3 Men Angrily Mock An Old Black Woman On Train, Unaware Of Who Is Behind Her! –
9 months agoon
Evelyn held on to the leather strap hanging from the subway ceiling. She had traveled this route dozens of times, but this time there were tears in her eyes, blurring her view. It had been a long, difficult day for the old lady. She was returning from a devastating visit that had only left her heart more broken than it had been before she traveled…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>
As she tried to blink back the tears, Evelyn glanced around the train car. Most people were absorbed in their phones, books, and earbuds. A young couple sat across from her, giggling at something on a screen. A businessman in a suit tapped away at his laptop, frowning with concentration. The other passengers seemed to notice the old black lady crying softly on the subway, but no one paid her any attention. After all, they all had their own issues, and they didn’t know what was bothering her, so they preferred to mind their business.
It went on like this until three young men boarded the subway. The young men’s loud and boisterous attitude put an end to the former calmness of the train. They crammed themselves into their seats a few rows ahead of Evelyn and kept laughing at the top of their voices in the confined space.
At first, the old black lady paid the noisy men little mind as she was lost in her own thoughts, but their conversation grew louder, and it was filled with slang Evelyn barely understood. Gradually, it shifted towards a topic that made her grip on the strap tighten. The men started imitating the way some people spoke, their voices exaggerated and mocking. This made Evelyn uncomfortable. Suddenly, the young men’s laughter turned cruel.
“Look at that oldie,” one of them said, gesturing towards Evelyn with a smirk. “Crying on the train like someone stole her last penny.”
The other two men joined in, and they began making insensitive remarks about her age and appearance.
“Probably can’t even afford a proper handkerchief,” another man continued, nudging his friend who laughed out loud.
Their conversation escalated, filled with racial stereotypes and insensitive jokes aimed directly at her. They mimicked how they imagined she spoke, exaggerated her movements, and made crude comments about her age.
“She should be in an old people’s home, not on a train,” one said. “And she looks like an old housekeeper from a period movie. That’s really black skin you got, you should feel lucky that we can even see you. But hey, don’t go out at night because you’ll just disappear. People will bump into you and run you over. What a shame that would be,” one of them added.
Evelyn felt a wave of anger wash over her. Their statements were unfair, disrespectful, and downright hurtful. The old lady felt humiliated. However, the thought of confronting them and becoming the center of their unwanted attention filled her with dread. She remembered past encounters where she had spoken up and was met with indifference or even more mockery, so she held back. As she looked around the train car, she saw that the other passengers were trying so hard to avoid eye contact with her.
They pretended not to hear the cruel things the young men were saying, and their silence was deafening. Evelyn closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Maybe if she just ignored them, they would stop. But their taunts only got worse, and it hurt her deeply. This wasn’t just about her; it was about the countless others who faced similar harassment every day. A spark of defiance ignited within her, fueled by her own pain. Should she speak up? What good would it do? Shame and fear kept her lips sealed. She kept quiet, and the taunts continued.
Across the aisle, a young woman with short dark hair sat watching the confrontation. She might think she was busy on her phone, but the young woman was paying attention to what was going on—an older lady getting bullied with no one doing anything. The young men noticed that too, and it seemed to make them even more confident in their bullying.
Their taunts morphed into cruel mockery, fueled by the lack of response. One of them, the ringleader with acne, even stood up and began talking directly into Evelyn’s face as his friend snickered. Evelyn’s grip tightened on her purse, her anger burned hotter with every passing moment. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out.
“Look, the oldie just tried to fight back but suddenly became dumb,” one of them mocked.
Meanwhile, the young woman across the aisle kept watching with growing frustration. Her name was Kira, and her sharp eyes missed nothing. The way the young men were treating Evelyn disgusted her. Unlike the other passengers, Kira didn’t shy away from the scene. It triggered memories of her own past, a time when she’d faced similar situations during her service.
Back then, she had learned to stand up for what was right, no matter the cost. Kira shifted in her seat, her gaze fixed on the young men. When one of them pushed the old lady, she couldn’t take it anymore. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and she knew it was time to act. With a deep breath, she rose from her seat, with her posture straight and her form unwavering. The train car fell silent as all eyes turned to her.
“Hey!” Kira’s voice cut through the tense atmosphere, clear and firm. “Leave her alone.”
The three young men were caught off guard by this sudden interruption. They looked at Kira with a mix of surprise and amusement. The ringleader looked stunned as he said, “Excuse me,” with his voice dripping with mock politeness. He asked Kira who she was—maybe she was the old lady’s bodyguard. Kira ignored his attempt to belittle her.
It didn’t matter who she was. What mattered was how they were treating that old woman. She gestured towards Evelyn, who stood frozen in fear. Evelyn was surprised at the young lady who had intervened on her behalf. She really thought that no one would do anything while the bullies dealt with her. The young men turned to Kira and told her that they were just having some fun. As they said it, they all burst into laughter once again. But Kira didn’t find it funny.
“Fun? It definitely did not look like the old lady was having fun. The men were being rude, disrespectful, and frankly racist,” she called out. Their racism hung heavy in the air, causing visible discomfort through the train car. Some passengers looked down at their phones, pretending not to notice, while others looked at Evelyn with sympathy.
But the young men seemed even more emboldened by the attention. One of them chimed in and told Kira to mind her own business. This didn’t concern her, so she should back off. Kira held his gaze with a resolute expression. It definitely concerned her; it concerned everyone when someone was being treated unfairly. Kira countered by daring the men. They wouldn’t dare act like that to someone their age or someone bigger than them. So why were they picking on an old lady?
The young men exchanged nervous glances. Their initial bravado was beginning to falter under Kira’s determination. They hadn’t expected anyone to intervene, let alone a woman who seemed to project raw strength. The ringleader tried to downplay his bullying. He told Kira they were just messing around, only this time he didn’t sound so arrogant or confident. Yet Kira stood her ground.
“Messing around doesn’t involve making fun of someone for their age or how they look,” she insisted. They had to apologize for their behavior.
The biggest one among them stepped forward. He told Kira that they knew what they were doing. As he said this, he puffed out his chest in a show of bravado. But Kira wasn’t intimidated. She knew these tactics well—first deflection, then attempting to belittle someone who dared to challenge them before outright aggression. Kira asked him if he was sure they knew what they were doing because as far as she was concerned, they looked like a bunch of immature cowards who picked on people they thought were weaker than them. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>
The silence that followed her words was deafening. The young men stared at her, completely speechless. This young woman was not backing down. Their bravado was collapsing under the weight of her directness. Evelyn was amazed by Kira’s support. She straightened in her seat with a newfound sense of dignity as she watched the young lady who was her knight in shining armor. And Kira was not done.
“Now apologize,” Kira repeated, her voice leaving no room for argument. The subway became tense as everyone waited to see how the bullies would react. The young men were clearly frustrated. They didn’t like being told what to do, especially not by a young lady from nowhere. Kira’s firm words jabbed at their pride. The supposed easy target had turned the tables on them, and they were now looking like the dumb ones. The ringleader snarled at Kira in a loud voice.
He rudely said that they were sorry, so Kira should just shut up and mind her own business. Kira was obviously unimpressed. She wanted a sincere apology, not something they would say to get her to back off. One of the young men, who had been silent all through, finally stepped forward. He was as angry as possible. He told Kira that they didn’t have to apologize to anyone. As he said so, he lunged forward and reached out with his hand to snatch Kira’s bag, which was slung over her shoulder. It seemed like a clumsy attempt to scare her and regain control of the situation
But Kira was ready. Years of rigorous training kicked in for Kira. She moved out of the way, and before the young man could react, she grabbed his outstretched arm and twisted it slightly. At the same time, she used her body weight to push him off balance. The bully cried out in pain as he stumbled forward and landed on the hard floor of the train car. Kira didn’t stop there.
She used a move she knew well to pin him down to a kneeling position on the train floor. The suddenness of the takedown sent a wave of shock through the train car. The other two men were caught off guard by Kira’s swift reaction. They froze in their tracks, their eyes widened in disbelief as they looked at their friend who was sprawled on the ground. They began to wonder how did this happen so fast? Who was the lady who had been behind the old lady all this while? Little did these three men know they had made a big mistake. They had mocked an old lady unaware of who was behind her.
The two remaining young men stood rooted to the spot, their faces etched with a mixture of shock and fear. Their bravado had vanished, replaced by a cold realization of their predicament. A nervous tremor ran through their hands as they exchanged panicked glances.
“How?” one of them stammered, his voice barely a whisper. He couldn’t form a complete sentence, his mind struggling to grasp the situation.
One of them began to stammer, “We were just messing around, man.”
Their friend was on the floor, grunting in pain. He was twisting against Kira’s hold but found no escape. In the blink of an eye, it had gone from playful taunts they’d thrown around to one of them getting dealt with. The passengers who had been glued to their phones or staring out the window now looked up. The train car became silent as all eyes were on the unfolding drama.
It was then that the other passengers noticed something different about Kira. The way she held herself hinted at a strength that went far beyond her years. A young girl who was sitting near the front spoke up with curiosity. She looked up to Kira like some hero and asked her if she was some kind of cop. Kira looked at her briefly, then smiled. She was not a cop; she was just a humble vet who used to be in the Special Forces. She answered the question so calmly as she kept the bully pinned to the floor with a firm grip. The passengers murmured in surprise.
“Special Forces?” The ordinary-looking young woman who had just subdued a grown man with such ease was a trained soldier. The revelation cast a new light on the entire encounter. Kira’s rigorous training in the Special Forces had honed her instincts and reflexes. Her name was short for Kiara, which meant “black-haired” in some languages, and the name fit her even though she had short dark brown hair. Kira was a strong and disciplined woman, but beneath all that, she still had a lot of empathy for the oppressed.
Kira wasn’t always this calm and collected. Before joining the civilian world, she had been a soldier, a member of the elite special forces. Her days were filled with grueling physical training in combat and tactical maneuvers. She had faced danger head-on and learned to think strategically under pressure. But most importantly, she had developed a strong sense of justice.
Though those days on the battlefield now seemed like a distant memory, as she had been discharged, she now lived a more ordinary life. Yet the core of who she was was still the soldier who had dedicated her life to fighting oppression. And it was that soldier in her who had risen to the surface the moment she witnessed the blatant disrespect that Evelyn was facing. The other bullies knew they were in trouble.
Evelyn, who had been holding her breath throughout the confrontation, let out a sigh of relief. The fear that had gripped her earlier melted away, replaced by both surprise and gratitude for the woman who had come to her defense. But Kira remained focused. She kept the young man pinned to the floor and warned him not to dare move. It would all end much faster if he cooperated. The incident had escalated far beyond the young men’s expectations.
Their attempt to bully an old woman had backfired, leaving them feeling humiliated and ashamed. As the train screeched to a halt at the next station, security personnel rushed in. Someone had called them, and they arrived to handle the situation. Kira knew it was time to hand over the situation, but before she did, she looked at the young man and reminded him that this was what happens when you pick on someone weaker than yourself—someone stronger will put you in line.
It wasn’t a boast but a simple statement of fact. It was a lesson learned the hard way. Evelyn felt fully relieved. Help had arrived, and the ordeal was finally coming to an end. The young man pinned under Kira squirmed and whimpered in pain. Kira finally let him out of her grip as she calmly explained the situation to the security officers. The other two men stood looking lost. Their stupidity had met its end. As the security men took the bullies away, the old lady approached Kira. Her voice trembled slightly as she thanked the young lady with tears. She was happy that someone stood up for her when no one did. Kira offered her a warm smile and told her that it was the right thing to do. No one deserved to be treated that way.
Meanwhile, a teenager sitting a few seats back just put his phone back into his pocket. Throughout the confrontation, he had been secretly recording the entire incident. With a few taps, he uploaded the video online. He made sure to add a short description of the harassment that the old lady had endured and Kira’s heroic intervention. Little did he know his simple act would set off a social media firestorm. The video spread like wildfire, and it quickly went viral.
As millions of people across the internet watched the video, their blood boiled at the young men’s cruelty, but everyone praised and admired Kira for her bravery and quick thinking. Social media platforms buzzed with activity. Comments flooded in, praising Kira for standing up to bullies and offering support for Evelyn. The hashtag #StandUpToRacism trended at the top of the social media platform, with everyone talking about bystander intervention and the fight against discrimination.
With each share and retweet of the viral video, the identities of the young men were quickly pieced together. Social media users found out that the bullies were students at a nearby university. As a result, the university found itself in a PR nightmare. Public pressure mounted, and it left the university administration with little choice. They announced the suspension of the young men until there was a full investigation into their behavior.
Meanwhile, Kira found herself thrust into the spotlight. News outlets caught wind of the viral video and scrambled to reach out to her. Her story resonated deeply with people, and it made her an unexpected hero. Evelyn felt overwhelmed with the sudden support from the community, and she received a heartfelt letter. It was from Kira. People had found out why Evelyn was crying on the train.
She had been returning from a visit from her daughter. Her daughter had lost her son to leukemia. The heartbreaking loss of her grandson affected her badly, so much so that she couldn’t hold back her tears on the train. Evelyn was inspired by the outpouring of support, so she decided to channel her grief into something positive.
She volunteered at a local children’s hospital, finding solace and bringing joy to others experiencing the same hardship her own daughter went through. The whole incident made people talk about why it’s important to speak up when you see something wrong. One brave act can make a big difference and bring people together to fight against injustice.
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A Girl Rushed Out Of McDonald’s Bathroom Crying, Then Her Mom Saw Something Wrong On Her Legs
9 hours agoon
March 29, 2025By
The restaurant was packed with hungry customers busy eating at their tables when the customers’ attention shifted to a four-year-old girl named Kayla running towards her mom. Kayla’s face was filled with tears, and she was hysterically crying when she reached her mom’s arm. While Kayla’s mom, Nicole, was comforting her daughter, she asked her daughter what was wrong. Kayla was still crying and couldn’t speak; she continued sobbing like she was in deep pain. That was when Nicole started scanning her daughter’s body and saw what was wrong.
There was something on Kayla’s leg. Hello, wonderful people! I’m Jamie Buck from Wonderbot, and here is a story about a girl who rushed out of a McDonald’s bathroom crying. Then her mom saw something wrong on her legs. Before we begin, make sure you smash the like button, subscribe to our channel, and click the notification bell for more amazing videos…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>
It was during New Year’s Day when Nicole and her daughter Kayla decided to spend their day at the park and buy some food at McDonald’s. It was Kayla’s favorite fast food. The two were so excited to spend time together and bond at the park. While Nicole was closing their front door, she turned to Kayla and asked her if she was ready to have fun. Kayla nodded her head with excitement, having no idea what was about to come to them.
When Nicole and Kayla arrived at the park, the piercing sun was shimmering down on them. It was a perfect bright day to spend at the park. Kayla immediately ran towards the roundabout and asked her mom to spin her. You could hear Kayla’s giggle throughout the playground while her mom was spinning her. Nicole’s phone started ringing, and she turned around to answer the call while Kayla got off the roundabout to go to the slides.
While Nicole was busy talking on her phone, she suddenly heard a scream. Nicole quickly ended her call when she realized it was Kayla. The moment Nicole got off the phone, she turned around to find Kayla had fallen from the slide and scratched her head. She was so worried about what had happened and continued comforting her daughter while she was sobbing. After a while, when Kayla had finally calmed down, she asked her mom if she could get food already.
Nicole immediately stood up and told her daughter, “Yes, of course, dear.” The two left the park and drove off to the nearest McDonald’s, which was about 10 minutes away from where they were. Little did Nicole know that it would have been better if they just ate somewhere else. When Nicole and Kayla arrived at McDonald’s and walked into the restaurant, they noticed that the place was filled with people. Nicole’s attention was caught by a group of teenagers that were seated in the corner of the restaurant.
The group was listening to music while sipping on their soda. Two of the teenagers suddenly turned their look at Nicole and her daughter and sniggered. What could those two be thinking? It was mentioned earlier the restaurant was packed, so it’s no surprise that the line was long too. After what seemed like forever standing in line, it was finally Nicole’s turn to order.
While she was ordering their food, she asked Kayla to sit at the table in the corner and wait there while she was ordering food. Kayla politely followed her mom’s instructions and sat at the table while watching a video on YouTube on her mom’s phone. But then suddenly, a scream was heard throughout the restaurant. A scream came from the teenager that was sitting in the corner of the restaurant. The group started a fight and were yelling at each other.
Nicole immediately walked over to Kayla and comforted her, trying to drive her attention away from the battle by making her watch YouTube videos. Staff from the restaurant quickly went to the group to break up the fight and kick them out of the place. While the group was kicked out, two teenage girls from the circle were still sitting at the table. It was finally time to eat. The smell of burgers and fries lingered in the air as Nicole and Kayla started digging into their well-deserved lunch.
Kayla was eating a Happy Meal while Nicole was eating her chicken burger and some fries. In the middle of their mealtime, Kayla suddenly looked at her mom with a stern but innocent look. “Mommy, I need to use the toilet,” Kayla whispered as she finished the last bite of her cheeseburger. Kayla wiped her hands and got up to go to the toilet. When she walked over, she noticed the lock was shut.
There must be someone in there, she thought. She looked back at her mom, who smiled at her. Suddenly, she heard something. It was coming from inside the toilet. Giggles and laughs could be heard while Kayla was patiently waiting outside the toilet. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>
After a couple of minutes remaining, the door opened, and the two teenage girls from earlier went out of the bathroom together with a smirk on their faces. Nicole was intimidated by the girls as she watched them walk past Kayla. Nicole then signaled her daughter to enter the toilet and assured Kayla that she’ll stay outside and wait for her. While Nicole was patiently waiting for Kayla at her table, she heard a scream coming from the toilet. “Mom!
Kayla screamed while running out of the bathroom with tears streaming down her face. Nicole immediately stood up from her seat, not minding her bag that fell onto the floor. As a mother, one thing that you never want to hear is the sound of your kid screaming. Kayla ran into her mom’s arms, sobbing. In the toilet, she says, Nicole immediately went to the toilet to check what was wrong.
She scanned the whole room and thought there was nothing wrong there, so she continued studying to see what could be the reason behind her daughter’s outburst. She saw that there were a few toilet paper rolls rolled out on the floor, and the faucet was dripping. Nicole checked the toilet seat, and that is when she figured the reason for her child’s outburst. When she went to the toilet seat, she noticed that it looked like the chair was covered with a white sticky substance. But as Nicole got closer to inspect, she realized that it was glue.
The toilet seat was smothered with super glue. She then realized that someone did this on purpose. Nicole stormed out of the toilet while her heart was pounding and yelled to call the manager and all employees in the restaurant. Nicole went over to her daughter, who was still crying and yelling in pain. She checked on Kayla to see what was wrong and saw that her daughter’s skin was peeled off at the back of her legs.
While Kayla was still crying in her mother’s arms, Kayla was terrified of what happened, and her mother was furious. Nicole yelled out for help in the crowd while stopping her tears from falling out of her eyes. Joanna, the assistant manager at McDonald’s, thought that she had seen it all, from small fights over a Big Mac to a drunk customer and misbehaving teens. She was trained and was already used to handling heated situations. She knew what to do to solve problems, but in her 15 years in the industry, it was the first time to see and experience something like this.
She had never seen anything like this. The moment Nicole asked for help, Joanna and her co-employees all gathered around Kayla and provided medical assistance. The staff helped in cleaning the wound and bandaging her up while Kayla was crying in her mom’s chest. After that, Nicole decided to go to the nearest hospital, so she called a family member to come and get them. But the assistance that was given to them was not enough for Nicole.
She knew that there was something that she needed to do. Nicole took the matter to her social media account and shared on her personal Facebook what happened, hoping that this would bring the pranksters to justice. On her post, Nicole wrote, “To the two young blonde girls that thought it would be hilarious to put super glue on the disabled and baby changing toilet in McDonald’s, I just want you to know that I still have to console my four-year-old daughter who was unfortunate enough to use the toilet after your little prank. She is hoping that the two teenage girls who played the prank on her daughter would be found and punished. Kayla is just an innocent little girl and does not deserve all of this.
After some investigations, the two teenage girls were finally found and were interviewed by the police officers. The two girls immediately admitted what they did and sincerely apologized to Nicole and Kayla. The two girls said they were regretting what they did and that it was a prank gone wrong. But was the apology enough for Nicole and daughter Kayla? Imagine Kayla, a four-year-old who would have to live her life with this terrible memory marked in her mind.
After hearing that the police had taken appropriate action against the two teenage girls, Nicole felt relieved. It’s been weeks since the incident happened, and the things that happened that day are still fresh in her mind. She watches as her daughter peacefully plays with her dolls. Some justice finally, she thought to herself. She takes a sip of her cup of coffee before smiling to herself and watching her brave daughter playing.
Such a story right? This story just proves to show that pranks can be a fun way to trick your friends, but it can result in a bad scenario. Hopefully, Nicole and Kayla’s experience will remind those people who love doing pranks and tricks on their friends to think twice about the people they would upset all for the sake of a laugh. So next time you want to play a prank on someone, make sure to think about it first and that no one will get hurt.
The bus driver picked up the children early in the morning as usual, and the parents found out they were not at school
9 hours agoon
March 29, 2025By
Black ice (a thin layer of new ice on a road) is dangerous. If you have ever tried to walk or ride it then you know.
This is why the parents of Shelby County were not surprised when they were informed that school would start late because they had to wait for the ice on the road to melt.
Unfortunately, bus driver Wayne Price did not receive the message on time. He had already collected all the children, and knew that returning them to their homes
would only increase the chance of an accident. So instead, he did something completely different…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>
Instead of parking the bus and letting the kids play on the smartphone for two hours, he knew he needed to do something to keep them busy.
His actions may not have been according to the book, but they also did not surprise elementary school principals in Montevallo, Alabama.
Understand, they know Wayne. They know he is capable of doing such a ‘trick’.
But the children did not know what to expect. When they stopped at a local McDonald’s branch they must have wondered if Wayne had lost it. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>
Turns out he just wanted to buy all the kids breakfast, and paid for everyone’s breakfast instead of the breakfast they were supposed to eat at school.
To put things in perspective, there were between 40 and 50 kids on Wayne’s bus, so you can imagine how much the bill came out. School principals responded to the
gesture on Facebook and wrote: “Mr. Price, one of our bus drivers, really demonstrated the holiday spirit! On Tuesday, when school started late because of ice on the
road and we could not serve breakfast, he bought breakfast at McDonalds for all the kids who were on the bus! What a wonderful gesture that the students will
remember forever!”
After hearing every good deed of the bus driver, people from all over the world flooded Wayne with messages of support and encouragement.
What a beautiful thing to do, and what a wonderful way to do above and beyond for kids who he so obviously care about!
If you think Wayne Price’s deed is commendable, share the article with your friends and family!
Woman turned a 110-year-old tree into a free library for neighbors
9 hours agoon
March 29, 2025By
Books. In a world where technology is everything and media is accessible at the touch of a finger, it is important to remember the vital role of books in our lives.
Personally, it scares me to think of a world without books. Of course, you can read stories online and in digital services, but there is nothing like the feeling of paper in your hands when you dive into another world.
Fortunately, there are those who are determined to ensure that the books remain alive. An organization called the Little Free Library has set itself the goal of maintaining a burning passion for future generations. They say their goal is: “to inspire reading, build communities, and ignite creativity by exchanging neighborhood books all over the world…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>
How do they do it? Well, small libraries are popping up in various places around the world, and so far 75,000 libraries have been opened in 88 countries!
And here is where it’s getting cool. One family in Idaho, decided to take it one step further when planning a small and special library.
It all started when Sharalee Howard, a librarian and former bookbinder, decided that a 110-year-old tree trunk near her home would be perfect for a ‘little tree library’.
A magical tree
The trunk of the poplar tree was completely hollow which gave it a magical roof, and it was built in such a way that it resembled something from the Harry Potter films.
I don’t know about you, but this tree is one of the warmest and most pleasant libraries I have ever seen. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>
She wrote on Facebook: “Well, this project is not finished yet.. but I just have to share it with you. We had to take out a 110 year old tree trunk, so I decided to turn it into a small library (which I always wanted). Here it is
(with less cleaning, vegetation and pruning..)”.
This library looks amazing, doesn’t it?
Keeping books alive is something that must be done. With libraries like these, we can continue to inspire future generations to take a book and get lost within the stories we all know and love.
Would you like to read a book within this library? If so, share the article with your friends and family!
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