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Rude Woman Fat-Shaming Fellow Passengers And Calling Them ‘2 Pigs’, Gets Kicked Off Plane





A United Airlines passenger was unexpectedly booted from a flight for verbally expressing what she thinks of her fellow passengers.

She was assigned to a seat in the middle of two other people but she started to complain about getting “squished” since they were too big in size.

Norma Rodgers, who works as a nurse in New Jersey, decided to film the woman as she loudly complained about the seat assignments to someone on her phone…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


The woman also hurled insulting statements directed at her seatmates that appalled the rest of the passengers.

In the video, the unnamed woman said, as she was talking on her phone, that she cannot imagine sitting for four hours next to two big people.

She also shot back at Rodgers and said that she eats mostly salad so she’s slim and that she’s never politically correct so she says what she wants.

Another passenger informed the three that there could be a window seat available.

At this point, the woman got off the phone and tried to get up to check the empty seat but she couldn’t move from her place.

rude woman fat shaming passengers

Rodgers called a flight attendant to intervene and asked to assist the woman having a meltdown find a seat she would prefer.

The flight attendant requested the woman to stay at the rear for the time being until they find a more appropriate seat.

The flight was headed from Las Vegas to Newark on a fully-booked capacity since it was just days after New Year’s.

But Rodgers hoped the flight attendant could find a solution since she wasn’t going to start 2019 by having someone verbally abuse her.

rude woman fat shaming passengers READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

The disgruntled woman, who was finally able to move out of her row, also ordered the flight attendant to find her a window seat or get her out of the plane.

While she walked towards the rear, however, other passengers told her to be ashamed of herself.

But she shot back at them and said that they should try to imagine what it would be like “to sit between two pigs.”

Eventually, however, the woman was seen being escorted outside of the plane.

Rodgers, on the other hand, posted her video on Facebook, which has been viewed by millions.

rude woman fat shaming passengers

Rodgers said that she’s a United platinum member since she needed to travel frequently for work.

She was on the plane with her partner, McKinley ‘Mac’ Frink.

In a separate post, the nurse said she was prompted to film the woman when she started to verbally abuse her and the other passenger.

In response, United Airlines said that they since it was evident that the disruptive customer’s behavior would be problematic for the flight, she was offered a different travel arrangement.

She flew out of Las Vegas via United the next morning.

Rodgers, on the other hand, commended United for handling the situation professionally and calmly.

She also expressed her gratefulness for the other passengers who defended them from the verbal attacks.


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