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This Wife Was Angry ,Her Husband Always Worked Late, Until She Found Out Why!





Indiana natives. David and Jonah met when they were both in their twenties, but they couldn’t have been more different. David grew up in a hard working Amish community, while Jonah made a living writing a blog on the Internet. Regardless, they loved each other and decided to get married. But when David started coming home late, Jonah suspected the worst.

Determined to find out why he worked such long hours, Jonah began to think what she didn’t expect was to figure out the why and feel beyond guilty for being angry.

David and Jonah were in their 20s when they met back in the year 2012. It was a quick romance, and on Thanksgiving about a year later, David proposed in front of their friends and family. At the time, Jonah was pregnant with their little girl. The proposal was perfect. They were going to start a family together…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


So after their daughter arrived and they said their vows, the two couldn’t have been happier. But Jonah was about to find out something big. Jonah was a small town girl from Indiana, and while most people wouldn’t think of it because of where she’s from, Jonah prides herself for being a loud mouth. She even said that she finds it fun to create awkward conversations and jokes. It’s pretty much her superpower.

As the years went by, she realized she could create web and video content for people to watch as entertainment. As it turned out, people loved her channel. On her blog and social media channels, Jonah is commonly known as the Real Blunt Blonde, and honestly, the nickname very much suits the stay at home mom who says, People think I’m always joking, but I’m not. I’m genuinely an unpleasant person and hate everyone equally. She even jokes around, calling herself a stayathome slave who won’t have any hair by the time they’re 30.

Pretty much she loves self deprecating humor and apparently so do her fans. David was also from a rural town, but that’s pretty much where the two lovebirds similarities started and ended. While Jonah was very outspoken, sarcastic and a jokester, David grew up a bit reserved in an Amish community. He had all the groomsmen wearing bow ties to the wedding, something Jonah wasn’t exactly thrilled about at the time. She even admitted to exploding when she learned that Amish men don’t wear ties.

As you can imagine, the two grew up very differently. So how are they going to make it work? Growing up in a Swiss German Amish community, David was unused to modern technology, learning how to do things the old fashioned way. Because of this, David and Jonah have very little in common. While David drives a buggy, Jonah admits that she almost drove one into a tree.

Due to his upbringing, David is also calmer and serene, while his wife is a wild child running her mouth on the internet every other day, something he also doesn’t fully understand. Nevertheless, both David and Jonah love each other and believe that opposites attract. So they’ve learned to live with one another. David and the new technology and whirlwind wife, and Jonah with a very old fashioned husband who doesn’t know how to use Google properly. On her blog, Jonas said, All I really knew about the Amish community was that they made Donuts that would slap your taste buds with happiness you’ve never experienced before.

With a lot of mommy bloggers in the internet world, it takes a lot for someone to really stand out. Thankfully for Jonah, she had something up her sleeve and it was a bit different than the other bloggers. It factor. That thing was her Amish husband. What better marketing strategy is there for a newly married couple with an internet blogging wife and a husband who grew up without technology?

Was it interesting to the readers, you better believe it was with a young daughter, a house to take care of, and maintaining her vast online presence, you can imagine Jonah was very busy and typically on a very tight schedule. And considering David worked out of the house, she was by herself most of the day. But she had to admit that even with all of the daily responsibilities she had, Jonah loved her blog and spending as much time with her daughter as possible. While Jonas stayed at home with their young daughter, David went to work at a nearby RV dealership. There, he worked long hours, often staying late into the night.

But with his Amish upbringing, no one really expected him to do anything less. But that left Jonah alone. And while she had many internet followers that didn’t replace the company of her husband, she missed interacting with him and began feeling very lonely. The long hours and loneliness were stressing Jonah out, and it made her mind run wild. The long hours of David’s work day began to stress Joan out.

One day on her blog, she even wrote, I’m wedded to an industrious man and I would be dishonest if I alleged that it didn’t stress me. The stay at home mom admitted to being angry with her husband because of all the time he put into his job. It was even taking a toll on his appearance, giving him cracked hands and Crows feet all before the age of 30, something Jonah wasn’t happy about. Although it was a bit petty of Jonah did not appreciate David’s hard work that left him with rough hands and facial lines. She was aware she’s putting him in a no win situation. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

One blog post said, he literally can’t succeed. If David doesn’t work later than usual, he’ll not get the new furniture set that I need to have. However he works late, he returns home to an irritating wife who’s longing for his attention. I am an egocentric in our Union, and I recognize that. Jonah reflected on her marriage one night when she was waiting for David to come home from work, comparing it to the fairy tales she used to read as a little girl.

In a blog post, she said, I don’t remember the Prince absent from dinners for the reason that he was working overtime or retiring to bed not long after he came to his palace, since he was so tired. But Jonah was missing one vital piece of information about the Prince inner stories. What Jonah forgot is that the Prince and her stories didn’t need to work or provide for his family. He was already rich and living a lavish life in a palace. But that didn’t matter because as time went on, she became more and more frustrated with the long hours, and that frustration grew into anger.

With her emotions boiling, Jonah decided she was going to confront David and ask where he’s been and why he didn’t want to spend time with his family. To keep her mind off of growing anger and resentment, Jonah did chores. It helped her keep control of things when everything seemed out of control. So when she heard the dryer go off, she didn’t think twice about going and folding all the clothing. But doing such a mindnumbing task didn’t help her wandering thoughts.

Her husband was late once again, and she had no idea where he could possibly be. Of course, being the blogger she is, Jonah wrote to her followers. She said, Why doesn’t he wish to spend time together with me? We’re newlyweds. Aren’t we meant to be in the honeymoon phase?

Of course, Jonas thoughts weren’t abnormal, as a lot of women have an image of what marriage should be in their heads, and having a new husband who doesn’t want to spend any time at home was not it. Jonah’s mind was wandering while she was separating her clothing for her husband’s, folding them into different piles to be put away. And honestly, the act made her separation that much more difficult for Jonah to deal with. But then something happened. While Jonah was folding the clothing, she noticed something very strange something she didn’t notice before.

And it was then that she started to think back on their marriage. There was something distinctly different about their clothing. Keep watching to find out why. While folding their laundry, Jonah noticed something very strange. She wrote on her blog, why did my garments look lively, sparkling and new?

His were filthy, stained and worn out. She distinctly remembered both of them going shopping together. But when she thought back on the day, she didn’t remember her husband actually purchasing new clothes for himself just for her and their daughter. With that memory in her mind, Jonah became lost in thought. After thinking things over, Jonah felt bad about wanting to confront David about his long hours.

She thought it was petty and selfish for her to do so since he was obviously working that hard in order to provide for his family. On her blog, Jonah wrote, this man provided more than I ought to have. If I let him know I desire something, hardly ever will he say no. It was obvious to her that she married a very hardworking and loving man. Jonah had been bitter about David’s long hours for awhile, so it took her some time to finally calm down and realize why he was out of the house so much, working himself to the bone.

It was all for her and their daughter. So how could she be angry with someone who was doing all they could to provide for their family? She couldn’t. It wasn’t as if he was out partying or had a secret family on the side airblog, Jonah wrote, he spoils me with the fruits of his toil, and he’s fine with a pair of tattered boxer briefs. I was behaving as if he were elsewhere enjoying with his friends.

However, his clothes told a whole different narrative. It was a huge life lesson for Jonah. First, she shouldn’t jump to conclusions before knowing the entire story, and second, if she wanted to have nice things, David was going to have to work. As Jonah continued to think about it, she realized she was acting silly. Of course, David didn’t want to work long hours.


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so a boy approached her and whispered 3 words that froze her in place





Sexuality can be exciting and also embarrassing for teens. Even when they are curious to learn all there is to know about the subject, few really want to sit down and have this awkward conversation with their parents.

Girls have a greater concern about their period. Girls don’t want to be the first or last to receive it. And when they do, they’re usually scared that the bleeding will seep into their clothes, which will lead to everyone knowing that this time of the month has come…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Unfortunately, for one young girl, this is exactly what happened. While on her way home on the bus from school, a red stain appeared on her pants. Unfortunately, she was not the only one who noticed it.

Several children on the bus saw the stain and the young girl got extremely embarrassed.

As we all know, children and teenagers can be cruel and vicious in such situations, so when an older boy on the bus suddenly approached her, the girl was prepared for a joke or a disgusting remark.

But instead of laughing at her, he said something that led the girl’s mother to share the story on social media.

The boy saw what had happened and decided to approach the girl. But he was not there to embarrass her any further – quite the contrary. He offered her his shirt so she could tie it around her waist. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

The girl’s mother praised the boy

The girl’s mother praised not only the boy for his wonderful gesture, but also his mother for raising and educating her son to be such a good person.

We hear a lot of negative stories about teens today so hearing something so positive is really wonderful.

After the mother posted

We can only agree. We think few teens would dare approach someone who was sitting and feeling embarrassed while others laughed and did nothing.

Feel free to share this story with your Facebook friends to make a tribute to this boy for the wonderful thing he did. There is no doubt that he will be even more of a gentleman as he grows and matures!


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Man Whispers To His Comatose Wife, But She Could Hear Every Word





After being found unconscious in her home, a woman fell into a coma. As the plug was pulled on her life support, her husband leaned down and whispered the truth in her ear. Little did he know, she could hear every word and was about to fight back.

Lyndee Brown Pellettiere-Swapp was only 45 years old when her son Steven found her unconscious in their Arizona home. He immediately called 911, and Lyndee was rushed to Banner Del E. Webb Medical Center. For five days, Lyndee suffered seizures and eventually fell into a coma, where she remained for 12 days, according to Mirror…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Lyndee’s husband Steve, daughter Amanda, and son Steven hoped for a miracle, but doctors said there was nothing more they could do and recommended taking Lyndee off life support. The tough decision was made to pull the plug, honoring what the family thought was Lyndee’s wishes. “My family knows I am an avid organ donor so when my organs started to fail, they made the decision — it was time to make that decision,” Lyndee would later explain.

As Lyndee’s family came to say their goodbyes, little did her family know, Lyndee heard every word. “I remember people talking to me,” Lyndee recalled. “I remember when people came to visit, my niece reading to me.” She also remembered the doctors talking about her impending demise, telling the family what to expect as she inevitably passed away.

“[Doctors] told [my family] that I would start to make noises when they turned off life support. It was very agitating. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t talk, couldn’t respond. I could just hear conversations around me and about me,” Lyndee said. “I remember a doctor opening my eyes, messing with me, and telling my family I was not reacting.”

Lyndee knew she had to speak up in order to save her own life, but she tried and failed. “In my head, it was very clear what I was saying, but it wasn’t to them,” she explained. Then, she found all the motivation she needed in the words her husband leaned down and whispered in her ear, thinking she was about to leave this life.

“They removed all tubes as he requested,” she recalled, adding that a doctor was waiting to “pronounce her dead” while an organ donation team was on standby, ready to take her organs. But, her husband Steve wasn’t ready for his wife to leave him. In a whisper, Steve pleaded with Lyndee, reminding her of a reality she was about to make everyone else aware of.

After 12 days in a coma, Lyndee woke up, uttering three words that surprised her entire family. “I’m a fighter,” she managed to respond after Steve had spoken that very truth in her ear. “I was finally able to get out ‘I’m a fighter,’ which is what my husband was whispering in my ear,” Lyndee said, recalling the moment she woke up from her coma after being taken off life support, according to Daily Mail. “[He kept saying] ‘I need you to fight.’” READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Stunned, Steve quickly went to get the doctor. “My husband said, ‘She is doing everything you said she wouldn’t do,’” Lyndee recalled. Indeed, against all odds and medical predictions, Lyndee was back, awake, and responding, AZ Family reported. But, not realizing what was happening, Amanda came to the hospital, thinking her mother was gone.

“I looked at her, and she just says, ‘Hi,’ and I just fell to my knees,” Amanda recalled tearfully, describing how she melted down after receiving the shock of her life. Lyndee eventually left the hospital, but she wasn’t out of the woods. Despite her amazing recovery, she suffered a number of health problems and complications.

Lyndee even had to learn to walk and feed herself again. “They released me with home healthcare to continue learning everything,” she said. She also required numerous follow-up surgeries and hospitalizations, and she suffered PTSD from the experience.

Almost two years later, Lyndee Brown Pellettiere-Swapp still had “no answers” as to why she first fell unconscious or how she made such a recovery. But, there was one thing she was certain of that she needed others to know too. “Just because you are not conscious does not mean you cannot hear,” she said. “So you should talk to your loved ones if you are in that situation. They hear you.”

The experience also left her family with an important message for others too. “Everything can be taken away. You can wake up one day and everything is fine, and then your life is a mess,” Lyndee’s son Steven said. “Keep your family close and don’t let them go,” he added.

“I don’t take for granted that I get to come home and kiss my mom,” Steven continued. “Every day I come home from work, seeing her and talking to her.” Go hug your loved ones, and remind others to do the same because you never know when it could be your last chance.


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“Incredibly intelligent and very evasive” Canadian “super pig” poses a new threat to the United States





In recent decades, wild pigs have become a growing menace to flora and fauna in the United States, wreaking havoc by devouring crops, spreading diseases, and even preying on deer and elk. Now, a new swine-related threat looms over North America as a Canadian “super pig” emerges, a formidable and highly elusive creature capable of surviving cold climates by tunneling under snow.

This “super pig” is the result of cross-breeding domestic pigs with wild boars, compounding the problems caused by the ongoing swine invasion…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Pigs are not indigenous to the US, but their population has exploded in recent times, causing an estimated $1.5 billion worth of damage annually. The rise of the hunting industry targeting wild pigs has led to some localized control, where people pay substantial amounts to hunt them down with machine guns.

However, the overall impact of these undiscriminating creatures has been overwhelmingly negative. Michael Marlow, assistant program manager for the Department of Agriculture’s national feral swine damage management program, notes that pigs not only compete directly with native species for food but also act as accomplished predators, preying on young fawns and impacting other wildlife populations.

The environmental consequences of wild pigs are equally concerning, ranging from destroying farmers’ crops to damaging trees and polluting water sources. Additionally, there are serious human health and safety risks associated with pigs as they can carry viruses, like flu, which can be transmitted to humans.

National Geographic reports that pigs have the potential to harbor and create novel influenza viruses that could pose a significant threat to humanity. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Pigs were first introduced to the continental US in the 16th century by Spanish explorer Hernando De Soto, and their populations have seen rapid growth in recent decades due to intentional releases and illicit movement by individuals seeking to establish hunting populations.

Canada, too, faces a surge in wild pig populations, with the emergence of “super pigs” posing a particularly worrying challenge. These larger swine, bred by cross-breeding wild boars with domestic pigs, are not only prolific breeders but also well-adapted to survive the harsh Canadian winters. With their massive size, sometimes exceeding 661 pounds, and intelligence, these super pigs can endure extreme cold by tunneling under snow and creating snow caves for shelter.

Efforts to eradicate wild pig populations have met with limited success, and researchers and experts now focus on managing the damage caused by these invasive mammals rather than complete eradication. Some methods include trapping entire sounders of pigs in large traps or poisoning attempts, which have yielded varying results. A notable approach used in the US is the “Judas pig” method, where a pig fitted with a GPS collar is released into the wild to lead hunters to other unsuspecting pigs.

While control measures continue to be explored, it is clear that wild pigs, along with the emergence of “super pigs,” pose significant and lasting challenges to North America’s ecosystems. The task ahead involves finding sustainable solutions to mitigate their impact while acknowledging that complete eradication might no longer be feasible.

As wild pigs firmly establish their presence, the need to manage their population and curb their detrimental effects on the environment remains a pressing concern for the region.


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