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Grieving Dad Keeps A Camera In His Daughter’s Coffin. When He Turns It On At Night, He Screams “NO!” –




A father’s unspeakable grief has him install a camera in the lining of his deceased daughter’s casket on the night of her funeral. Imagining despair, he reviews the footage from the memory card of the camera, and what he sees makes him scream, “No!”#

Jason stood hunched amid the sea of black umbrellas. The rhythmic thud of dirt on Lily’s casket was a death knell in his soul. Then there was a flicker, a trace of something pale inside the coffin. It vanished, leaving only the pouring rain, the mourners’ quiet sobs, and a deep dread worming its way into his gut. This wasn’t right. Panic surged. He lunged forward and clawed at the freshly piled earth, his voice a ragged sob, “Stop! Something’s wrong!” Strong hands pulled him back as his desperate cries cut through the downpour. The world tilted sideways as they wrestled him away from the grave. Jason’s cries were primal, the agony of a father who had already lost everything. That flicker of light—it could be nothing, but it could be everything too.

That night, no amount of whiskey could drown the image of that pale flicker, images of Lily trapped in the suffocating darkness, reaching towards him with pleading eyes. A feeling that she wasn’t truly gone wrapped around him like a shroud. Days were a haze of torment; meals were forgotten, and work was abandoned. Jason existed in a twilight world between sanity and the consuming, terrifying “what-ifs.” Lily’s face flickered through his waking thoughts. It wasn’t the peaceful image from her funeral; it was those terror-filled eyes from his nightmares.

Then it struck—a chilling certainty cut through the fog of despair. The camera—an absurd, morbid premonition had driven him to install it before the burial. It was a small motion-activated device, tucked discreetly inside the satin lining of her coffin. Could it hold proof that his fears weren’t the ravings of a grief-stricken mind?


With shaking hands, Jason accessed the camera. The footage brought no relief. There was only crushing emptiness. Each hour scrolled past in an oppressive, inky blackness. But then, just before the coffin was sealed, there was a jolt to the camera. It was a blurry shape, indistinguishable at first. Then there was a flicker of movement—it looked like a small hand, impossibly pale, showing itself briefly before disappearing back into shadow.

“No,” he screamed. He zoomed and enhanced the footage until the pixels fractured. Those few frames were enough to ignite either the twisted tendrils of hope or the final descent into madness. He didn’t know anymore. All that mattered was the image seared into his mind and the desperate need to see for himself. Lily might be alive, and he wouldn’t rest until he knew, and the answer lay six feet under in the suffocating darkness of Lily’s coffin.

He lurched back from the computer. It was impossible. Lily was gone. She’d been certified deceased by doctors and mourned by a crowd he now viewed with suspicion. Yet the memory of that pale hand, that single fluid movement, gnawed at him like a parasite. A perverse kind of hope ignited. Was this a system malfunction? A corrupted file? A cruel trick of the universe? It had to be something, anything other than the dreadful, sickening truth the image implied.

He scrolled through the footage once more and dissected each minute of that final descent: the pallbearers’ solemn faces, the priest’s final words, the unnatural stillness settling over his daughter’s coffin. None of it had seemed amiss at the time. Now it all felt like a mockery, a macabre play acted out for the benefit of a grieving father. Had their eyes seen it too—the pale flicker and the desperate movement of tiny fingers? The sickening realization was as unbearable as it was impossible to ignore. This secret might not be his alone.

Fear and hope waged a vicious war within Jason. Logic whispered that it was a glitch, a cruel prank played by his own broken mind, yet his gut screamed a different truth: his Lily was alive. It was a monstrous concept, bordering on sacrilege, but he was thinking of exhuming her grave. The desperate, animalistic need to know overpowered any shred of decorum that remained. He stumbled to the phone. Jason’s hand shook as he dialed the cemetery office. His voice was hoarse and barely recognizable, choked with the weight of his impossible demand. Disbelief, pity, and thinly veiled whispers of “the poor, deranged father” washed over him as he pleaded his case. Finally, they relented; they cited extenuating circumstances and the crushing weight of grief.

The drive to the cemetery was a blur. Rain lashed against the windshield while a storm raged within him. Each mile stretched into an eternity. Finally, the iron gates loomed ahead. They stood like sentinels against the desecration he was about to commit. Workmen were hastily summoned. They regarded him with unease and mournful respect. He was an intrusion upon this place of rest—a distraught father who refused to accept the finality of death. Jason barely noticed their disapproving glances. His world had narrowed to a single point: the freshly dug mound of earth that might hold the answer to his prayers or his final descent into madness.

Time fractured. Each swing of the shovel felt like a slow-motion nightmare. The relentless rain turned the upturned earth into thick, choking mud. His clothes were soaked, and his heart thundered a frenzied drumbeat in his ears. Every muscle in his body ached with desperate, agonizing tension. He wanted to lunge forward, to tear through the earth himself, but a sliver of sanity held him back.

And then, the thud—it was a sickening sound amid the rhythmic downpour. They’d struck the lid. The moments that followed became a horrifying tableau that would be forever etched into his mind. The ropes creaked in protest as they hoisted the casket from its resting place. The mud clung obscenely to its once-pristine surface. He stood frozen, a grotesque parody of a mourner, unable to look away as they pried the lid open with a sickening crack.

Inside, shrouded in satin, lay Lily. She was still and unchanged. She looked so small, so impossibly fragile against the starkness of the coffin. He collapsed to his knees. Great, racking sobs tore through him. The heartbreak was like a tidal wave that smothered the flickering embers of impossible hope. His daughter was gone. She was truly gone, and he’d violated her resting place on the strength of a grainy image and a desperate delusion. He was a monster. Shame seared through Jason. Self-loathing cut far deeper than any grief. He wanted the earth to swallow him whole.

Through a blur of tears, he saw the cemetery worker extend a hand and offer to help him to his feet. Jason recoiled, his voice a strangled whisper, “Leave me.” He didn’t know how long he stayed there. Rain soaked his skin while guilt and sorrow consumed him. Each raindrop felt like a condemnation. Finally, once strength had deserted him utterly, he crawled away from his daughter’s grave. Jason left Lily to the peace he had so cruelly stolen.

Eventually, strong hands found him and pulled him away. It was a police officer—not the accusing figure he’d expected, but one with eyes that held a flicker of understanding. The officer’s voice was surprisingly gentle, “Come on, let’s get you out of this rain.” Jason could barely comprehend the words. His mind was a muddled mess of guilt, a desolate wasteland. He let himself be led away, stumbling like a broken puppet. Somewhere distant, he registered the sympathetic murmurs of groundskeepers and recalled the lingering pity in their eyes.

They settled him in the back of the police cruiser. He sat hunched and stared blankly ahead as the officer circled the vehicle. Through the rain-splattered window, Lily’s grave was a stark blur amid the rows of headstones. “Look, Jason,” the officer said, “I get it. Losing a child is the worst thing imaginable. Your mind plays tricks.” He paused, as if searching for the right words. “What you saw on the tape—it likely wasn’t what you hoped. Animals can get into places you wouldn’t think possible, especially with all this rain.”

The officer’s words barely registered at first. They were little more than a muffled buzz against the backdrop of Jason’s own self-recrimination. But slowly, the horrifying truth they implied sank in. Animals—mice, perhaps—burrowing into the satin lining, or something larger, attracted by the scent of decay beneath the sealed casket. The image of his daughter’s body, no longer at rest but ravaged by the grotesque processes of nature, was a fresh wave of agony. He retched, and his stomach churned.

“It happens,” the officer said. The words seemed to echo from a vast distance. “Caskets aren’t airtight. It doesn’t happen often, thank God, but we’ve seen it before. It disturbs the mourners, understandably.” There was another pause, and then, “I’m truly sorry, Jason.”

Jason barely heard him. Each word pierced through the haze of grief and revealed the horrifying truth his delusion had obscured. Lily had never been alive. That desperate, frantic movement on the tape, the image he’d clung to with such desperate hope, had never been a sign of life. It had been the gruesome spectacle of decay.

Anger, hot and bitter, rose in his throat. He was mad at the universe for its cruelty, at the doctors

who had pronounced her dead with such finality, at himself most of all for his foolish, desperate hope. Hadn’t he learned his lesson when Lily first fell ill—that life was precious and fleeting? Hadn’t her death been enough of a wound? He’d wanted a miracle, a reprieve from the unyielding finality of death. Instead, he’d only made the pain a thousand times worse. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

The days that followed were an endless procession of hollow motions. Jason went through the paces of living, but the spark within him was extinguished. Work remained untouched; calls went unanswered. Meals were tasteless. His house, once a refuge, had turned into a prison. Its silence was a lingering reminder of the absence that had swallowed his life whole. He knew what he had to do, what was logically expected of him. He was supposed to mourn, to seek solace in the company of friends and family. Then he had to slowly begin piecing together a life without his daughter. But something deep within him rebelled. There was a stubborn flicker that refused to be extinguished.

The image of Lily, trapped and pleading within her coffin, continued to haunt his waking hours. Then, as shadows lengthened, the nightmares began. She’d stand by his bed—not the smiling, healthy young woman he’d known, but a twisted, spectral figure. Her small form would be encased in the claustrophobic darkness of the grave. In his visions, her eyes were wide with terror, and her once sweet voice uttered a ragged sob of his name. And always, the hand—that pale, desperate hand—scrabbling against the satin.

He tried to convince himself that it was a hallucination, a cruel figment of a broken mind. But some dark, desperate part of him clung to the impossible idea that perhaps he hadn’t been imagining it at all. What if? The question fed on him like a parasite and slowly eroded what little remained of his sanity.

Then came a chilling resolution. He couldn’t live with this uncertainty, and he could no longer face this festering doubt. The only way to silence these spectral whispers, to lay the nightmares to rest, was to confront the truth at its source. After sunset, Jason slipped away from his house. He was driven by an obsessive need he could no longer deny. The cemetery became his nightly battleground. Huddled behind a large oak tree, he would fix his gaze on Lily’s grave. Hours stretched into eternity. His heart would lurch at every rustle of leaves and every shifting form in the gloom. But as the night wore on, the only movement would be the slow creep of clouds across the moon and the relentless drip, drip of dew upon the headstones.

Night after night, he kept his morbid vigil, yet his desperate yearning for proof remained unanswered. The grave maintained its terrible silence. Somehow, it was a cruel underscore of the unyielding finality of death. At dawn, he would stumble back to his empty house. Each morning, with a bitter twist of self-loathing, he would vow that night had been the last. But inevitably, as dusk fell, the spectral hand and Lily’s pleading cries would beckon him back into the night.

He returned to the footage and scrutinized those few damning seconds with manic intensity. Zooming, pausing, adjusting the playback speed until the image of the hand blurred and danced before his bloodshot eyes. He was searching for something, anything, to validate his obsession—a change in the light, a different angle, anything that would whisper the impossible, that he wasn’t mad, that Lily was still alive.

The world crumbled around him. Friends and colleagues were alarmed by his erratic behavior and deteriorating appearance. They offered support he couldn’t accept. He retreated further and snapped at any well-intentioned offer for help. The house fell into disarray, mirroring the chaos of his mind. His life had narrowed into a single point of obsession: the grave, the footage, and the maddening, gnawing question—what if?

It finally came on a night much like the first. The rain was beating a relentless rhythm upon the earth, and the cemetery transformed into an eerie landscape of shadows and whistling winds. Jason huddled beneath his usual oak. He was at the point of giving in to despair. The nights were taking their toll, and the festering uncertainty ate away what was left of his sanity. Then there was a flash of movement off to his left. It was a pale figure, barely visible through the downpour. It darted between the headstones. Jason’s heart lurched. This wasn’t a shadow trick, and it certainly wasn’t a rat lured by the scent of rain-soaked earth. It was something larger, unmistakably human, and whatever it was, it was moving with purpose.

Adrenaline surged through Jason. For the first time in weeks, he felt something other than the crushing weight of grief. The thrill of it made him heady. Was this his vindication, his proof that the impossible was possible? Or was it simply a new layer in his descent into madness? He didn’t know, and he didn’t care. To him, it didn’t really matter. Jason was weaker than he’d ever been, but he followed. The figure was unaware of his presence. It flitted further into the graveyard, then paused momentarily at a cluster of graves near the far wall. The next moment, it vanished from sight.

Jason closed the distance cautiously, with his heart pounding in his ears. He tried to separate the sound of the rain from any rustle or footstep. The figure reappeared. Jason’s hand flew to his mouth. It was kneeling at Lily’s grave. His fury was cold and absolute. More adrenaline coursed through his veins. How dare they? What were they thinking? This sacred space, this final resting place of his beloved child, was being violated, and her memory was being defiled once again.

Jason broke from the shadows. Rage flowered in him and gave him a monstrous strength. “Stop!” he tried to scream, but his voice was no more than a hoarse cry in the darkness. The figure spun with a startled gasp. Moonlight filtered briefly through the clouds and revealed a young woman. Her face was pale and tear-streaked, and her hands were caked with mud. For a heart-stopping moment, their eyes met. Jason saw a flicker of fear that looked a lot like his own.

“Who the hell are you?” he snarled. He started advancing on her. “And what do you think you’re doing?” The woman scrambled back. She shook like a reed in a gale. Then, in a devastating rush of clarity, Jason pieced together the fragments of this grotesque puzzle, and it made him stagger as if struck. The woman’s voice was choked with desperate sobs. “I was trying to… I just wanted to…”

All the anger left Jason as she turned around. Impossible, he thought. She looked so much like… “Who are you?” he asked again, the rage dissipating into a cold dread.

“My name is Maline,” her voice strengthened a little. “Lily was my sister, my twin.” Her words hit him like a physical blow. Slowly, the story unfolded. She told of how she and Lily had been separated at birth, how her own adoptive parents had died tragically years ago, and how she’d only recently learned the truth.

Jason stood frozen as she spoke. His world was in chaos yet again. All this time, Lily had not been alone. He remembered when they had adopted her. She was so tiny and scared, but over the years she became a pillar of resilience. She was gentle and kind; she understood what it meant to love. And she had a twin that she’d never met.

Jason’s carefully constructed world crumbled into dust. This time, the tears were not only for loss but also for a truth so monstrously beautiful it crushed him under its weight. For a while, he stood as if he had been turned to stone. Then he held both his hands out. “Come on,” he said. “We’re both torturing ourselves. Let’s get out of the rain. We’ll go somewhere for coffee, and we’ll talk about Lily until we can’t anymore.”

Maline took a few steps forward. Then she reached Jason and slipped her arms around him, as if she’d been doing it all her life. He felt Lily in her hug. This connection, this impossible twist of fate that brought him his daughter and her twin together in this grotesque symphony of grief—was this the miracle he’d never dared wish for? Could this be the beginning of something new, something forged from the ashes of despair?

A few years later, the cemetery was bathed in golden afternoon light. It was a place of peace now, not of pain. Lily’s ghost had been laid to rest. Jason and Maline stood side by side. The years had been kind; time had forged their shared grief into an unbreakable bond. Maline reached for Jason’s hand, and he squeezed back. This was their shared miracle and their bond. Lily might be gone, but she was never truly lost.


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18 Best Baking Powder Substitutes That Actually Work




Baking powder is a staple in many kitchens. It plays a crucial role in creating fluffy pancakes, light cakes, and airy muffins. However, there are times when you might find yourself without this essential ingredient. Don’t worry! There are several effective substitutes you can use to save the day. In this article, we’ll explore the 18 best baking powder substitutes. In addition, we will also discuss some useful insights, and tips, to enhance your baking experience.

What is Baking Powder?

Before we dive into the substitutes, let’s take a quick look at what baking powder is. Baking powder is a leavening agent that contains a combination of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). This is an acidifying agent and a drying agent like cornstarch

When combined with moisture and heat, the chemical reaction between the baking soda and acid produces carbon dioxide bubbles. This can cause baked goods to rise and achieve that light, airy texture we all love.

Baking Powder Substitutes

18 Best Baking Powder Substitutes

1. Baking Soda and Cream of Tartar

Cream of tartar is an acidic byproduct of winemaking that helps stabilize whipped egg whites and prevent sugar crystallization. When combined with baking soda, it creates a chemical reaction that produces carbon dioxide gas, similar to baking powder.

This substitute works best in recipes that don’t already contain an acidic ingredient. Because the cream of tartar provides the necessary acidity.

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: For every 1 teaspoon of baking powder, use 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/2 teaspoon of cream of tartar.
  • Note: This combination will provide the necessary acidity for the reaction.

Best For

  • Cakes, cookies, and quick breads where a light texture is desired.

2. Buttermilk and Baking Soda

Buttermilk is a fermented dairy product with a slightly tangy flavor. Its acidity reacts with baking soda to produce carbon dioxide gas, which helps baked goods rise.

When using this substitute, be sure to reduce other liquids in the recipe to maintain the proper consistency. You can also use plain yogurt instead of buttermilk, using the same substitution ratio.

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: For every 1 teaspoon of baking powder, use 1/2 cup of buttermilk and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Note: Reduce the amount of other liquids in the recipe to compensate for the added buttermilk.

Best For

  • Pancakes, muffins, and quick breads.

3. Yogurt and Baking Soda

Like buttermilk, yogurt is an acidic dairy product that can activate baking soda to create a leavening effect.

Plain yogurt, whether regular or Greek, can be used as a baking powder substitute due to its acidic nature. The tanginess of the yogurt can also add depth of flavor to your baked goods.

When using yogurt, be sure to adjust the other liquid ingredients in the recipe to maintain the proper consistency.

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: For every 1 teaspoon of baking powder, use 1/2 cup of plain yogurt and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Note: Adjust the amount of other liquids in the recipe accordingly.

Best For

  • Cakes, muffins, and quick breads.
Lemon Juice
Lemon Juice

4. Lemon Juice or Vinegar and Baking Soda

Lemon juice and vinegar are both highly acidic liquids that can react with baking soda to produce carbon dioxide gas. White vinegar has the most neutral flavor, making it a good choice for most recipes.

However, apple cider vinegar or rice vinegar can also be used. Lemon juice adds a bright, citrusy note that can complement many baked goods. Keep in mind that using these acidic liquids may alter the flavor profile of your recipe.

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: For every 1 teaspoon of baking powder, use 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Note: This combination may alter the flavor of your baked goods slightly.

Best For

  • Cakes, muffins, and quick breads where a slight tang can enhance the flavor.

5. Molasses and Baking Soda

Molasses is not as acidic as some other substitutes, but its slight acidity can still react with baking soda to produce a leavening effect.

However, molasses is a very strong flavoring agent. So it’s best used in recipes where its flavor is welcome, such as gingerbread or molasses cookies. Be sure to adjust the amount of sugar in your recipe to account for the sweetness of the molasses.

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: For every 1 teaspoon of baking powder, use 1 tablespoon of molasses and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Note: Molasses is a strong flavoring agent, so use it sparingly and adjust the amount of sugar in your recipe accordingly.

Best For

  • Gingerbread, molasses cookies, and other recipes where the flavor of molasses is desirable.

6. Whipped Egg Whites

Whipped egg whites can add air and structure to baked goods, acting as a leavening agent. This method works particularly well in recipes that rely on whipped egg whites for structure, such as angel food cakes, soufflés, and meringues. Be sure to whip the egg whites until they form stiff peaks for the best results.

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: Use 2 egg whites, whipped to stiff peaks, for every 1 teaspoon of baking powder.
  • Note: Adjust other liquid ingredients in the recipe to compensate for the added moisture from the egg whites.

Best For

  • Cakes, soufflés, and meringues.

7. Self-Rising Flour

Self-rising flour is a time-saving ingredient that eliminates the need to add baking powder separately. It’s particularly useful in recipes that call for a small amount of flour. Note that self-rising flour also contains salt, so you may need to adjust the amount of salt in your recipe.

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: Replace the regular flour in your recipe with self-rising flour, and omit the baking powder. Adjust the other ingredients accordingly.
  • Note: Each cup of self-rising flour contains about 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder.

Best For

  • Quick breads, pancakes, and muffins.

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8. Club Soda

Club soda is carbonated water that contains sodium bicarbonate. This makes it a handy substitute in some recipes.

This soda can provide a subtle leavening effect due to the carbon dioxide bubbles it contains. It works best in recipes where a light, airy texture is desired, such as pancakes or waffles. Note that the carbonation may dissipate quickly, so it’s best to work quickly when adding club soda to your batter.

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: Replace the liquid in your recipe with an equal amount of club soda.
  • Note: This works best in recipes where a light texture is desired, such as waffles or pancakes.

Best For

  • Pancakes, waffles, and light batters.

9. Potassium Bicarbonate

Potassium bicarbonate is a sodium-free alternative to baking powder that can be used as a 1:1 substitute. It’s a great option for those on low-sodium diets or anyone looking to reduce their sodium intake.

Keep in mind that potassium bicarbonate doesn’t contain the same flavor-enhancing properties as sodium. So you may need to add a pinch of salt to your recipe to balance the flavors.

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: Use 1 teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate for every 1 teaspoon of baking powder.
  • Note: You may want to add a pinch of salt to your recipe to enhance flavor since potassium bicarbonate doesn’t contain sodium.

Best For

  • Any recipe that calls for baking powder, especially for those monitoring sodium levels.

10. Baker’s Ammonia (Ammonium Carbonate)

Baker’s ammonia is also known as ammonium carbonate. This is a traditional leavening agent that was commonly used before the invention of baking powder. It produces a light, crisp texture that is ideal for thin cookies and crackers.

However, it can leave behind a slight ammonia smell while baking, which dissipates as the baked goods cool. Baker’s ammonia is less commonly used today but can still be found in some specialty baking stores. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: Use 1 teaspoon of baker’s ammonia for every 1 teaspoon of baking powder.
  • Note: It may leave a slight ammonia smell while baking, but this dissipates during cooking.

Best For

  • Thin, crisp cookies and crackers.

11. Whipped Cream

Whipped cream can add moisture and lightness to baked goods. This makes it a suitable substitute for baking powder in some recipes.

It works best in simple recipes like pancakes or cookies, where the added fat from the cream won’t significantly alter the texture. Be sure to adjust other liquid ingredients in the recipe to maintain the proper consistency.

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: Use 2 tablespoons of whipped cream for every 1 teaspoon of baking powder.
  • Note: Adjust other liquid ingredients in the recipe to compensate for the added moisture from the whipped cream.

Best For

  • Simple baked goods like pancakes or cookies.

12. Sparkling Water

Sparkling water, like club soda, contains carbon dioxide bubbles that can provide a subtle leavening effect in baked goods. It works best in recipes where a light texture is desired, such as pancakes or waffles.

Keep in mind that the carbonation may dissipate quickly. So it’s important to work quickly when adding sparkling water to your batter.

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: Replace the liquid in your recipe with an equal amount of sparkling water.
  • Note: The carbonation may dissipate quickly, so work quickly when adding it to the batter.

Best For

  • Pancakes, waffles, and light batters.

13. Whipped Coconut Cream

For a vegan alternative to whipped cream, you can use whipped coconut cream as a substitute for baking powder.

To make whipped coconut cream, chill a can of full-fat coconut milk overnight, then scoop out the solidified cream from the top. Whip the cream until it forms stiff peaks, then fold it into your batter. This substitute works well in vegan baking, pancakes, and cookies.

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: Use 2 tablespoons of whipped coconut cream for every 1 teaspoon of baking powder.
  • Note: Chill a can of full-fat coconut milk overnight, then scoop out the solidified cream from the top.

Best For

  • Vegan baking, pancakes, and cookies.

14. Sour Milk or Buttermilk Powder

Sour milk or buttermilk powder can be used as a baking powder substitute by providing the acidic component needed to activate baking soda. This substitute works well in quick breads, pancakes, and muffins.

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: For every 1 teaspoon of baking powder, use 1 teaspoon of sour milk or buttermilk powder plus 1/2 cup of water.
  • Note: Allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes before adding it to the recipe.

Best For

  • Quick breads, pancakes, and muffins.
Baking Soda vs Baking Powder
Baking Soda vs Baking Powder

15. Baking Soda and Acid

If you have baking soda but no baking powder, you can create a substitute by combining it with an acidic ingredient like lemon juice, vinegar, or buttermilk.

The acid will react with the baking soda to produce carbon dioxide gas, providing a leavening effect. This substitute works best in recipes that already contain an acidic ingredient.

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: For every 1 teaspoon of baking powder, use 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1 teaspoon of an acidic ingredient like lemon juice, vinegar, or buttermilk.
  • Note: The acid will activate the baking soda, creating a leavening effect.

Best For

  • Recipes that already contain an acidic ingredient.

16. Aquafaba

Aquafaba is a fantastic vegan substitute because it mimics the properties of egg whites. This can provide both moisture and structure to baked goods.

To use aquafaba, simply drain a can of chickpeas and reserve the liquid. Whip the aquafaba using a hand mixer or a stand mixer until it reaches stiff peaks, similar to whipped egg whites. This makes it an excellent choice for recipes like meringues, and mousses.

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: Use 3 tablespoons of aquafaba for every 1 teaspoon of baking powder.
  • Note: This is a great vegan substitute that adds moisture and structure.

Best For

  • Vegan baking, meringues, and cakes.

17. Skip It

For inherently dense recipes, you can often skip the baking powder without significantly affecting the outcome. This approach works well for recipes that rely on other leavening agents or methods.

Just be aware that the final texture may be denser than if baking powder were used, but it can still be delicious.

How to Use

  • Note: This may result in a denser final product, but it’s not the end of the world. Recipes that rely on other leavening methods, like whipped egg whites or creaming butter and sugar, may still turn out well.

Best For

  • Dense cookies, brownies, and some cakes.

18. Baking Soda and Cream of Tartar (Homemade Baking Powder)

Making your baking powder is a simple and effective way to ensure you have a leavening agent on hand. This homemade version works just as well as store-bought baking powder. Plus, it allows you to control the ingredients.

The combination of baking soda and cream of tartar creates the same chemical reaction that occurs in commercial baking powder. This substitute is particularly useful in recipes where you need to avoid additives found in some commercial baking powders.

How to Use

  • Substitution Ratio: For every 1 teaspoon of baking powder, use 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/2 teaspoon of cream of tartar.
  • Note: This combination will provide the necessary acidity for the reaction.

Best For

  • Any recipe that calls for baking powder.


1. Can I use baking soda instead of baking powder?

Yes, you can use baking soda as a substitute for baking powder, but you will need to add an acid to activate it. For every teaspoon of baking powder, use 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon of an acidic ingredient like vinegar, lemon juice, or cream of tartar.

2. What happens if I don’t have any baking powder?

If you don’t have baking powder, you can use one of the substitutes mentioned in this guide, such as baking soda with an acid, yogurt, or buttermilk. Alternatively, you can skip it in recipes that don’t rely heavily on leavening, but the final product may be denser.

3. Can I use self-rising flour instead of baking powder?

Yes, self-rising flour contains baking powder and salt, so you can use it as a substitute. Replace the all-purpose flour in your recipe with self-rising flour and omit the baking powder. Each cup of self-rising flour contains about 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder.

4. How do I know if my baking powder is still good?

To test the freshness of your baking powder, add a teaspoon of it to a small bowl of hot water. If it bubbles vigorously, it’s still active. If there’s little to no reaction, it’s time to replace it.

5. Can I use expired baking powder?

It’s not recommended to use expired baking powder, as it may not provide the necessary leavening power. Always check the expiration date and perform a freshness test if you’re unsure.

6. How do I know which substitute to use?

The best substitute depends on the recipe and the other ingredients involved. Some substitutes work better in certain types of baked goods than others.

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2 Ladies Cause Chaos in Hotel Fighting Over a Man




In Kithimani, Yatta, an intense argument broke out at a local market after two women clashed over a man. The incident occurred in a popular hotel where one of the women was peacefully enjoying a meal of chicken and fries. Her rival stormed in, visibly furious, and immediately confronted her, accusing her of stealing her boyfriend…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


The angry woman yanked the other from her seat, sending the meal flying, and unleashed a torrent of accusations. “Why are you trying to compete with me? You’ve destroyed my relationship with your selfishness. Stay away from my boyfriend, or I’ll ruin your face. I won’t let you take him from me!” she screamed, attracting the attention of everyone in the hotel.

She further alleged that the money used to buy the meal was given to her rival by her boyfriend. The tension between the two escalated, causing a huge scene in the hotel. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

The hotel management quickly intervened, trying to restore order. However, the situation only worsened as the women refused to calm down. Their loud altercation disrupted the peace, and soon, other customers began to leave, unable to enjoy their meals amidst the chaos.

With no other option, the hotel staff asked both women to leave the premises. The argument, which had started over a relationship issue, had now created a public disturbance, drawing the attention of passersby outside the hotel.


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16 Benefits of Black Castor Oil and How to Use It




Black castor oil, particularly the Jamaican variety, has gained immense popularity in recent years. This oil is a variety of castor oil that is extracted from roasted castor beans. The traditional Jamaican method involves roasting the beans, and then crushing them in a mortar. Water is added to the mashed beans, and the mixture is slow-boiled over a fire, resulting in a thick, dark brown oil. This process is believed to enhance the oil’s potency and therapeutic properties compared to regular cold-pressed castor oil…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>> READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

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