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5 Habits Of Success We Should Learn From The Eagle




Making its dwelling on mountain tops and flying above the clouds shows how the eagle spends its lifetime in a great way. Besides that, the bird has a lifespan of 70 years which is the longest of its species. However, in order to achieve this, the eagle is needed to fly above difficult challenges.

Let’s check out some of the eagle’s habits that enable it to live its best, and pick lessons to fuel us in achieving our personal goals.

1. Be Open-minded

When it rains, the rest of the birds enter their nests but eagles fly above the clouds to avoid the rain. Come to think of it. If the rain happens to fall heavily, it will definitely enter the nests where all other birds hide, but eagles are safe at all costs. Challenges are common to everyone but the way each individual approaches them makes the entire difference. Conquerors don’t solve problems using common and average means but open up their minds to find firm and lasting solutions…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


2. Spend Your Time With The Right People

Eagles fly alone or with birds of similar kind. The people you live with influence your habits and overall life in a great degree. People with similar goals as yours can be of considerable help in achieving your personal goals. Distance yourself from people who have nothing to offer in your success journey – the doubters and complainers.

3. See The Advantage In Your Challenges

When there is a storm, the eagle flys high, rests its wings, and the storm winds lifts it higher. When challenges come into our lives, we should not complain or try to avoid them. Instead, we should see them as opportunities to make us better. Many a time we have heard it said that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

4. Be Willing To Pay The Price Of Change

Along with the eagle’s wings becoming heavy for it to fly well and its claws losing power to catch its prey, at age 40 also the birds beak curve making it a problem to feed – an alarm for starvation. An author from India Times writes, ” in its 40th year, the eagle’s long and flexible talons can no longer grab a prey which serves as food. Its long and sharp beak becomes bent. Its old – aged and heavy wings, due to their thick feathers, stick to its chest and make it difficult to fly.

Then, the eagle is left with only two options : DIE or go through a painful process of CHANGE. This process lasts for 150 days ( 5 months)”

The process involves the eagle flying on a mountain top and sitting on its nest. From there, the bird plucks out its beak by knocking it on a rock. After a new beak is grown, the eagle knocks its claws and plucks them out. Lastly it plucks out its feathers when new claws are grown. Growth of new feathers marks the completion of the process by the eagle taking its famous flight of rebirth.

We all admire change in our lives but not the disappointments and hardships that come along with it. Change is a pains taking process that requires determination and perseverance. For us to see change in our lives, we must get rid of habits that add no value into our lives, the same way the eagle gets rid of its unhelpful beak, claws and feathers. This should be followed by forming of new habits that lead us to what we want to be.

5. Be Focused

Through maximum concentration the eagle is able to catch its prey. First it spots its prey and then goes for it right away. Set your goals, have a clear vision of them, and then set out for them without giving in to the distractions of the background. Though losing focus is very easy, by practising mindfulness we can always maintain it. This works by time to time asking ourselves what we are doing and what we should be doing to achieve our goals.

Bottom line: What things do you want to accomplish in life? Keep working on them because that’s the only way dreams are turned to reality

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How The People of Ara-Ekiti Committed Mass Suicide To Avoid Enslavement in 1855




The mass suicide was initiated by the leader of Ara town, Alara Elejofi, who (with the help of his first son) destroyed his properties, killed his family and himself. Many other households in the town replicated this act, and when the Ibadan army arrived with their wide array of weaponry, they turned back at the gory sight of dead bodies that littered the town…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

Earlier, the people of Ara had rebelled against their former Alara (ruler) because of his bad governance and the grevious offences he had committed against his townspeople. He was exiled. It was during his exile that Chief Elejofi took over the rulership of the town.

The exiled Alara was not willing to let go of his throne and thus sought help from Ibadan. His request was granted because Ibadan, which as at then was gradually filling the vacuum created by the fall of Oyo, was hungry for towns to shove under its administration. The Ibadan army had just returned from an expedition in Ijebu-Ere and with their help, the deposed Alara returned to Ara and was fearfully accepted.

Shortly after Ibadan restored the deposed Alara of Ara, its army attacked Ikoro, another town in Ekiti, because they prevented Ibadan army from foraging on their crops, and also because there were rumours that Ikoro was planning to attack the Ibadan army.

During the attack on Ikoro, some other towns in Ekiti, including Ara-Ekiti, tried to defended Ikoro. The restored Alara prevented his townspeople from joining the fight against Ibadan, hence another unrest ensued in the town. Ibadan eventually defeated Ikoro and went ahead to punish the towns that helped Ikoro during the war, including Ara. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

During this period, Chief Elejofi had again taken over the rulership of Ara and held on to it for some months before it eventually crumbled due to starvation, and to avoid being enslaved by Ibadan, the people of Ara-Ekiti committed an unprecedented mass suicide. This incident is quite similar to the mass suicide of Igbo slaves off the U.S. coast in 1803.

The town of Ara was left deserted for many years before some of its exiled descendants returned home. Ara suicide remains one of the most disturbing chapters in the history of Ekiti and the entire Yoruba land.


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19-Year-Old Girl Beaten For 4 Hours Because She Wouldn’t Get Boyfriend Cigarette




This past summer, Kelsie Skillen, 19, was beaten by her boyfriend, James McCourt, 19 in Glasgow, Scotland. Kelsie, a makeup artist, shared pictures of her injuries on Facebook.

McCourt had locked her in the house and beat on her for four hours…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Why did he do this you ask?

Image Credit: Facebook / Kelsie Skillen

The couple had just returned home, and McCourt didn’t have his jacket or cigarettes.

They had gotten left behind, so he got angry, blamed Kelsie and then beat her for it.

man beats girl

Image Credit: Facebook / Kelsie Skillen

Kelsie managed to escape when McCourt went to the bathroom. She used her iPad to call her mom.

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Image Credit: Facebook / Kelsie Skillen

After being found, Kelsie was rushed to the hospital, her face was swollen and covered in bruises and cuts.

man beats girl

Image Credit: Facebook / Kelsie Skillen

In her post, Kelsie apologized for the graphic nature of the photos.

She explained that she wanted to warn other people about McCourt.

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Image Credit: Facebook / Kelsie Skillen READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

She didn’t want anyone else to go through what she was going through.

McCourt pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 21 months in jail.

man beats girl

Image Credit: Facebook / Kelsie Skillen

McCourt said he didn’t care if he went to prison or not.

Also, the judge, Sam Cathcart, said that McCourt will be supervised for 8 months after he is released from prison.

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Image Credit: Facebook / Kelsie Skillen

Finally, McCourt cannot have any contact with Kelsie for five years.

The injuries Kelsie suffered caused her to miss work for three weeks.

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Image Credit: Facebook / Kelsie Skillen

Kelsie’s post was shared over 1,400 times.

Many people left comments telling her how brave she was and praised her for speaking out.

man beats girl

Image Credit: Facebook / Kelsie Skillen

Share away, people.


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Mother says boyfriend forced her 5-year-old daughter to put uriine-soaked socks in her mouth and then pulled it out so aggressively that two of her teeth fell out, but that’s not the worst of it!




Prosecutors said the 23-year-old mother, Katrina, and her 27-year-old boyfriend Jose forced her 5-year-old daughter to put uriine-soaked socks in her mouth and then pulled it out so aggressively that two of her teeth fell out.

But, unfortunately, that’s not the worst of it! Last week, the mother pleaded guilty to her role in the death of her 5-year-old daughter. Prosecutors said the mother pleaded guilty to a first-degree felony count of injury to a child causing serious bodily injury by omission, NYP reported…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

According to the court documents, the District Attorney’s Office agreed to reduce her sentence at 45 years if she pleaded guilty. Investigators revealed that the 5-year-old child, Mercedes, suffered weeks of extreme physical abuse that left her with cuts and bruises and caused her to lose large chunks of hair and several toenails.

Both the mother and her boyfriend abused the child for three weeks after she asked him to help discipline the girl. She claimed he forced her daughter to put dog fe-es in her mouth as he screamed at her. The mother also said that her boyfriend stuffed a sock soaked in ur-ne into the girl’s mouth and then pulled it out so aggressively that two of her teeth fell out, officials have said.

During an interview with investigators, the mother also said that her boyfriend repeatedly struck Mercedes with belts and his hands, which were covered with rings. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Her boyfriend claimed he only slapped the girl on the a-s and accused the victim’s 6-year-old sister of pulling out her hair. Ruiz, who pleaded not guilty to injury to a child causing serious bodily injury, is scheduled to go to trial in October.


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