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Сарыағашта жұмыс істеуге келген бір топ мигрант елден шығармауды сұрайды




Түркістан облысы Сарыағаш ауданында жүздеген мигрант заңсыз жұмыс істегені үшін сотқа тартылды. Бұл туралы ақпарат агенттігі Азаттыққа сілтеме жасап хабарлайды. 

Фото: Диляра Исса

Сарыағаш аудандық әкімшілік құқықбұзушылық істері жөніндегі мамандандырылған сотында еңбек мигранттарының жүздеген ісі қаралып жатыр. Олардың барлығы иммиграциялық заңнаманы бұзды деп айыпталды. Мигранттардың басым бөлігі –  Өзбекстан мен Тәжікстан азаматтары.

Мигранттардың елде жүру мерзімі өтіп кеткен. Өзбекстан, Тәжікстан азаматтары визасыз елде жүре алады, бірақ жұмыс істеу үшін бөлек рұқсат алуы керек.

Әдетте, мигранттардың тіркеу мерзімінің өткені үйлеріне кеткен кезде шекарада нақтыланады. 

Енді олар істерінің “тым баяу” қаралатынына наразы. Әрі депортациялау туралы сот шешімдерімен келіспейді.

“Демалыс күндері көп істер келіп түседі, бірақ дүйсенбіден бастап қараймыз, адам көп”, – деп мәлімдеді аудандық сот.

Сот ғимаратының сыртында сотқа шақыруды көп адам күтіп отыр. Олардың барлығы “Жібек жолы” шекара бекетінде ұсталған. Іс сотқа ұлттық қауіпсіздік комитетінің шекара қызметінен түсті.

Өзбекстан азаматы Абдулазиз Абдулкаимов Тараздағы дәмханалардың бірінде аспаз болып жұмыс істеген. Ол Қазақстанда тоғыз айға жуық болды. Оның айтуынша, жұмыс беруші оны заң талабына сай тек алғашқы жарты жылға тіркеген, Абдулазиз тағы үш ай Таразда жұмыс істеген. Шекарашылар оны 1 қарашада Өзбекстанға үйіне қайтуға дайындалып жатқанда ұстаған.

“Күніне үш мың теңгеге пәтер жалдадық. Бір бөлмеде он бес адам жатты. Барлығы Өзбекстан азаматтары. Біз Қазақстанға күн көру үшін келдік”, – деді ол.

4 қарашадағы сотта жүзге жуық адам болды. Кейбіреулер күтуден шаршағаны сонша, жаяу жүргіншілер жолына жатын орын орнатып алды. Жолдың қарсы бетіне жергілікті тұрғындар азық-түлік бекетін орнатып қойған.  READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

“Степногорск қаласындағы фермада мал бағып жұмыс істедік. Шаруашылықта төрт жүзге жуық мал бар. Олар ет пен сүт өндіреді. Екі тракторшының жұмысын жалғыз өзім істедім”, – деді 42 жастағы өзбекстандық Зафар Раджапов.

Зафар Ражапов Қазақстан президентінен кешірім сұрады.

“Мұнда 500 адам бар, төртінші күн күтіп отырмыз, көмектесіңіз, бір жолға кешіріңізші”, – деді ол.

Енді сот алдына жиналған мигранттар бұл күндері бар тапқан ақшасын тамақ пен пәтерге жұмсадық деп алаңдаулы.

Тәжікстан азаматы Сардор Насурлаев шекарашылар оны заңсыз ұстады деп есептейді. Оның айтуынша, ол соңғы төрт жыл Қазақстанда жұмыс істейді. Тамызда ол Қазақстанға келіп, “турист” визасын рәсімдеп, ЖСН алды. Қазақстанда болу мерзімі біткен кезде ол үйіне қайтуды жоспарлаған. Яғни визасының мерзімі аяқталуға бір апта қалғанда қайтпақ болыпты.

“Шекарашылар құжаттарымды да тексерген жоқ. Олар жай ғана Қазақстанға екі күн бұрын келді деп арыз жазып, сотқа жіберді. Сот негізсіз депортациялау туралы қаулы шығарды. Мен бұл шешіммен келіспеймін”, – дейді Насурлаев.

Сот хатшылары көшеге шығып, бір мезетте он шақты адамды шақыртады.

Сот ғимаратынан шыққандардың көпшілігі судьяның Қазақстаннан депортациялау туралы қаулы шығарғанын хабарлады. Айыппұлды төлеуге мүмкіндігі жоқтар сот шешімімен келісіп отыр. Алайда Қазақстанда жұмыс істеп, Өзбекстан мен Тәжікстанда отбасын асырап жүргендер мұнымен келіспейді. 

Сарыағаш әкімшілік сотының мәліметіне сүйенсек, мигранттарға қатысты істер өткен жылмен салыстырғанда күрт өскен. Өткен жыл ішінде бұл аудандық сот Қазақстанға жұмысқа келіп, тіркелмеген 17 мың адамның ісін қараған. Ал биыл 10 айда 17 мың оқиға тіркелді.

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Biden Walks Away Without Taking Any Questions About New Orleans Terror Attack After Remarks at Camp David (Video) –





Joe Biden addressed the nation from Camp David, the presidential retreat in Catoctin Mountain Park in Maryland on Wednesday evening following a terrorist attack that left at least 15 people dead in New Orleans.

At least 15 people were killed, 35 injured after a terrorist identified as 42-year-old Shamsud Din Jabbar plowed through a crowd in New Orleans during the New Year’s Eve celebration.

According to law enforcement, Jabbar did not work alone and was part of a larger network of terrorists…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Earlier Wednesday Joe Biden stopped to chat with reporters as he departed Wilmington, Delaware for Camp David on Wednesday for another vacation.

He provided an absolutely worthless statement on the terrorist attack

“You all got my statement. I’ll have more to say in next hour about what’s going on in New Orleans…I’ve spoken to every member of the agencies, from CIA to national security team to FBI and NSC…anger and frustration,” Biden said.


On Wednesday evening, Biden’s handlers shot him up with his latest meth cocktail and pushed out in front of a camera to address the nation READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Biden slurred through prepared remarks.

“Hours before, he posted videos on social media indicating that he is inspired by ISIS, expressing a desire to kill,” Biden said.


Biden didn’t take any questions about the terror attack. He shuffled away from the lectern and disappeared.



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Biden Announces Liz Cheney to Receive Presidential Citizens Medal, The Reason Will Shock You –





President Joe Biden will formally announce recipients of the Presidential Thursday at 5 PM, and one name on the list is sure to raise eyebrows: Liz Cheney. The former Republican member of Congress — and vocal critic of President-elect Donald Trump — is among the 20 names in a statement released early Thursday morning.

The Presidential Citizens Medal is awarded to citizens of the United States of America who have performed exemplary deeds of service for their country or their fellow citizens. President Biden believes these Americans are bonded by their common decency and commitment to serving others. The country is better because of their dedication and sacrifice…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


The White House statement lauds Cheney: “Throughout two decades in public service, including as a Congresswoman for Wyoming and Vice Chair of the Committee on the January 6 attack, Liz Cheney has raised her voice—and reached across the aisle—to defend our Nation and the ideals we stand for: Freedom. Dignity. And decency. Her integrity and intrepidness remind us all what is possible if we work together.”

The awards will be presented at the White House on January 2, 2025. The following individuals will be awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal:

Mary L. Bonauto — Attorney and activist Mary Bonauto first fought to legalize same-sex marriage in Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Maine before arguing before the Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Hodges, which established marriage equality as the law of the land. Her efforts made millions of families whole and forged a more perfect Union.

Bill Bradley — Raised in small-town Missouri, Bill Bradley showed a dedication to basketball that would define his courage, discipline, and selflessness. A two-time NBA Champion and Hall-of-Fame New York Knick, he served three terms as a United States Senator from New Jersey and was a candidate for president, advancing tax reform, water rights, civil rights, and more, while still today seeking to deepen our common humanity with humility and heart.

Frank K. Butler, Jr. — As a pioneering innovator, Navy Seal, and leader in dive medicine, Dr. Frank Butler introduced Tactical Combat Casualty Care to the medical world that set new standards for tourniquet use not only for injuries in war, but injuries across daily civilian life. He has transformed battlefield trauma care for the United States military and saved countless lives.

Elizabeth L. Cheney — Throughout two decades in public service, including as a Congresswoman for Wyoming and Vice Chair of the Committee on the January 6 attack, Liz Cheney has raised her voice—and reached across the aisle—to defend our Nation and the ideals we stand for: Freedom. Dignity. And decency. Her integrity and intrepidness remind us all what is possible if we work together.

Christopher J. Dodd — Chris Dodd has served our Nation with distinction for more than 50 years as a United States Congressman, Senator, respected lawyer, and diplomat. From advancing childcare, to reforming our financial markets, to fostering partnerships across the Western Hemisphere—he has stood watch over America as a beacon to the world.

Diane Carlson Evans —After serving as an Army nurse during the Vietnam War, Diane Carlson Evans founded the Vietnam Women’s Memorial Foundation to ensure female service members received the recognition they deserve—one of our Nation’s most sacred obligations. Her duty and devotion embody the very best of who we are as Americans.

Joseph L. Galloway (posthumous) — From Vietnam to the Persian Gulf, Joe Galloway spent decades sharing first-hand accounts of horror, humanity, and heroism in battle. Known as the soldier’s reporter and the soldier’s friend, he embedded with American troops, rescued wounded soldiers under fire, and became the only civilian awarded a Bronze Star for combat valor by the United States Army as one of the most respected war correspondents of his era.

Nancy Landon Kassebaum — The first woman to represent Kansas, Nancy Kassebaum was a force in the United States Senate. From supporting a woman’s right to choose to reforming health care, she stood up for what she believed in even if it meant standing alone, and she reached across the aisle to do what she believed was right.

Ted Kaufman — For decades, including as a United States Senator from Delaware, Ted Kaufman has served the Nation with honesty and integrity. A master of the Senate who championed everyday Americans and public servants, he’s been at the forefront of consequential debates about the courts, the financial system, and more. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Carolyn McCarthy — As a nurse, Carolyn McCarthy had an instinct to heal and serve. When her husband and son were shot on a local commuter train, she became an advocate so persuasive that she was recruited to run for Congress. She served 18 years, championing gun safety measures including improved background checks, as a citizen legislator devoted to protecting our Nation’s welfare.

Louis Lorenzo Redding (posthumous) — A groundbreaking civil rights advocate, Louis was the first Black attorney admitted to the bar in Delaware, where he argued against segregation in the seminal cases of Bulah v. Gebhart and Belton v. Gebhart—laying the legal framework for Brown v. Board of Education. A towering figure and a generous mentor, he opened doors of equity and opportunity for all Americans.

Bobby Sager — A Boston native, Bobby Sager travels the world as a photographer and philanthropist grounded in family and empathy, wielding his camera and influence to connect with people in war-torn countries, capture their hope and humanity, and inspire others to take action and see a fuller portrait of the planet we all share.

Collins J. Seitz (posthumous) —As a state judge in Delaware, Judge Seitz became the first judge in America to integrate a white public school, dismantling the doctrine of “separate but equal” with exacting detail and reverence for the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment of our Constitution. His brave ruling tore down walls of separation to help us see each other as fellow Americans.

Eleanor Smeal — From leading massive protests and galvanizing women’s votes in the 1970s to steering progress for equal pay and helping the Violence Against Women Act become law, Ellie Smeal forced the Nation to not only include women in political discourse but to value them as power brokers and equals. Her strategic vision over more than 40 years embodies the American pursuit to create a fairer, more just world.

Bennie G. Thompson — Born and raised in a segregated Mississippi, as a college student inspired by the Civil Rights movement, Bennie Thompson volunteered on campaigns and registered southern Black voters. That call to serve eventually led him to Congress, where he chaired the House January 6th Committee—at the forefront of defending the rule of law with unwavering integrity and a steadfast commitment to truth.

Mitsuye Endo Tsutsumi (posthumous) — In a shameful chapter in our Nation’s history, Mitsuye Endo was incarcerated alongside more than 120,000 Japanese Americans. Undaunted, she challenged the injustice and reached the Supreme Court. Her resolve allowed thousands of Japanese Americans to return home and rebuild their lives, reminding us that we are a Nation that stands for freedom for all.

Thomas J. Vallely — A United States Marine during the Vietnam War, Thomas Vallely has never given up on peace. Over the course of five decades, he has brought Vietnam and the United States together—establishing Fulbright University Vietnam, fostering greater economic and cultural exchange, and overcoming the perils of the past to seize the promise of the future. His service remains a symbol of American leadership in the world.

Frances M. Visco — As president of the National Breast Cancer Coalition, Fran Visco has fought tirelessly and fearlessly to increase Federal funding for breast cancer research, early detection education, and access to women’s healthcare. As a breast cancer survivor, she turned pain into purpose, changed the landscape of breast cancer advocacy, and has become a powerful symbol of hope for the Nation.

Paula S. Wallace —A lifelong educator and trailblazer of the arts, Paula Wallace dreamt of a school that would transform how we think about professional education. By establishing the esteemed Savannah College of Art and Design and serving as its president, she has guided thousands of students into creative industries.

Evan Wolfson —By leading the marriage equality movement, Evan Wolfson helped millions of people in all 50 states win the fundamental right to love, marry, and be themselves. For 32 years, starting with a visionary law school thesis, Evan Wolfson worked with singular focus and untiring optimism to change not just the law, but society—pioneering a political playbook for change and sharing its lessons, even now, with countless causes worldwide.


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‘Historical Context Can Be Tricky’ –





Vice President-elect JD Vance promoted Elon Musk’s recent op-ed in support of Germany’s far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Vance shared the op-ed on Thursday and wrote, “I’m not endorsing a party in the German elections, as it’s not my country and we hope to have good relations with all Germans. But this is an interesting piece.”

“Also interesting; American media slanders AfD as Nazi-lite, But AfD is most popular in the same areas of Germany that were most resistant to the Nazis,” Vance added. Vance’s claim was quickly shot down by German journalist James Jackson who shared electoral maps from 1932 and 2024 showing that regional overlap for the AfD and the Nazi party in northeastern Germany…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

The German Ambassador to the US, Andreas Michaelis, also refuted Vance’s claim, replying, “Interesting observation, Senator JD Vance. Historical context can be tricky – while some areas you are referring to resisted the Nazi party early on, others did not, or later became strongholds of the regime. Germany’s history reminds us how important it is to challenge extremism in all its forms.”

Musk stirred controversy last month when he endorsed the party, which has long been controversial both across Europe and in the U.S. Musk wrote on his X platform that “only the AfD can save Germany.” The AfD is polling strongly in Germany’s upcoming election, but is seen as unlikely to be voted into a position to govern the country as the other parties have vowed not to work with them. Germany publicly accused Musk earlier in the week of trying to influence its elections

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) addressed Musk’s support for the AfD in late December on CNN, “Yeah. I mean, this is not normal. So AfD is essentially the neo-Nazi party in Germany. They exist to try to rehabilitate the image of the Nazi party. And they have all sorts of very dangerous ideas about ridding Germany of anyone who is not naturally born in that country. They are an extremist group,” Murphy replied, adding: READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

And it is just extraordinary that maybe the most important advisor to the president of the United States, somebody that has been, you know, parading around the halls of Congress as a key advisor to the president, is endorsing a neo-Nazi party inside Germany.

Germany’s DW news agency describes the party’s platform as one that “insists on the primacy of “traditional” German culture and rejects Islam as a part of German society. It also questions the notion that climate change is man-made, wants to uphold family values and opposes diversity and gender issues. The AfD wants to limit NATO’s operational area to the territory of its member states and replace the EU with a new organization.”

DW also noted, “The AfD has a powerful extremist section which the domestic intelligence service is keeping tabs on.”


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