her pending embezzlement case is what makes the death of her son and her reactions so suspicious. So far, no charges have been filed concerning Leo’s death and the autopsy has not yet been completed.


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His parents threw him out of the house because he was gay




We believe all people deserve an equal chance – no matter their gender, sexual orientation or skin color.

And the thought that a parent, or parents, would throw their son or daughter out of the house just because they are gay – is simply unacceptable.

Unfortunately, this was Jonathan Allen’s fate. When he turned 18, exactly on the day of his birthday, he was thrown out of the house by his parents who did not accept his sexual orientation. So he gathered his things and left the house…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

But he stayed strong and found a new place to live. Two years later, Jonathan was on the big stage of the popular TV show America’s Got Talent. And all we can say is that we hope his parents watched the show.

Jonathan gave a tremendous performance, showing the whole world what an amazing voice he has. This is certainly sweet revenge!

Listen for yourself, and share the story if you also agree that no one should be discriminated against based on their sexual orientation. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Jonathan starts singing at minute 2:55 of the video:

Don’t forget to share with your friends and family if you too thought Jonathan had a rare talent.


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See What Hitler did when he learned that Mussolini had been captured and executed by his own people during World War 2




The photo above shows Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci in a Milan morgue. After being hanged upside down from a gas station girder, some gentle soul arranged them in a familial, loving pose.

Adolf Hitler would have heard reports about the Duce’s death and accounts of the Italian mob beating, kicking, and urinating on his corpse before the hanging display. Isolated in an underground Berlin bomb shelter, Hitler would not have seen the grisly pictures before his own suicide two days later and only after he showed an awareness of decency by wedding his own mistress Eva Braun…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


After Berlin surrendered on May 2, 1945, the Soviets claimed that Hitler escaped. They would point fingers at potential havens like Spain and Argentina. Several years later, Hitler’s dental assistant was released from Russian custody and the West learned that, as early as May 11, the Soviets had pieces of Hitler’s dental work; forensic evidence, a positive indentification. A suspicious Stalin pretended not to notice. Much later, a part of Hitler’s skull, found on May 5, became public and it also rests in a Russian archive. So in May, 1945, Russian intelligence services believed they had conclusive proof that Hitler died while Stalin played a disingenuous game.

When Hitler first heard of Mussolini’s death, he turned to his factotum SS Maj. Otto Günsche and asked him to dispose of his body. He also talked about various methods of suicide when conversing with Eva Braun and his female secretaries.

Mussolini’s demise alone didn’t move him toward an anonymous death. Hitler considered himself representative of Germany, a symbol, like a flag, that should never be captured. He knew the Russians wanted to take him alive to Moscow where he expected to be treated “like a caged animal in a zoo.” READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

In the end, he used a double sure method, pulling a gun’s trigger aimed at his right temple while simultaneously biting down on a cyanide capsule. Mrs. Hitler only used poison because she wanted to remain a beautiful corpse. It worked as planned since they had tested the prussic acid on the family’s German Shepard dog named Blondi.

When the time came, Günsche received around 20 jerrycans of fuel, carried the couple upstairs from the bunker and began the cremation. He trusted incoming Russian artillery fire would do the rest.

After 11 years of Soviet captivity, including physical abuse, Günsche returned home satisfied he did a good job. He thought the beatings were because the Russians found nothing, believing that they wanted him to prove that Hitler died by showing them where he hid the corpse. He was probably tortured for fun, since the Soviet secret services already held forensic evidence of Hitler’s death.

Günsche, released from custody, May 2, 1956


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Meet Bishop Ajayi Crowther: First Christian Cleric Who Translates Bible To Yoruba, And How He Died




Samuel Ajayi Crowther (c. 1809–31 December 1891), was a Yoruba linguist and the first African Anglican bishop in Nigeria. Born in Osogun (in what is now Iseyin Local Government, Oyo State, Nigeria), he and his family were captured by Fulani slave raiders when he was twelve.

They were freed from slavery at a coastal port by the Royal Navy, which was enforcing the ban against the Atlantic slave trade. The liberated peoples were resettled in Sierra Leone. There Ajayi adopted an English name of Samuel Crowther, and began his education in English…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


He adopted Christianity and also identified with Sierra Leone’s ascendant Creole ethnic group. He studied languages and was ordained as a minister in England, where he later received a doctoral degree from Oxford University. He prepared a Yoruba grammar and translation of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer into Yoruba, also working on a Yoruba version of the Bible, as well as other language projects.

A direct descendant of King Abiodun,Ajayi was 12 years old when he and his family were captured, along with his entire village, by Muslim Fulani slave raiders in 1821 and sold to Portuguese slave traders. (His mother, toddler brother, and other family members were among the captives.)

The British had outlawed the Atlantic slave trade in the early 19th century and used its navy to patrol the coast of Africa. Before the slave ship left port for the Americas (where Spain and Portugal still had slavery in their colonies), it was boarded by crew from a British Royal Navy ship under the command of Captain Henry Leeke.

They freed the captives, and took Ajayi and his family to Freetown, Sierra Leone, where they were resettled by local authorities.

While in Sierra Leone, Crowther was cared for by the Anglican Church Missionary Society (CMS) and was taught English. He converted to Christianity. On 11 December 1825 he was baptized. He named himself after Samuel Crowther, vicar of Christ Church, Newgate, London, and one of the pioneers of the CMS. Ajayi was baptized by John Raban.

In Niger Territory, 1888
While in Freetown, Crowther became interested in languages. In 1826 he was taken to England to attend the school of St Mary’s Church in Islington, which had established a connection with free Africans in the 18th century. He returned to Freetown in 1827.

He was the first student admitted to the newly opened Fourah Bay College, an Anglican missionary school. Because of his interest in language, he studied Latin and Greek of the classical curriculum, but also Temne of West Africa. After completing his studies, Crowther began teaching at the school.

Crowther married a schoolmistress, Asano (i.e. Hassana; she was formerly Muslim), baptised Susan. She had been liberated from the same Portuguese slave ship as Ajayi, and was among the captives resettled in Sierra Leone. She had also converted to Christianity. Their several children included Dandeson Coates Crowther, who later entered the ministry and in 1891 became archdeacon of the Niger Delta.

Susan and Crowther’s second daughter, Abigail, married Thomas Babington Macaulay, a junior associate.Their son and Crowther’s grandson, Herbert Macaulay, became one of the first Nigerian nationalists. He played an important role in ending British colonial rule in Nigeria.


Crowther was selected to accompany the missionary James Schön on the Niger expedition of 1841.Together with Schön, he was expected to learn Hausa for use on the expedition. Its goal was to stimulate commerce, teach agricultural techniques, encourage Christianity, and help end the slave trade.

Following the expedition, Crowther was recalled to England, where he was trained as a minister and ordained by the Bishop of London. Schön wrote to the Church Missionary Society noting Crowther’s usefulness and ability on the expedition, recommending that he be prepared for ordination. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Crowther returned to Africa in 1843 and, with Henry Townsend, opened a mission in Abeokuta, in today’s Ogun State, Nigeria.

Crowther began translating the Bible into Yoruba and compiling a Yoruba dictionary. In 1843, his grammar book was published, which he had begun working on during the Niger expedition. A Yoruba version of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer followed later. Crowther also compiled A Vocabulary of the Yoruba Language,including a large number of local proverbs, published in London in 1852.

He also began codifying other languages. Following the British Niger Expeditions of 1854 and 1857, Crowther, assisted by a young Igbo interpreter named Simon Jonas, produced a primer for the Igbo language in 1857. He published one for the Nupe language in 1860, and a full grammar and vocabulary of Nupe in 1864.

Crowther had become a close associate and friend of Captain James Pinson Labulo Davies, an influential politician, mariner, philanthropist and industrialist in colonial Lagos.The two men collaborated on social initiatives in Lagos, such as the founding of The Academy (a social and cultural center for public enlightenment) on 24 October 1866. Crowther was the first patron and Captain J.P.L Davies was the first president.


In 1864, Crowther was ordained as the first African bishop of the Anglican Church; he was consecrated a bishop on St Peter’s day 1864, by Charles Longley, Archbishop of Canterbury at Canterbury Cathedral.He had continued his studies and later received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from the University of Oxford.

He later met Queen Victoria and read the Lord’s prayer to her in the Nigerian language of Yoruba, which she described as soft and melodious.

In March 1881, he and his son Dandeson attended a conference on the island of Madeira, in the Atlantic Ocean west of Morocco. Crowther had begun to work in languages other than Yoruba, but he continued to supervise the translation of the Yoruba Bible (Bibeli Mimọ), which was completed in the mid-1880s, a few years before his death.

Crowther is celebrated with a feast on the liturgical calendar of some Anglican churches, including the Episcopal Church (United States) and the Church of Nigeria,on 31 December.


Crowther died of a stroke in Lagos on 31 December 1891. He was buried at Ajele Cemetery in Lagos.

In 1971 the Lagos State Government under Mobolaji Johnson wanted to redevelop the site of the cemetery for new government offices and issued notices to families of the deceased. Seth Kale, Anglican Bishop of Lagos, representing the Anglican community and Crowther’s family, delayed exhumation and reburial until 1976.

An elaborate ceremony was held at a new burial site and a cenotaph was installed at Cathedral Church of Christ, Lagos


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