Shina Rambo The story of Shina Rambo has found its place in the history of Nigeria. This is the true story of a man, the historical...
The late Apala musician, Ayinla Waheed Yusuf, widely known as Ayinla Omowura, is considered to be one of the most original Yoruba musicians of post-colonial Nigeria....
Christiana Oluwatoyin Oluwasesin Christiana Oluwatoyin Oluwasesin was happy and lively when she arrived at the Government Secondary School of Gandu, in the northern Nigerian state of...
Prophet Daniel Abodunrin’s corpse Ibadan, the capital of Oyo state, is the third-largest city in Nigeria after Lagos and Kano. The city is popularly known for...
Jacob Odulate – Alabukun Powder and Inventor For over nine decades, Alabukun Powder has maintained its stand as one of the most popular patent medicines commonly...
Not many people know that both General Murtala Mohammed and General Sani Abacha were born and buried in Kano, and that all civilian presidents of Nigeria...
The left side of the human body contains different types of body parts including the left side chest, left side abdomen, left side neck, and much...
Gavin Mars, an American who had just been left by his fiancée, sympathized with a homeless woman and her baby and let them sleep in...
Alana Williams, a 22-year-old young woman, was known for her constant smile and unwavering determination. She had been working at the Lawson Mansion for 2...
Bodycam footage of New York State prison guards at Marcy Correctional Facility fatally beating a handcuffed prisoner was released on Friday. Robert Brooks, 43, who...