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Revolutionizing High School Baseball: The Impact of the Setouchi Study Abroad Program




Shota WadaJuly 15, 2024 9:00am

“Nice batting”

The voice of the baseball team captain, Rui Shimoo (3rd year), echoed across the grounds of Kan’onji Sogo High School (Kanonji City, Kagawa Prefecture), located near the Seto Inland Sea. A banner printed in red letters reading “Let’s go to Koshien” swayed in the sea breeze.

“At first I felt a bit out of place because I’m from outside the prefecture, but Kannonji has a lot of warm-hearted people who support me.”

In late June, after completing a practice session in a realistic game setting with the Kagawa tournament just around the corner, Shimoo spoke with a refreshed look on his face.

Shimoo is from Sakai City. He dreamed of playing at Koshien and joined the Minami Osaka Baseball Club during his junior high school days. However, he did not receive any offers from the strong schools in Osaka Prefecture that he had hoped to attend, so he planned to go to a public school in the prefecture.

At that time, he learned that there was a way to aim for Koshien at a public school in another prefecture without putting a big burden on his family, so he changed his course. This was the “Setouchi Study Abroad” entrance exam system that the Kagawa Prefectural Board of Education introduced three years ago.

Breaking down barriers and recruiting students nationwide

Prefectural high schools and other public schools are mainly funded by local taxpayers’ money, so as a rule, students from outside the prefecture cannot take entrance exams. What makes the Setouchi Study Abroad program revolutionary is that it breaks down barriers and recruits students from all over the country in order to revitalize the region, which is facing a declining population and low birthrate.

Kanonji Sogo is a traditional school where Kanonji Chuo, before its merger, achieved the feat of winning the spring tournament in 1995 on its first appearance. Many baseball players think that they can aim for Koshien here.

Currently, the school’s baseball team has 40 members, including the manager, and 21 of them, including Shimoo, are from outside the prefecture and took advantage of the “Setouchi Study Abroad” program. The majority of them are from Osaka and Hyogo prefectures, known as baseball powerhouses.

Nationwide recruitment systems for public schools are also in place in the other three Shikoku prefectures, but what makes the Setouchi Study Abroad program unique is that all public high schools in the prefecture have set acceptance quotas in addition to their actual enrollment numbers.

“Setouchi Study Abroad” Changes High School Baseball

A unique entrance examination system that responds to the declining population is gradually changing high school baseball in Kagawa.

Ace pitcher Shinpei Sato (3rd year), who made a major contribution to Takamatsu Commercial’s victories in the Kagawa Prefectural Tournament this spring and the subsequent Shikoku Tournament with his fastball that reaches a maximum speed of 146 km/h, also enrolled at the school two years ago on the “Setouchi Study Abroad Program.”

He came from Okayama Prefecture, inspired by the Giants’ Shogo Asano, who will thrill the crowd at Koshien Stadium as captain in the summer of 2022 and is known as the “number one slugger of his generation.” “I’m grateful that there’s a system in place that allows me to play baseball in the environment I want to play in,” he said.

Even Takamatsu Commercial High School, a nationally renowned powerhouse, is seeing an increase in students from outside the prefecture enrolling using the Setouchi Study Abroad Program.

According to the prefectural board of education, even before the introduction of the “Setouchi Study Abroad” program, there were cases where students from outside the prefecture were allowed to take the entrance exam for prefectural high schools as a special measure. However, this was limited to cases where a student’s family had to move due to a parent’s job transfer, or where the department or course they wanted to study at was not available in their area. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Kannonji Sogo also had athletes from outside the prefecture before the Setouchi Study Abroad program began, but because it required the entire family to relocate, which placed a heavy burden on parents, the number of athletes was not as large as it is now.

These changes are not without criticism. At one prefectural high school, the supporters’ association and others are expressing opposition to the sudden increase in players from outside the prefecture.

The number of students entering the Setouchi Study Abroad Program, which was 21 in fiscal year 2021, has been on the rise, with 47 students entering 11 schools in fiscal year 2024. The prefecture has earmarked a budget of approximately 12 million yen this year for the hiring of fiscal year appointment staff (promotion coordinators) who will support the lives of international students.

One of the goals of the “Setouchi Study Abroad” program is to increase the number of people with connections and exchanges and to revitalize the region. Of the 20 Setouchi students who graduated in March this year, only one remained in the prefecture.

A prefectural board of education official said, “We hear that students are stimulated by the different opinions of people from outside the prefecture,” but also revealed that some residents feel that “they are just doing this for sports.”

Kannonji Sogo coach Doi Yusuke said about the Setouchi study abroad program, “As the number of club members increases, competition is created within the club, which leads to the growth of our students.”

This year, only three players from Kagawa Prefecture joined the school’s baseball team. “I can’t imagine that we’ll be able to play baseball with the current number of players in 20 or 30 years’ time. I’m working with the sole desire to keep the baseball team going for as long as possible and keep it vibrant,” said Shota Wada.

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The Truth About the India Vs Nigeria 99-1 Match




In one way or the other, almost every Nigerian has heard of the mythical match between India Vs. Nigeria that ended with 99 goals to 1 with India being victorious.

Before the advent of the internet, this story successfully thrived among Nigerians, but with the emergence of the internet and easy access to social media, the truth behind the India Vs Nigeria 99-1 match was revealed.

Though there are different accounts of the match, but they all have the following in common:

  1. That the match ended with India scoring 99 goals and Nigeria scoring just one goal.
  2. That Nigerians were unable to kick the ball because the football kept turning to a lion which scared them away…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>
    1. That Indians later agreed that if Nigeria could score one goal, they would concede defeat.
    2. That Samuel Okwaraji scored the winning goal and lost his life in the process because the ball turned into stone as he was about to kick it.
    3. That FIFA banned India from soccer because they used juju (black magic) in that match.
    India Vs Nigeria 99-1 match

    Why did people believe the India Vs Nigeria 99-1 match story?

    Even with the absence of the internet back then, this kind of claims should be immediately recognized as lies, the kind of lies they call “big fat lies”. But most people like to acknowledge this story as true with the fact that no one has ever seen India play in an International Football Match. Since no one actually saw India participate in most international soccer games, this gave a little credence to the story.

    Another reason this lie thrived for long was that credible information was not easily accessible in Nigeria unlike now that even a 4-year-old child can debunk false claims within minutes with the help of Google. This Nigeria Vs India match story would have been fabricated by one community elder to children during an evening gathering; that’s our take at OldNaija.

    What Actually Happened!

    On the 12th of August 1989, Nigeria lost one of her best footballers, Sam Okwaraji who died during a football match. We wrote about how he died on the pitch and you can read it here. Sam Okwaraji was the player rumoured to have lost his life in that game when in truth he died during a FIFA World Cup qualifying game against Angola in the 77th minute. He collapsed and died of cognitive heart failure. May his soul rest in peace. AMEN!

    Samuel Okwaraji and Green Eagles
    Samuel Okwaraji (circled)

    So, that is the only truthful thing about the India Vs Nigeria 99-1 match story, the fact that a Nigerian player died during a football match. That is what these lies was fabricated around. The match was not against India, Nigeria did not lose the match and as you must have guessed, and there were no lions or ball turning into a stone.

    Meme by Campus Bro

    Nevertheless, one cannot deny that this kind of story made one’s childhood as a Nigerian. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

    Before we go,

    Why was India Banned by FIFA?

    India was never banned by FIFA. It was India that withdrew from the tournament themselves. Here is how it happened.

    Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) made it clear to India that they would not be allowed to play in the 1950 FIFA World Cup without footwear.

    Then something happened. You see, when determining the make-up of the 1950 World Cup, FIFA determined that obviously the two defending finalists, Brazil and Italy, would be guaranteed slots. That left fourteen slots that needed to be filled.

    FIFA decided that seven of those slots would come from Europe, six would come from the Americas and one would come from Asia.

    The problem was that of the four Asian teams that were invited to the World Cup, three of them (the Philippines, Indonesia and Burma) withdrew from the tournament before the qualification round.

    Therefore, India earned an automatic slot within the World Cup. It would be India’s first time appearing in the World Cup but India, too, withdrew from the tournament because FIFA would not allow them to compete barefoot.

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SAD|| 10 Players Who Lost Everything After Divorce, Number 5 Will Shôck You




The Hidden Financial Struggles of Footballers: Divorce’s Costly Toll

The glamorous image of professional footballers, with their luxurious lifestyles and multimillion-dollar contracts, often obscures a harsh reality: the financial devastation many endure through divorce. Behind the fame and fortune, several high-profile players have seen their wealth significantly depleted after parting ways with their spouses, a stark reminder that no amount of money can fully shield one of the financial pitfalls of personal relationships gone awry…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


One of the most shocking examples is that of former Arsenal defender Emmanuel Eboué, who lost not only his properties in England but also custody of his children following a bitter divorce. Despite earning millions during his career, Eboué found himself stripped of almost everything. His situation became a cautionary tale, underscoring that even the wealthiest footballers can fall victim to the financial ruin that divorce can bring.

Eboué is not alone. Football legends such as Thierry Henry and Ryan Giggs have also experienced significant financial losses due to divorce. Henry reportedly paid £10 million to his ex-wife, while Giggs parted with an astonishing £40 million after his marriage ended. Louis Saha and Wes Brown, both former Manchester United players, also suffered substantial financial hits, with Brown declaring bankruptcy despite earning £50,000 per week during his time at the club. His case highlights how even vast earnings can quickly evaporate when faced with legal settlements and financial mismanagement.

David James, the former England goalkeeper, faced a particularly dire situation, losing much of his fortune after divorce and being forced to auction his personal belongings to make ends meet. Similarly, Ray Parlour, another Arsenal great, saw his ex-wife receive half of his £10 million fortune, including a £2.5 million house. Jamie Redknapp, a former Liverpool star, also faced a hefty settlement, parting with half of his estimated £15 million fortune after his marriage ended.

These are just a few of the many footballers who have faced financial disaster due to divorce. Keith Gillespie, once a key figure in the Premier League, lost over £7 million, leading to his bankruptcy in 2010. Despite earning significant wages during his career, his divorce and poor financial decisions left him in financial ruin. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Perhaps the most shocking case is that of Tendai Ndoro, a Zimbabwean striker who lost everything after registering all his properties in his wife’s name. Following their breakup, she kicked him out of the house, leaving him with nothing. Ndoro’s story serves as a grim reminder of the dangers of not protecting one’s assets, even in relationships where trust is implicit.

For footballers, whose careers often peak early, these financial setbacks can be devastating. While their salaries are among the highest in professional sports, the combination of short career spans, legal fees, and divorce settlements can quickly erode their fortunes. Many players also face additional challenges in managing their finances due to a lack of financial education or oversight during their playing years.

These stories underscore the importance of safeguarding personal wealth, especially for high-earning individuals like footballers, who may be more vulnerable to financial upheaval. Proper financial planning, asset protection strategies, and prenups are increasingly necessary tools for protecting one’s earnings and securing a stable future.

In conclusion, while the public sees footballers as insulated by their wealth, the reality is that they are just as susceptible to the financial hardships of divorce as anyone else. The personal struggles behind the scenes reveal that their lives, though glamorous on the surface, are often fraught with the same vulnerabilities and challenges faced by ordinary individuals. These cases serve as sobering reminders that financial security is never guaranteed, even for those at the pinnacle of success.


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NFL | The best was yet to come, and then no




In February 2022, the Bengals missed the Super Bowl by three small points, but regardless, the future seemed bright in Cincinnati.

Posted at 1:13 a.m.

Updated at 7:00 a.m.

In any case, that’s what we, the most seasoned experts in American football, believed, capable of seeing the future each season, often in a very impressive way; for example, this column has been predicting since 1970 that the New York Jets are not going to win the Super Bowl, and that’s still exactly what happens.

The Bengals have never won anything, but their presence on the big stage two years ago suggested that, a bit like the Nordiques in 1990, the best was yet to come.

Well, no.

As of this hour, the Bengals are a dismal 1-4, and even then, their only win came against the Carolina Panthers, who are about as bad as they are.

The good news for the Bengals is that this “landing” is fairly easily explained: their defense is pretty awful. The less good news is that it is probably already too late to try to solve this problem.

In five games, the Bengals have allowed a total of 145 points, which gives a pretty staggering average of 29 points per game. No one else in the American Association looks this bad, and in the league as a whole, only the Carolina Panthers are even worse in this regard.

Meanwhile, the Bengals are wasting the best years of Joe Burrow, who turns 28 in December. He wouldn’t be the first quality quarterback to waste his talent in this uniform.

Is it necessary here to remember that in American football, as in life in general, there is never anything certain? This reality reminds us of this sublime quote from Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who once wrote that “supreme happiness is a hundred times sweeter to hope for than to obtain”.

Rousseau must have been a Bengals fan, obviously.

You are probably aware that the New York Jets fired their coachbut that’s not the worst. The worst part is that poor Robert Saleh would have been escorted to the door like a pauper by security agents.


Former New York Jets head coach Robert Saleh

It’s undoubtedly one of the worst moments in the history of a club that collects the worst moments, from Mark Sanchez dropping a ball on his lineman’s pussy, to a visibly hot Joe Namath trying to to kiss a reporter live on TV (we’re going to move on to the naughty photo of Brett Favre because there are children here).

We can never repeat it enough: in football, as in life, everything starts from the top. The leaders of the Jets, who display a level of competence similar to that of the inventors of Pepsi Crystal, thus opted for the easy way, instead of realizing that their ground game is non-existent, and that their quarterback who hears voices in his head is finished.

In addition, barely installed, new coach Jeff Ulbrich decided to give control of the attack to assistant Todd Downing, who will call the plays from now on. This is not a detail because this task previously fell to offensive coordinator Nathaniel Hackett, close and confidant of Aaron Rodgers.

It’s obvious that this is going to end very badly. As per usual.

Someone whispers in my ear that the inbox is overflowing again, so let’s get to it right away.

First, Luc Girouard from Sept-Îles sends us this timely little comment: “Would Prince Rodgers have plotted to kick Robert Saleh out in order to take his place? »

We all see what you did, Luc.

Then, there is a certain Nicolas B. from Laval who sent this: “Hi Richard. Great weekly column on football. Really entertaining. In addition, you allow my teenagers to read about football in French, which is still a challenge […] If you ever make a reference to my comment, my sports travel gang is buying me a beer on our next trip. »

You will demand a micro beer, Nicolas. Finally, there is Marco Campanozzi who can no longer hear about “mixing” and the right chair: “I can’t do it anymore!!! »

We are Marco.

It will be another great opportunity to lock yourself in front of the TV while pretending to do something constructive, because Sunday’s menu is particularly spicy.

Thus, Commanders in a state of grace will go to Baltimore to prove that they are serious, the Chargers will go to Denver in the hope of recovering after two defeats in a row, and the Cowboys will host the Lions, in a match that they can’t really let slip away, just to build something following the little miracle last Sunday night in Pittsburgh.

Don’t forget to check out the colors during halftime.

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