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The History of Assassination Attempts on U.S. Presidents, Including Ronald Reagan’s Near-Fatal Bullet Wound in 1981




Since the United States’ founding, four sitting presidents have been assassinated:Abraham Lincoln in 1865, James A. Garfield  in 1881, William McKinley in 1901 and, most recently, John F. Kennedy in 1963…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

But many other presidents have survived assassination attempts — most recently former President

 Donald Trump 

, who was

 shot in the ear at a campaign rally 

in Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024, while campaigning for a second term in the White House.

Countless presidential assassinations have been prevented through the work of the federal government and Secret Service agents, but every so often somebody slips through the cracks.

Below, some of the most prominent assassination attempts of American presidents that rattled the nation.

While making a speech in the country of Georgia on May 10, 2005, a hand grenade was thrown at then-President

 George W. Bush 

, landing just 61 feet from where the he, first lady Laura Bush, the Georgian president, the Georgian first lady and other officials sat.

As the

 FBI archives note 

, the hand grenade failed to detonate, as a handkerchief wrapped tightly around it “didn’t allow the firing pin to deploy fast enough.”

While the man who threw the grenade fled on foot, agents were eventually able to track him down using witness photographs and tracing his DNA from the handkerchief wrapped around the grenade.

The suspect — Vladimir Arutyunian — was ultimately convicted and sentenced to life in prison for the grenade attack and for killing a Georgian police officer who was among the officials who came to arrest him.

In 2008, Bush was again almost attacked — this time by a man who threw a shoe at him during a joint press conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Baghdad. In a now-infamous moment, Bush ducked and the shoe missed him, ultimately hitting a flag behind the then-president.

Newly inaugurated President

 Ronald Reagan 

was leaving a speech at Washington, D.C.’s Hilton Hotel and walking to his motorcade on March 30, 1981, when

 John Warnock Hinckley Jr. 

fired six bullets out of a revolver.

Of those six shots, four struck and wounded people: Reagan’s press secretary James Brady; police officer Thomas Delahanty; Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy, who was shielding Reagan; and Reagan himself, who was struck in the chest. Brady was left with slurred speech and memory issues, and partial paralysis that required the full-time use of a wheelchair following the shooting.

The event would ultimately lead Reagan — a Republican — to call on Congress to enact harsher gun control measures. In 1991, a decade after the shooting, Reagan wrote a

 New York Times  op-ed 

advocating for the Brady bill, a law that established federal background checks for firearm purchases and created a five-day waiting period.

The attempted assassination was part of Hinckley’s bid to impress actress

 Jodie Foster 

, whom he did not know but was fixated on. Following a not guilty verdict by reason of insanity and

 a 34-year hospitalization 

, Hinckley left Saint Elizabeths Psychiatric Hospital

 in 2016 

— a full-time conditional release that READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

 Reagan’s family strongly opposed 

. In 2022,

 Hinckley’s conditions were removed 

in compliance with a federal judge’s order.

 Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme 

— a member of the Manson family cult led by

 Charles Manson 

— tried to shoot President

 Gerald Ford 

in front of the California State Capitol in Sacramento on Sept. 5, 1975. Fromme had four cartridges in her pistol’s magazine but none in the firing chamber, so the gun did not fire.

Two weeks later in San Francisco, Sara Jane Moore — a former FBI informant who had previously been evaluated by the Secret Service — fired a revolver from 40 feet away of Ford and missed the president just narrowly, after bystanders intervened.

Fromme and Moore are the only two women known to have attempted to assassinate an American president in U.S. history.

Seventeen days before his first inauguration, President-elect

 Franklin D. Roosevelt 

was nearly shot when Giuseppe Zangara fired five shots at him during a trip to deliver a speech in Miami. The shots all missed FDR, but fatally wounded the mayor of Chicago as well as four other people.

Speaking to authorities, Zangara — who was believed to have psychiatric issues — said he fired the shots because his stomach hurt: “Since my stomach hurt I want to make even with the capitalists by kill the president,” he

 reportedly told the FBI 



 Theodore Roosevelt 

— who had decided to seek a third term in office after sitting out of the White House for four years — was on his way to deliver a campaign speech at the Milwaukee Auditorium on Oct. 14, 1912, when he was struck by a bullet. But wearing a stiff overcoat and with his speech folded and nestled in his chest pocket, Roosevelt determined that the bullet hadn’t penetrated his lungs, but had been stopped somewhat by the speech itself.

As the

 History Channel 

notes, Roosevelt went on to deliver a 90-minute speech that night, only visiting the hospital once he was finished.

“Fortunately I had my manuscript, so you see I was going to make a long speech, and there is a bullet — there is where the bullet went through — and it probably saved me from it going into my heart,” he said to the crowd at the time. “The bullet is in me now, so I cannot make a very long speech, but I will try my best.”

On Jan. 30, 1835, an unemployed former house painter named Richard Lawrence tried to shoot President

 Andrew Jackson 

twice in the East Portico of the Capitol, while Jackson was leaving a funeral held in the House of Representatives Chamber.

The attempt failed when both of Lawrence’s pistols misfired. Jackson, 67 at the time, responded by clubbing Lawrence with his walking cane.

Lawrence was believed to be mentally ill, but Jackson voiced his own opinion: that his political opponents from the Whig Party had hired him to do the job.


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Fond of ginger tea? Beware of THESE side effects, know how much is too much




Ginger tea is good to drink as it tastes good and has many benefits. But drinking ginger tea many times a day can harm your health. Know what are the disadvantages of drinking too much ginger tea.

Drinking ginger tea during winter is considered beneficial for health. If there is no ginger in the morning tea, then it is not enjoyable. Ginger is considered very beneficial for health, but ginger tea can prove to be harmful instead of beneficial for health. Excessive consumption of ginger tea can cause stomach-related problems. Apart from this, tea with too much ginger can also lower your blood pressure. Drinking one cup a day is fine but not more than that. If you are also fond of drinking ginger tea, then know what are the disadvantages of it…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Disadvantages of drinking ginger tea 

  1. Acidity in the stomach may increase- Drinking 1-2 cups of mild ginger tea a day does not cause much harm, but if you drink tea several times a day and use more ginger in the tea, then it can cause gas, acidity and cramps in the stomach. People who have stomach problems should not drink ginger tea.
  2. Makes blood thinner- Ginger works as a natural blood thinner. In such a situation, people whose blood is already thin can be harmed by drinking ginger tea. Such people should avoid drinking ginger tea.
  3. Lowers blood pressure- Ginger tea is beneficial for high blood pressure patients, but if your BP remains low then do not consume ginger tea. Ginger contains elements that reduce blood pressure. This can cause more problems for low BP patients.
  4. Do not drink during pregnancy- Ginger tea should not be consumed in large quantities during pregnancy. It can cause heat in the stomach. Ginger is hot and drinking it can increase the problem of gas and acidity. Consuming too much ginger can also harm the baby in the womb.
  5. Allergy can occur- Many times people are allergic to some food items. In such a situation, people suffering from allergies can have problems like itching, rashes and swelling on the skin by drinking ginger tea.


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How Long Can You Have Cancer Without Knowing About It?




Cancer can often be present for years without being detected, depending on its type, location, and growth rate. The duration a person can have cancer without knowing varies widely due to these factors.

Many cancers grow slowly and might not produce noticeable symptoms for a long time. For example, prostate cancer or certain types of breast cancer may develop and progress very slowly…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


In such cases, the cancer could be present for several years before symptoms arise or a diagnosis is made. Prostate cancer, in particular, can sometimes be asymptomatic for a decade or more. Similarly, some types of thyroid cancer or chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) might not show symptoms until they are quite advanced.

Conversely, some cancers are aggressive and grow quickly, potentially causing symptoms within months. Pancreatic cancer, for instance, is known for its rapid progression and late presentation of symptoms, often being diagnosed at an advanced stage. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

The absence of symptoms or vague, non-specific symptoms can delay diagnosis. Many people may experience symptoms that they attribute to less serious conditions, such as fatigue, weight loss, or mild pain, leading to delays in seeking medical advice. Additionally, some cancers are discovered incidentally during imaging studies for unrelated issues.

Regular screenings and awareness of family history can play a crucial role in early detection. For example, mammograms for breast cancer, colonoscopies for colorectal cancer, and PSA tests for prostate cancer can help identify cancer before symptoms develop, particularly in individuals with a higher risk.

Ultimately, the length of time one can have cancer without knowing varies greatly and is influenced by the cancer’s characteristics and the individual’s health monitoring practices. Early detection through routine screenings and attention to potential symptoms can improve the chances of catching cancer before it becomes more advanced.


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Reason Why Black Line Appear Along The Stomach Of Pregnant Women And It Functions




The appearance of a dark line along the stomach of pregnant women is a common phenomenon known as the “linea nigra.” This line, which runs vertically from the pubic area to the navel or sometimes even up to the sternum, is a normal part of pregnancy and typically becomes more pronounced as the pregnancy progresses

The linea nigra is a result of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. Specifically, it is caused by an increase in the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color. During pregnancy, elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone stimulate the melanocytes (the cells that produce melanin) in the skin, leading to the darkening of the linea alba, a line of connective tissue that is normally present on the abdomen but not usually visible…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


In addition to hormonal changes, the linea nigra’s appearance can be influenced by genetic factors. Women with darker skin may experience a more noticeable linea nigra due to their higher baseline levels of melanin. The line is usually more noticeable in women with fairer skin but can appear in varying degrees on all skin types.

The function of the linea nigra is not entirely clear, but it is believed to be a remnant of the evolutionary process. Some theories suggest that the line could serve as a marker or guide during pregnancy, potentially aiding in the alignment of the fetus during birth, though this is not definitively proven. Another possible function is that the line may help to provide a visual reference for the growing uterus and the expanding abdomen, which could be beneficial during the later stages of pregnancy. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

It is important to note that the appearance of the linea nigra is generally harmless and fades after childbirth. As hormone levels return to pre-pregnancy levels, melanin production decreases, and the line gradually lightens and disappears over time. However, the rate at which it fades can vary from woman to woman.

In conclusion, the linea nigra is a natural and common occurrence during pregnancy, caused by hormonal changes and increased melanin production. While its exact function is not fully understood, it is considered a normal part of the body’s adaptation to pregnancy and generally resolves after childbirth.


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