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Woman gives elderly possum a place to stay in her garage




Possums aren’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think of cute creatures. Possums, on the other hand, have their own appeal and can occasionally win over people and their houses.

In a Reddit post, one man described how a wild possum became his aunt’s unexpected housemate.

“Hank lives in my aunt’s garage.” He’s extremely old and has difficulty walking, so she built up a warm area for him to relax and gives him lots of snacks.”

While many people have tried to keep possums out of their garages, this aunt has made Hank feel right at home. She has a large garage, and the possum has his own off-the-way area. Because it is not attached to the house, she may leave the door open, allowing Hank to come and go as he pleases…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


This connection has been going on since Hank arrived a few years ago, and he appears content to have a place to stay and consume cat food.

“He’s not tame, but he never hissed or appeared afraid,” damndirtycracker remarked. “As he’s gotten older, he stayed around longer until he just decided he was going to take up residency in the garage.” READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Although Hank can be a little grumpy, he’s won over by treats: “Moderately grumpy is pretty much his default state until the treats come out, then he’s only slightly annoyed by your existence.”

Possums have short lifespans, and Hank is already a few years old, so it’s good that this possum may live a comfortable life while he’s still alive.

And he’s convinced the internet that possums can be adorable. Many Reddit users stated they unexpectedly fell in love with the cat after viewing a photo of him curled up in the garage.

The post Woman gives elderly possum a place to stay in her garage appeared first on Timeless Life.


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See The First ADC To Die In The Line Of Duty




Credit :ASIRIAkintunde Akinsehinwa (November 11, 1944 – February 13, 1976) was the aide-de-camp to Murtala Ramat Muhammed, the military ruler (head of state) of Nigeria (1975–1976)

Akintunde Akinsehinwa was born in Ondo City in Ondo State, Nigeria on November 11, 1944. He started his early education in Owo and finished his secondary school education at Edopkolo Secondary School in Benin City, Nigeria where he obtained his Secondary School Leaving Certificate (WASC) in 1963…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

At the commencement of the Nigerian Civil War (Nigeria’s Civil War) in 1967, Akintunde Akinsehinwa was recruited by the Nigerian Army and trained as an officer cadet at the Nigerian Army School of Infantry in Jaji, Kaduna State. After six months of training, Akinsehinwa was commissioned by the Army as a second lieutenant and sent to the war front to join the famous 3rd Marine Commando Division (3MCDO) under the stewardship of “The Black Scorpion” – Colonel Benjamin Adekunle, where he participated in military offensive efforts on the Calabar front to quell the secession of the Biafran separatist movement.

On Friday the 13th of February 1976, General Muhammed’s motorcade was ambushed in Lagos by coup plotters and assassins amid an abortive coup d’état. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

The coup plotters unleashed a hail of bullets on Muhammed’s black Mercedes Benz limousine (not bulletproof) killing him instantly. Muhammed’s driver and orderly were also killed instantly. However, Akinsehinwa survived the initial barrage of bullets and exited the limousine to return fire.

Unfortunately, he was overpowered and eventually succumbed to a hail of bullets (an autopsy revealed six bullet wounds in his back). Akintunde Akinsehinwa at 31 years of age thus became the first aide-de-camp to die in the line of duty while serving a Nigerian head of state


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Man Stops Traffic to Help Old Beggar Cross Highway, What Happened Next is Shocking




People think being a delivery. A person is easy, but it’s more complex than anyone can imagine. Although Harry always did his best, he didn’t have a car. He used his scooter to deliver orders from a food ordering app and usually, it was great riding a few distances. Wasn’t that hard, but things always got a little dicier when he had to cross the highway, mainly because it was snowing every once in a while…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


This season, he’ll always seem to become more restless and scared on the big road. So Harry had to be extra careful because he was on a scooter, [ Music. ] That day, he was trying to get off the highway as quickly as possible when he saw an older man trying to cross the road whose frail and looked cold in his unkept jacket. The hunks of cars echoed as they passed him and the man flinched as they did. If that get going, someone would run over the mountain and Harry wanted to prevent that mishap.

So he stopped a scooter in front of him. Sir, let me help you cross the offer grabbing the man’s elbow to guide him, Harry, put his other hand out and started leaving the older man through it. The drivers were unhappy about stopping in the middle of the road, but they stopped because Harry kept his hand raised and gave the drivers a scary look. Luckily, they reached the other side after a few minutes and the old beggar smiled brightly at him. Thank you.

So much young man, I can’t believe I finally crossed it always takes a long time. My house is this way, but I walk through town. On the other side, the old man explained Harry nodded you’re welcome, sir, but please try to find another way to get home. It’s super dangerous to cross the highway. It’s like drivers go a little crazy at this time of year is even worse, be careful out.

There Harry said and straightened his scooter to get back on it. Wait. Young man. Can you tell me your address, so I can tend to thank you gift? The older man said reaching for Harry.

Please I couldn’t live with myself. If I didn’t repay this kind gesture, he insisted and Harry nodded rattling off his address. He lived in a nice neighborhood because he had inherited the house from his parents who passed several years ago. His three children loved their new home, but they all missed their grandparents. Sadly, tragedy struck their family shortly afterward, because the pandemic cost him his job and now food delivery was his entire livelihood.

Some days he had to work 18 hours to keep his family afloat. He was his children’s only parent because his wife had abandoned him long ago and Harry was determined to build a promising future for them. Even if he didn’t have a car to make those deliveries, he was saving for that. Still, he didn’t expect anything from this poor. An older man, thank you again.

The senior beggar waved as Harry rolled away to continue working. However, he almost crashed his scooter the following day when he got home from working on his last order. A brand new car was in the open garage and his kids were jumping excitedly on the lawn. Normally he didn’t allow them outside, but as eldest Lucy was smiling too guys. What’s going on, he said wide eye, throwing his scooter on the grass Dad it’s a gift.

Lucy said and pointed towards, the man Harry hadn’t noticed, sir. What are you? What are you doing here is that your car, how what why Harry stumbled through questions as he approached the old beggar he had helped cross the road. He didn’t understand what was happening. Why was he walking around risking his life if the man had a car?

Most importantly, why was the car in his garage? My name is Reginald and this car I bought it many years ago for my grandson, my wife and I only had one son during our marriage and she left me when my company went bankrupt. She took my kid, of course, but I tried my best still. It wasn’t enough, my son got used to his stepfather’s money and I couldn’t compete. That’s terrible Lucy said holding her siblings close as Harry listened intently. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Yes, it is a young lady. My son called every once in a while, but we were never close a few years ago. My grandson was turning 18 and I’d met him a few times. I wanted to do something for him, so I got this car Reginald Point had it he hated it. It’s a vintage Cadillac Harry pointed out to Sean my grandson.

Much like his father likes shiny and new. I didn’t know that he said that his real grandfather, his step-grandfather, had already gotten him a brand new UV Reginald swallow. So I had to take this one home and I couldn’t drive it much. It hurt, but I kept it in great shape and I think it’s time someone had it. I could tell from your work uniform that you deliver food and thought you could use the vehicle.

I can’t accept this extravagant gift from a stranger, so it wouldn’t be right. Harry shook his head, although he was so grateful that someone thought about him at all. I want someone who deserves it to have it. A man who’d stop in the middle of the road to help an old beggar with nothing deserves something like this. The older man insisted, sir.

You could sell this car and live a better life Harry said, lowering his voice and stepping close to Reginald. So his kids wouldn’t hear him. The old man shook his hand. I don’t care about money, I beg for it now because I need to eat, but I never accept much. I don’t need much.

My house is paid for because I bought it years ago and it’s enough for me, though it has its problems. Now I saved all. I could, when my body was able to get this car only for it to get rejected. The greediness in my son and grandson’s eyes killed something in me, so I don’t want to sell it. I want my effort to have real meaning, please accept it.

The earnestness in the man’s face couldn’t be denied Harry Swallowed, thickly at the moisture gathering in Reginald’s eyes, and finally nodded. Thank you. He said quietly and hugged the old beggar. How about some dinner Lucy offered to brighten the moon Harry repeated the offer to the older man who tried to refuse, but they insisted they had dinner and a wonderful time. Harry’S kids missed their grandparents so much that they loved having another senior person around the next day.

Harry delivered everything in the Cadillac and got home early to spend more time with his kids and enjoy himself. He invited Reginald to come every Friday for a special dinner and became like a member of their family, a family who valued each other. After anything, money can buy. The older man died a few months later and Harry and his kids were the only ones at his funeral and the only people who would never forget him.


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Reasons To Boil Banana Flowers And Drink Water Regularly In Moderation.




Boiling banana flowers and drinking the water regularly in moderation can offer several health benefits, making it a practice worth considering for those interested in natural remedies and nutritional support.

Firstly, banana flowers are rich in various vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin A, C, and E, as well as antioxidants like flavonoids and phenolic acids. These nutrients contribute to overall health by supporting immune function, protecting against oxidative stress, and promoting healthy skin and vision…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>

Moreover, banana flowers contain dietary fiber, which aids digestion and helps regulate bowel movements. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with digestive issues like constipation or irregularity.

One of the notable health benefits of consuming banana flower water is its potential to regulate menstrual cycles and alleviate menstrual cramps. It contains compounds that mimic estrogen, which can help balance hormone levels in women. This property has made it a traditional remedy in some cultures for managing menstrual discomfort.

Additionally, banana flowers are known for their ability to lower blood sugar levels. They contain glycosides and alkaloids that may help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of developing diabetes. While more research is needed to fully understand this effect, initial studies and anecdotal evidence suggest promising results. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

For individuals looking to maintain a healthy weight, banana flower water can be a helpful addition to their diet. It is low in calories but rich in nutrients, making it a satisfying and nutritious beverage choice that can support overall well-being without adding excess calories.

Lastly, banana flowers are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the body and support joint health. This makes them potentially beneficial for individuals suffering from conditions like arthritis or chronic inflammatory diseases.

In conclusion, while boiling banana flowers and drinking the water might not be a mainstream practice everywhere, its potential health benefits are supported by traditional usage and emerging scientific evidence. As with any natural remedy, moderation is key, and individuals should consult with healthcare professionals, especially if they have existing health conditions or concerns.


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