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Will you die if you suck the venom out of a snakebite?




Does sucking out snake venom actually work? Imagine you’re on a hike, enjoying the fresh air, when suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your leg. You glance down and see two puncture marks – a snake!At that moment, panic sets in, and you might remember something you saw in a movie: someone sucking the venom out of a snakebite. But hold on a second! This dramatic scene, though thrilling on screen, is actually a big no-no in real life…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


So, will you die if you suck the venom out of a snakebite? The answer is no, but it definitely won’t help, and it could even make things worse! Here’s why:

Snake venom travels fast [arabiaweather]

Snake venom works quickly, entering your bloodstream within seconds. By the time you even think about sucking it out, it’s already on its way throughout your body. Trying to suck it out wouldn’t remove much, if any, venom.

Sucking on a wound can actually introduce bacteria, which could lead to infection on top of the snakebite. It might also damage the wound further, slowing down healing.

If you have any cuts or sores in your mouth, the venom could enter your bloodstream, potentially poisoning you as well.

Many snakes, like some water snakes, are non-venomous. Sucking on a harmless bite might just irritate the wound unnecessarily.

Water snakes are non-venomous [Wikipedia]

Okay, so sucking the venom out is a no-go. But what should you do if you get bitten by a snake?

Here are the key steps to remember: READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

1. Stay calm: This might be tough, but panicking can raise your heart rate and spread the venom faster. Take a deep breath and focus on what you need to do.

2. Move away from the snake: Safely get yourself and others away from the snake to avoid further bites.

3. Identify the snake (if possible): If you can safely do so, try to remember what the snake looked like. This information can be crucial for doctors to determine the type of venom and the best course of treatment.

4. Call for help immediately: Don’t waste time trying home remedies! Call emergency services or get someone to take you to the hospital as soon as possible.

5. Keep the bite calm: While waiting for help, try to keep the bitten area calm and below the level of your heart. This can help slow the spread of venom. Avoid applying ice or constricting the wound with a tourniquet – these can actually cause more harm than good.

Hospitals treat snakebites primarily with antivenin, which is most effective when administered as soon as possible after the bite.

Hospitals treat snakebites primarily with antivenin [Rappler]

Antivenin helps neutralise the venom and prevent it from causing more damage. Also, doctors will monitor and treat symptoms such as swelling, pain, and other systemic effects caused by the venom


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Turmeric milk benefits: 5 ways haldi doodh can keep you disease-free this monsoon




Turmeric milk for immunity: Packed with powerful health benefits, from boosting immunity to improving digestion and sleep, turmeric milk is a simple yet effective way to keep your body healthy throughout the monsoon season.

Golden milk health benefits: When combined with the soothing properties of warm milk, haldi doodh can help prevent common digestive issues like bloating, gas, and indigestion (Image: Canva…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

As the weather shifts from scorching heat to cooler, rainy days, your cravings naturally change too. Ice creams and cold beverages are replaced by steaming hot idlis, cups of warm tea, and the comforting embrace of haldi doodh. With the arrival of the monsoon, it’s time to adjust our diets to stay healthy and warm, making turmeric milk a perfect addition to your rainy season routine.

The rainy season brings a host of health issues. Increased humidity and sudden temperature changes can weaken the immune system, leading to common illnesses like colds, coughs, sore throats, and joint pain. Warm beverages, especially those infused with healing spices like turmeric and cardamom, can be particularly beneficial. Haldi doodh, or turmeric milk, is one such drink that not only provides warmth but also offers a range of health benefits, making it an excellent choice during the monsoon.

Here are 5 reasons why you should include haldi doodh in your diet: READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Immunity boost: During the monsoon, when viral and bacterial infections are more common, haldi doodh helps fortify your immune system, making it more resilient against seasonal illnesses. Turmeric contains curcumin, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound. Curcumin has been shown to enhance immune function by modulating the activity of immune cells and increasing the body’s ability to fight off infections.

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Side effects that can be caused by using onion that you never knew about




The Hidden Drawbacks of Onions: 5 Potential Risks to Consider

9 Impressive Health Benefits of Onions

Onions are a staple ingredient in many cuisines, prized for their pungent flavor and aroma. However, beneath their culinary appeal lies a complex web of potential health effects. From aggravating IBS symptoms to triggering allergic reactions, onions may pose unexpected risks for some individuals.

1. IBS Triggers: Onions as a High FODMAP Food

Onions are a high FODMAP food, containing fermentable carbohydrates that can exacerbate IBS symptoms in sensitive individuals. For those managing IBS, limiting or avoiding onions may be necessary to alleviate discomfort…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


2. Allergic Reactions: The Hidden Dangers of Onion Handling

Onion allergies, although rare, can manifest through skin contact or consumption. Cross-reactivity with other Liliaceae plants and grass pollens may also occur, making onion handling a potential hazard for some.

5 reasons why eating onions is good for your health - Enrique Romay data.

3. Eye Irritation: The Science Behind Onion-Induced Tears

Chopping onions releases lachrymatory factor (LF), a volatile compound causing eye irritation. Understanding the chemistry behind this phenomenon can help you take preventive measures to minimize tear production. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

4. Heartburn Triggers: Onions and GERD

Onions may relax the lower esophageal sphincter, triggering heartburn symptoms in individuals with GERD. Being mindful of onion consumption can help mitigate this risk.

onion side effects know side effects of eating raw onion janiye pyaaz khane  ke nuksan samp | Onion Side Effects: कच्ची प्याज खाने से हो सकती है ये  बीमारी, जान लें प्याज

5. Additional Concerns: Bad Breath and Drug Interactions

Onion consumption may lead to temporary bad breath and potentially interact with anticoagulant medications like warfarin. While more research is needed to fully understand these effects, awareness can help you make informed choices.

By acknowledging these potential drawbacks, you can navigate the complexities of onion consumption and make choices that suit your individual needs.


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Drink Warm Garlic Water Every night Before Going To Bed And This Will Happen To You




Garlic is a very common plant that belongs to the spice family and is used in many dishes. It grows in a variety of climates around the world and is a popular cooking ingredient because of its potent aroma and delectable flavor.

Garlic is a plant that belongs to the onion family that is grown for its distinctive flavor and health benefits, among other reasons. In addition, it contains sulfur compounds, which are thought to provide some health benefits…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Garlic was traditionally consumed primarily for its medicinal and health-promoting properties. It has been used in the past to treat a variety of diseases, owing to the nutrients it contains.


Garlic also contains trace amounts of a number of other nutrients in trace amounts. In fact, it contains a small amount of almost everything you could possibly need. Garlic contains a variety of nutrients, including manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin B1.

Garlic has a high potassium content, which makes it extremely beneficial for the heart and circulatory system. Garlic has a plethora of other amazing properties, which include:

1.It aids in the reduction of blood sugar levels.

2. It helps to lower high cholesterol levels.

3. It has the ability to lower blood pressure.

4. It aids in the treatment of infections.

5. It has anti-inflammatory properties.

Every night before bed, I drink warm garlic water, and this is what happens to me in the morning. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

1.I wake up feeling extremely hungry because the garlic water aids in the digestion of food and the stimulation of appetite in the morning.

2. I wake up with a flat stomach, which I attribute to the frequent detoxification of my body, which results in frequent urination.

Thank you for forwarding this article to your friends and family, especially those who are suffering from chest pain and stomach fat, as well as obesity and heart-related diseases.

3. Because of the dryness of the weather at night, the garlic water is effective in preventing nasal congestion and other respiratory infections.

4. Garlic water can also be used to relieve chest pain. After a meal, I usually have a headache.

These are the things that happen to me in the mornings after I drink warm garlic water, as described previously.

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