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Heaviest Teenager In The World At 715lbs Gets Life-Changing Weight Loss Surgery




In today’s world, it is easier than ever to gain weight.

Thanks to a combination of the sedentary lifestyles we are forced to live in, our stressful environments, the rising costs of living (including that of healthy food), and in some cases even genetics, it is incredibly hard to maintain some kind of healthy weight.

Often we are forced to deal with it the best we can and hope that one day we can live comfortable enough a life that we can devote time and effort to bettering our bodies without having to sacrifice some aspect of living…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Sadly, in some unfortunate cases, trying to ignore the condition of one’s body is impossible, especially when it is so visible.

Jacob Miller was quite a hefty baby when he was born, and remained one throughout his childhood.

His parents, who love him unconditionally, initially did not see any problems with this.

It was easy to assume that this was all baby fat, and once puberty hit most of it should burn off.

This assumption, however, would prove itself to be very wrong.

At age 15, Jacob was the heaviest teenager in the world and undoubtedly in need of help.

His weight of 715 pounds was not only severely disproportionate to his 6’55” height, but it was also starting to cause the usual plethora of health problems that accompany unhealthy body sizes.

Some of the diseases he now had to contend with at such a young age included the likes of diabetes, heart problems, and liver diseases.

Worst of all, the usual methods of helping him slim down were not working. It was clear at this point that this was some kind of medical issue, brought on by biological problems. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Concerned, his parents brought him to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital to search for answers.

The doctors there, unfortunately, did not have any immediate answers for the Millers. There was, however, a drastic solution – gastric bypass surgery.

According to the pediatric surgeon Dr. Tom Inge, the human body wasn’t designed to carry around that kind of weight.

The aim presently, therefore, was curb Jacob’s condition the best they could until further research could turn up a cure.

The surgery sounded terrifying, but Jacob’s parents had his best interests at heart and agreed to the procedure.

Jacob, wanting to be as normal as he can, not only agreed to the procedure but took the doctor’s instructions to heart.

After following a suggested diet as strictly as possible, he managed to successfully lose 77 pounds – and this was before the surgery!

Since the procedure 6 months ago, he has lost a ton of weight, to the point of dropping about two to five sizes!

Although Jacob noted that the post-surgery diet, requirements, and conditions had been a challenge to work with and follow, he found it much easier than the pre-surgery procedures he had to adhere to.

Additionally, the improvements in his health and body are so readily visible that it continues to be highly encouraging for him.

Hopefully one day, a cure for his condition can be found, and Jacob can truly live a happy, healthy life.


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Man Dies Of Cancer Initially Mistaken For Hay Fever By Doctors





Heading to the doctor when you feel ill is a pretty smart thing to do. But sometimes, even doctors can make mistakes – and sadly, these mistakes can sometimes be fatal.

At the age of 30, Aaron Winstanley received the diagnosis of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. It was the August of 2016 at the time…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


The condition meant that he had a type of soft tissue tumor that had developed from his body’s connective tissues.

A short while later, Winstanley saw the doctor again when he began experiencing issues with congestion and his sinus.

The wind turbine technician who saw him thought he may have developed cancer, but his doctors went in a different direction and provided the diagnosis of hay fever.

Hay fever is a type of allergy where an individual, usually triggered by pollen, experiences watery eyes, a runny nose or a stuffy nose, itching in the eyes and sneezing.

Winstanley was given antihistamines, steroids, and antibiotics to treat this.

Then, a few months passed, and Winstanley lost sight in one of his eyes.

Doctors ran tests and found that Winstanley had terminal cancer which had spread from his cheek and outwards to virtually the rest of his body.

He elected to take immunotherapy treatment to treat the cancer.

There was just one problem.

The UK’s NHS didn’t provide this treatment, so Winstanley, together with Saraya Gallagher, his wife, set up a GoFundMe page.

They did so in order to help raise the whopping £300,000 they needed so that Winstanley could be treated in Germany at the Hallwang Clinic.

Efforts were successful and Winstanley began treatment in the summer. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

But then, last Friday, Gallagher posted a heartbreaking message on their Facebook page, entitled Aaron’s Battle.

Winstanley had passed away that morning.

He’d passed away in his sleep while at home and had previously said he was ready to go – almost as though this is the moment he chose.

Gallagher took the time to talk about her grief and her time with her husband.

She expressed how she felt she couldn’t bear the loss, especially after everything she and Winstanley had been through together over the past 2 years, and even more so with all the love they shared.

She added that she hadn’t known before him that it was possible to be so close to someone and feel the intense, selfless love she felt towards him and that she knew he felt towards her.

Gallagher also explained that Winstanley gave very clear instructions on what he wanted done when he passed away.

One of those was for Aaron’s Battle to be turned into a charity that would help others in a similar position to him.

Although they had used most of the funds raised for Winstanley’s treatment, there was some leftover that she would use to launch the charity – one she hopes can be her husband’s legacy.

She ended her Facebook post by saying that Winstanley had changed the lives of so many people and that she hoped his charity would help to continue changing the world.

Rest in peace, Aaron. Your kindness and selflessness is your legacy!


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Heartbreaking Revelation from Veterinarians Reveals Pets’ Last Wishes Before They Pass Away





“Pets, it turns out, also have last wishes before they die, but only known by veterinarians who put old and sick animals to sleep. Twitter user Jesse Dietrich asked a vet what was the most difficult part of his job.

The specialist answered without hesitation that it was the hardest for him to see how old or sick animals look for their owners with the eyes of their owners before going to sleep. The fact is that 90 % of owners don’t want to be in a room with a dying animal. People leave so that they don’t see their pet leave. But they don’t realize that it’s in these last moments of life that their pet needs them most…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

Veterinarians ask the owners to be close to the animals until the very end. ′′It’s inevitable that they die before you. Don’t forget that you were the center of their life. Maybe they were just a part of you. But they are also your family. No matter how hard it is, don’t leave them.

Don’t let them die in a room with a stranger in a place they don’t like. It is very painful for veterinarians to see how pets cannot find their owner during the last minutes of their life. They dont understand why the owner left them. After all, they needed their owner’s consolation. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Veterinarians do everything possible to ensure that animals are not so scared, but they are complete strangers to them. Don’t be a coward because it’s too painful for you. Think about the pet. Endure this pain for the sake of their sake. Be with them until the end.”

– Tricia Mo’orea

Photo credit: Travis Patenaude.

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What are the risks of eating uncooked fish when traveling to South East Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia)? How can one avoid them?





As travelers embark on their journeys to South East Asia, the region’s rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and mouthwatering cuisine beckon. Among the gastronomic delights, seafood holds a special place, with its vibrant flavors and diverse preparations.

However, it is crucial for visitors to be aware of the potential risks associated with consuming uncooked fish in countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia. In this article, we delve into these risks and provide essential tips to ensure a safe culinary experience…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


While raw or undercooked fish dishes, like sushi or ceviche, have gained popularity worldwide, certain precautions are necessary when indulging in these delicacies in South East Asia. The primary concern lies in the presence of parasites, such as tapeworms and roundworms, which can infect the human digestive system and cause health issues.

Fish that is not cooked to an adequate temperature may contain these parasites, posing a risk to travelers who consume it. The risk is particularly significant in countries like Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia, where raw fish dishes are prevalent in local cuisine. Uncooked fish can be found in dishes like Thai fish salad (Yam Pla Dook Foo), Vietnamese raw fish salad (Goi Ca), or Malaysian-style sashimi (Ikan Mentah). READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

To avoid the potential health hazards associated with uncooked fish, travelers are advised to follow these essential precautions:

  1. Choose reliable and reputable establishments: Opt for restaurants, food stalls, or markets that are well-established and have a good reputation among locals and fellow travelers. These establishments are more likely to prioritize food safety and adhere to proper hygiene standards.
  2. Ensure proper handling and storage: When purchasing fish or seafood, observe how it is handled and stored. Fresh fish should be kept at appropriate temperatures, and vendors should use gloves and clean utensils to prevent cross-contamination.
  3. Select thoroughly cooked fish: When ordering fish dishes, opt for options that are fully cooked. Grilled, baked, or steamed fish are generally safe choices, as they are cooked at high temperatures, reducing the risk of parasites and other contaminants.
  4. Be cautious with raw fish dishes: If you still desire to try raw fish dishes, exercise caution. Choose reputable restaurants or specialized sushi bars that adhere to strict hygiene standards. Ask about the fish’s source and inquire about the establishment’s handling practices to ensure maximum safety.
  5. Be aware of local customs: Familiarize yourself with local customs and practices regarding seafood consumption. Some dishes might be prepared in a way that minimizes the risk of parasites or uses specific ingredients to counteract them. Locals can provide valuable insights into safe culinary experiences.
  6. Stay informed and up-to-date: Keep yourself informed about any local advisories or warnings related to seafood consumption. Stay updated with travel advisories issued by your country’s embassy or consulate to ensure you have the latest information regarding food safety in your destination.

By following these guidelines, travelers can savor the delightful flavors of South East Asia’s seafood while minimizing the risks associated with consuming uncooked fish. Remember, it’s always better to prioritize your health and well-being, even in the pursuit of culinary adventures.

Travelers should consult their healthcare providers or travel clinics before their trip for personalized advice based on their health conditions and individual circumstances.


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