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When This Trucker Saw A Girl Behind The Curtain Of An RV, He Knew That Something Didn’t Smell Right




When this trucker saw a girl behind the curtain of an RV, he knew that something didn’t smell right. It had been a normal shift for one trucker doing his job. However, when he arrived at a truck stop, an RV sparked his suspicions.

Then, when he saw a girl peering around a curtain, he knew something was badly wrong and he needed to take action. Kevin Kimmel is an American truck driver…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


He has worked at Conway Truckload for more than half a decade following a career change. But when he first got behind the wheel, he didn’t know just how much he would learn from his new job on the roads. Indeed, in January 2015, Kimmel had an experience that would change his life forever. He had been making deliveries overnight when he stopped to rest in New Canton County, Virginia. Once there, he planned to sleep during the day, but something caught his eye.

Although it is located in a rural area, the truck stop that Kimmel had chosen was quite busy. Nevertheless, one vehicle, in particular, stood out. It was a pretty old RV, and unusually, the windows were blacked out. To Kimmel, it clearly wasn’t one of those family-friendly RVs that he often sees parked up. So, as he was filling out paperwork, the truck driver decided to keep an eye out on it.

Then, after a while, he saw a man knock on the suspicious vehicle’s door before entering. The stranger then exited the RV only to return to the vehicle shortly afterward. Soon, the van began rocking. Then, after around 15 minutes, the motion stopped, and the vehicle was still once again. But what happened next would really spark Kimmel’s concerns.

The truck driver continued to monitor the van, and then he spotted a figure looking out from behind a blackout shade. It was a young lady. That said, Kimmel only had a quick glimpse of her as someone inside the van pulled the woman from view before readjusting the shade. Immediately, this set alarm bells ringing in Kimmel’s mind, and yet he couldn’t be sure of exactly what he’d just seen. As a result, he tussled with a decision over what to do next before eventually opting to call the local police.

After Kimmel relayed what had happened, a dispatcher sent two trooper cruisers and two sheriff cruisers to the scene. From there, the driver watched as the police escorted a young lady from the RV. They didn’t handcuff her, and according to Kimmel, she looked extremely disheveled. A short time later, police removed a man and a woman from the vehicle, and they were both in handcuffs. Kimmel subsequently gave statements to the local police and the FBI.

However, it wasn’t until later that he learned what happened. Kimmel discovered that the couple had kidnapped a victim two weeks previously. Since then, horrifically, they’d been torturing her and starving her. Authorities subsequently handed the couple, Elder Hodzin, and Laura Sorensen, sentences of 42 and 40 years in jail, respectively. Authorities never made the victim’s identity public.

However, Kimmel revealed that she had reached out to him following the ordeal. “She thanked me and called me her hero or guardian angel,” he later revealed to Truckers Against Trafficking. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

“I told her thank you and that my wish for her was that she find a way to get through this nightmare and go on to live a happy and healthy life.” Kimmel was happy to have been able to help the young woman in question. However, he knew there was more that he could do as a trucker.

He felt he had a position on the front line of human trafficking. So, he reached out to the charity Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT). TAT is an organization of trucking industry workers who are committed to fighting human trafficking.

The charity educates drivers on the signs of trafficking. After all, as they work on the nation’s highways, they’re ideally placed to keep an eye out for traffickers who exploit the US transport system.

According to the TAT website, there are currently 20.9 million modern-day slaves around the world. Indeed, in the US alone, there are hundreds of thousands of trafficking victims. Traffickers find their victims in a range of places, from shopping malls to schools, and the majority of slaves are women and children. However, the crime can be hard to spot, which is why TAT’s work is so vital.

Today, Kimmel is an important voice in the campaign to raise awareness of the trafficking issue. He now talks about his experiences at anti-trafficking events nationwide. What’s more, he wants other truck drivers to be vigilant too. “Traffickers are constantly moving these people. They stay in the darkness.

That’s why they can’t be anywhere too long,” Kimmel told CNN in April 2017. “But when you’re moving them, then you come into my world. If we know the signs and we’re vigilant, then we can make a big piece of this problem go away.” So not only did Kimmel manage to save one girl from a horrific fate at the hands of traffickers, but he’s now also helping others. After all, the more truckers he can get on board, the fewer places where culprits can go unseen.

And anything that makes their lives harder has got to be a good thing.


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The conductor stops the train and jumps off to save a turtle caught on the train tracks




Sometimes animals become caught in places they shouldn’t be and require a little human assistance to get to safety.

It’s always gratifying to see folks go out of their way to assist a creature in need. Recently, one man stopped a train to save a turtle’s life Serhat Topal is a streetcar driver in Turkey. He was on his regular route when he observed something unusual on the tracks: a turtle…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


“It was a turtle trying to cross the tracks toward the countryside, but he was stuck,” Serhat told The Dodo. “I think he was scared.”

Then Serhat did something extraordinary: he stopped the train, got off, and went out of his way to assist the turtle.

He took up the animal, preventing it from being ran over by any approaching trains, and lifted it over the fence to safety.

Serhat stated the turtle appeared healthy and cheerfully went away after reaching the opposite side. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

It was the proper thing to do, but anyone who has commuted by train knows that passengers don’t always appreciate unexpected delays.

But Turkey is known for its residents’ sympathy for stray animals, so when Serhat described the issue to them, they understood: the driver stated that they were “happy because I helped.”

“All living things are our friends, and we should approach them with love,” Serhat told The Dodo. “Everyone should consider this their duty. I have simply done my duty.”

Thank you to this good samaritan for going out of the way to help this turtle! We agree, its our duty to look out for our friends in nature.

The post The conductor stops the train and jumps off to save a turtle caught on the train tracks appeared first on Timeless Life.


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Teacher Breaks Her Silence After Parents Demand School Authority To Sack Her Over Her Body Shape





A New Jersey art teacher is under fire from parents because they believe that her body shape is a distraction to her pupils. The parents, in a group intervention, demanded that the authorities remove the teacher from the school system owing to the fact that she has curves and may have the ability to distract the children and prevent them from paying attention in class…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>> READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

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Man Leaves Store After His Card Is Declined. 15 Mins Later He Comes Back With A Cop That Says One Thing





Ever have one of those times where you are shopping for something that you really need, only for the cashier to tell you that you card has been declined? So you try to swipe the card another time (or a third) hoping that it goes through and no one notices what’s going on.

This is when the strange stares and chatter begins about how you are not able to pay for your items. You tell the cashier that you have money in the account so there must be some kind of mistake or error. Then unfortunately, you end up leaving the store with nothing and feeling embarassed…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>> READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

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