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Some Of The Most Bizarre Dating Stories We’ve Heard




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Dating may be an enjoyable experience with plenty of laughs and the opportunity to meet someone special. However, anyone who has been on a lot of dates understands that not all of them result in romance. Actually, some dates might be so awful that we want to leave immediately…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Let’s take a look at some amusing and unusual date mistakes.

1. I’m glad it is over.

A woman posted about her bad date on Reddit. Her partner moaned about his life for an hour straight during their first date, leaving her with no opportunity to talk. She told him she needed to use the restroom because she was angry, but then decided to drive home instead.

When they got to the restaurant, things didn’t get better. He bragged about how great his home country was when he ordered her food and ended up spilling juice on himself while he criticized the staff. As the night went on, he talked about how he wanted to be a boss and fire people he thought were not doing their job. She wanted to split the check when it came, but he yelled at her. She walked away after leaving money on the table.

She didn’t want to cause a disturbance, so she unwillingly let him walk her home. Silence filled the walk, and when they arrived at her front door, he attempted to thrust himself on her. He was shoved aside and money was thrown at him to get him to go. Her tale was communicated to his family after the occurrence, and they ceased speaking with her.

Image for illustrative purpose only. (Freepik)

2. Making the Exit

Someone on Reddit went on a date with someone who insisted on going to a fancy restaurant. The person was glued to their phone the whole time, taking calls and answering texts. The waitress saw this and quietly brought out two different bills. The user took advantage of the chance and paid their part of the price before leaving.

3. A Kiss for Two.

When he was 18, an Air Force soldier went on a date arranged by a friend. The guys agreed to watch a movie together, and his date brought along a large plush rabbit named Pebbles as a treat for everyone. After the movie, they stopped for ice cream and headed to his date’s cousin’s house. As they approached the door, his date advised he kiss both her and Pebbles to keep Pebbles from being jealous. Despite the peculiar circumstances, he did what they asked and kissed both of them. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

4. Giving up.

A friend set up a man on a blind date. What he didn’t expect was that his date didn’t resemble the photographs she had found online when they met at the cinema. Things became even worse when she took him to the movie with her parents and nine-year-old brother. The brother kept kicking the back of the man’s seat throughout the movie. He exited to use the restroom since he couldn’t take it any longer and decided to drive home instead.

Image for illustrative purpose only. (Freepik)

5. A Strange Request

A woman was shocked when her date asked her to pay for her own ticket at the London Zoo on their first date. He showed her a two-for-one coupon that let him in for free while she paid for her own ticket. She agreed. To say the least, it’s a strange move.

6. A big turnoff

A woman was having dinner with a man when she saw his wedding ring fall out of his pocket when he went for his wallet. She threw some cash on the table right away and chose to walk home because she felt bad about what was happening. On very rare occasions, the situation was too disgusting for her to want to eat.

7. Where’s the check?

Image for illustrative purpose only. (Freepik)

A man was surprised when his date informed him that she was engaged but wanted to go on a few more dates to ensure that her fiancé was the perfect one. The man hurriedly asked for the check and left.

Dating can be very up and down, and it sometimes takes these amusing and surprise goofs to fully appreciate the good times. Don’t forget that not every date will be great, but you never know when you’ll meet someone genuinely special.

The post Some Of The Most Bizarre Dating Stories We’ve Heard appeared first on Timeless Life.


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Why do I still smell bad even after showering daily, and how can I fix it?





What you need to know:

Body odour is different in babies,  children, teenagers, adults and the elderly.

Dear doctor,

My body smells bad, even though I shower daily. This is worse during the hot seasons. I dislike myself, and this has made it difficult to even approach any girl that I admire. Is there anything I can do about it?


Dear Wamalwa,

Every person has a smell coming from their body, which is called body odour, that is a result of a breakdown of sweat, oils and proteins by the bacteria that live on the surface of the skin. The body odour is different in babies,  children, teenagers, adults and the elderly…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


An unpleasant body odour is called bromhidrosis osmidrosis or ozochrotia. What is regarded as acceptable is affected by personal preferences, culture and social set-up. Body odour increases after puberty following the development of the apocrine sweat glands located in the armpits, the pubic region and the breasts.

Men also tend to have more body odour than women, because they tend to sweat more. Individuals who sweat excessively experience more body odour, especially from the armpits and the feet.

What you take can also affect your body odour e.g. spicy foods, garlic, onions, red meat, alcohol or some medications. Being overweight or obese also increases the likelihood of having worse body odours due to increased sweating.

Other factors that may increase body odour include diseases like liver disease, kidney disease, some cancers, diabetes, or the rare genetic condition trimethylaminuria.

Steps to reduce body odour include:

–          One or two daily showers, and washing the armpit thoroughly, using antibacterial soap if possible

–          Regularly shaving the armpits for faster evaporation of sweat

–          Using a clean towel to dry off, and taking care to dry between the toes

–          Wearing clothes and socks that are clean, and that are made of natural fibres

–          Wear open shoes as much as possible

–          Reduce consumption of alcohol and foods that can contribute to body odour

–          Use under-arm deodorant and deodorant foot powder.

–          Apply aluminium chloride or 0.5 per cent glycopyrrolate solution on the armpits. This can be applied before going to sleep, to reduce sweating the following day. Alternatives include the use of baking soda or vinegar, with or without added essential oils.

It is also advisable to be reviewed for any underlying health conditions so that they can be addressed. In addition, different procedures can be done by a skin specialist to reduce sweating, which will possibly reduce body odour.


Is there a way I can get my baby to walk early? Should I get her a walker?

Dear parent,

Each child develops at their own unique pace, and while there are generally expected timelines when certain milestones are reached, this will vary from child to child. Babies usually start to walk at between 10 and 18 months of age, and they begin to get ready by crawling and pulling themselves up to a standing position thus developing muscle strength and balance.

To support the baby, allow the baby to play and explore safely. Avoid walkers, as they may delay walking because they reduce the time when the baby practices walking on their own. They also carry an increased risk of accidents.

Dear doctor,

My mum was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. At the time, she was so sick that she had to be admitted. What could have caused this and can it be reversed?


Dear Njoki,

The thyroid is a small gland that is located on the front of the neck. It releases thyroid hormones that are useful in how the body utilizes energy, and when the thyroid is underactive because there is less production of thyroid hormones, then many body functions slow down.

The most common cause of an underactive thyroid is the auto-immune disorder called Hashimoto’s disease. In this disease, the body’s immune system attacks the thyroid, and it is not able to work normally.

An underactive thyroid may also develop due to inflammation of the thyroid (thyroiditis), which may initially cause increased production of thyroid hormone, then becoming underactive thereafter.

The thyroid may have reduced thyroid hormone production following surgical removal of part of the thyroid, or following radiotherapy. Some medications affect the function of the thyroid gland e.g. some heart medications, treatments for bipolar disorder and cancer medications.

Women are more likely than men to have an underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism. You are also more likely to develop the condition if you have another auto-immune disorder, or if there’s a family history of thyroid disease. There’s also an added risk of developing thyroid problems during and/or soon after a pregnancy.

With an underactive thyroid, the individual may experience constant fatigue, joint and muscle weakness, stiffness and pain, weight gain, dry skin and hair, menstrual abnormalities, low mood, poor memory, slower heart rate, inability to tolerate colds, and constipation.

Severe hypothyroidism, also referred to as myxedema, is characterized by swelling of the skin e.g. on the arms and legs, and swelling of the face, lips, tongue and eyelids, in addition to the other symptoms of hypothyroidism.

A myxedema crisis is a medical emergency, with decreased breathing, low blood oxygen levels, low body temperature, and low blood sodium levels, and there may be confusion, seizures, shock, coma and even death. Persons over the age of 60 are more likely to go into a myxedema crisis.

It usually develops after having hypothyroidism for a long time, and the crisis may be triggered by stress, infection, trauma, other illnesses and some medications.

An under-active thyroid is diagnosed through tests to check the thyroid hormone levels. Other relevant tests may be done, including thyroid scans, and tests to check for other illnesses. Treatment includes thyroid hormone replacement treatment and supportive management for other symptoms or complications.

There is no permanent cure for an under-active thyroid, and the thyroid-replacement treatment should be taken for the rest of the individual’s life. With adequate treatment, further complications can be avoided and the individual can live a full life.



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Top 20 Best Foods To Prevent Blood Clots (Reduce Risk of Heart Attack, Stroke & Pulmonary Embolism)




Today, I’ll be recommending the top 20 foods that can help prevent blood clots. By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can reduce your risk of heart attack, stroke, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism – some of the most debilitating diseases of modern times.These foods are packed with nutrients that lower bad cholesterol, boost heart and blood vessel function, and are rich in essential vitamins and minerals like calcium, vitamin A, B complex vitamins, and vitamin C…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Each of these foods is also loaded with special compounds that can help prevent blood clots from forming, making them a great addition to a heart-healthy diet.

Natural Remedies for Healthy Blood Circulation

1. Turmeric

Regularly consume turmeric. It has anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties. Its main active ingredient, curcumin, is beneficial for treating cancer, arthritis, and various inflammatory conditions. The dosage depends on your tolerance and the intended use of this spice.

2. Ginger

Ginger is another great addition to your diet. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it can help prevent blood clots. It is also used to alleviate nausea and morning sickness in pregnant women and to reduce arthritis pain. Ginger contains salicylate, which helps prevent blood clots.

3. Ceylon Cinnamon

Ceylon cinnamon is a personal favorite. It acts as a powerful blood thinner and contains coumarin, which is the basis for Warfarin, a commonly used blood thinner.

4. Cayenne Pepper

Incorporate cayenne pepper into your diet regularly. It contains high levels of salicylate and can act as a potent blood thinner. Available in capsules, it is used therapeutically to lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and alleviate pain.

5. Garlic

Use garlic regularly. It is well-known as both a preventive measure and a treatment for various cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, including blood clots.

6. Pineapple

I also recommend pineapple, which contains bromelain, a special anti-clotting compound.

7. Beets

Beets are one of the best vegetables for heart and blood vessel health. They are rich in nitrates, which prevent blood clotting and reduce high blood pressure.

8. Watermelon and Avocado

Watermelon and avocado are excellent foods for preventing blood clots, though they are often underutilized.

9. Grapes

I highly recommend eating grapes whenever possible. Grape seed extract is a scientifically proven method for preventing heart and blood vessel diseases. Grapes are rich in flavonoids, anthocyanins, and phenolic acids, all of which are crucial for blood vessel health.

10. Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are unique because they are one of the richest sources of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid. They are excellent for blood vessels. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

11. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are also highly recommended!

12. Oranges and Lemons

Regularly consume oranges and lemons, which are packed with vitamin C, an essential nutrient for heart and blood vessel function.

13. Pomegranate

Pomegranates are excellent for preventing blood clots. They help reduce bad cholesterol and control high blood pressure.

14. Spinach

Spinach is one of the healthiest vegetables worldwide and is part of the green leafy vegetable group. It is excellent for your health.

15. Cranberries

Cranberries are rich in antioxidants and help prevent blood clots.

16. Berries

Berries, including blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries, are some of the healthiest fruits and are great for improving health and preventing blood clots.

17. Broccoli

Broccoli is another excellent vegetable for preventing blood clots.

18. Almonds

Almonds are packed with nutrients that support heart health.

19. Apples

Apples are beneficial for overall health and can help prevent blood clots.

20. Bananas

Bananas are a good source of potassium and other nutrients that support cardiovascular health.

Other Beneficial Foods

Other foods like carrots, grapefruit, olive oil, and nuts are also beneficial for preventing heart attacks and strokes. Incorporate these foods in moderation to improve your health.


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Here are some health benefits of mango leaves you need to know




1. Aid weight loss

Mango leaves can be a great addition to your weight-loss diet. Turns out, mango leaves contain the enzyme papain and the hormone leptin, both known to boost digestion and regulate the accumulation of fat in the body…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


2. Manage diabetes

Mango leaf extract helps in managing diabetes and obesity. It is excellent fort balancing blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. The leaves of the mango tree contain tannins called anthocyanins which help in treating early diabetes.


Mango leaves have hypotensive properties which help with lowering blood pressure In addition, the leaves are quite effective in making the blood vessels strong. This can also help make blood pressure issues better.

4. Support skin health

Mango leaf powder is also available for topical use when it comes to skin issues. They can be used to heal burns and rashes on the skin. Plus, mango leaf extract may reduce signs of skin ageing due to its antioxidants content.


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