Қазақстандық теннисші Жәния Бекмұхамбетова Венгрияда үстел теннисінен өткен чемпионатта қола жүлдеге ие болды. Бұл туралы ақпарат агенттігі хабарлайды. Фото: ҰОК 11 жастағы қазақстандық үстел теннисшісі Жәния Бекмұхамбетова...
Have you ever given any thought to what would happen to your body if you continually subjected it to the effects of drinking hot water? When...
1 қазандағы жағдай бойынша Қазақстанның мемлекеттік қарызы жыл басымен салыстырғанда 6,5 %-ға артып, 63,7 миллиард долларға жетті. Еліміздің мемлекеттік қарызы жылдан жылға артып келеді. Бұл туралы ақпарат агенттігі
The Director General, National Financial Investigation Agency in Equatorial Guinea, Baltasar Engonga, has been arrested for allegedly recording over 400 sextapes of the wives of notable...
Cockroaches are notorious and unsightly pests that are commonly associated with waste and dirt. However, they can also be found in homes, making their way into...
In a bizarre and shocking incident that has captured the attention of the Limpopo community, a young mother—referred to as a “baby mama”—experienced a traumatic interruption...
The Hidden Financial Struggles of Footballers: Divorce’s Costly Toll The glamorous image of professional footballers, with their luxurious lifestyles and multimillion-dollar contracts, often obscures a harsh...
Many people suffer from a variety of ailments, such as bronchitis, asthma, and various types of hacks. Common causes cited for the development of numerous lung...
Mokopane Court Delivers Justice in Harrowing Case of Family Betrayal In a landmark ruling that has resonated throughout the Waterberg District, the Mokopane Regional Court has...
This is how your relationship with your partner is shown by the way you sleep. Everyone will be glad to have time to sleep at the...