Survival Rate, For most types of blood cancer, the proportion of people who live five or more years after diagnosis has increased 7 significantly over the past decade.
The 5-year survival rates range from 42% formyeloma to 85% for Hodgkin Lymphoma. Bellow Are Some Common Symptoms Of Blood Cancer.
Frequent infections.
Itchy skin or rash.
Loss of appetite or nausea.
Night sweats.
Persistent weakness and fatigue.
Shortness of breath.
Swollen, painless lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, or groin.
Red Meat.
Some red meats are high in saturated fat, which raises blood cholesterol. High levels of LDL cholesterol increase the risk of heart disease. When it comes to cancer, the answer is not so clear.
Many researchers say it does raise the risk, especially for colorectal cancer. Cancer survivors need to maintain a healthy body weight, eat a plant-based diet, adopt a physically active lifestyle on a day-to-day basis, consume less redmeat, limit alcohol, avoid sugary food, stay clear of tobacco products, and limit salt intake.
Excessive Alcohol can actually noblood and marrow cancers, such asleukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma, bone marrow function may already be strained as a result of their disease.Tobacco Smoking.
The fact is that, the Chemicals in cigarette and tobacco smoke enter our blood stream and can then affect the entire body, this is why smoking causes so many different types of cancer READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>
It’s advisable for you to Stop smoking completely is the best thing you can do for your health, and there are many ways you can do it
Although, Our bodies are designed to deal with a bit of damage, but they often can’t cope with the amount of harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke.
Cantley thinks some cancers may start with high levels of insulin, the hormone that controls the amount of sugar in your blood. He says his research shows that “having high levels of insulin is likely to drive cancer. And what drives insulin levels is sugar.”
please take note of that.
Diets high in foods preserved by salting (such as pickled vegetables and salted or dried fish) have been linked to an increased risk of stomach and nasopharyngeal cancer.
Eating processed meats that have been preserved by salting, curing, fermentation or smoking increases the risk of colorectal cancer.
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