St. Mary’s General Hospital, a beacon of medical excellence in an affluent suburban community, was about to face an unexpected challenge. When Angela Parker, a...
Rachel Whalen suffered one of the most devastating losses imaginable – the loss of a child. It’s a topic many feel afraid to address and...
Alone, Hunter’s act of kindness toward a dying pregnant wolf led to an incredible reunion. One year after saving the wolf and her unborn pups,...
For some nights, this angry pit bull refused to let the baby sleep alone. When the parents finally found out why, they were shocked and...
Those men attacked the girl, but they would never have imagined that she was not alone in that place. Wolves are animals of noble and...
Babies and toddlers are incredibly adorable, but they can also be incredibly exhausting – especially if you are a new parent that needs to travel....
The mind of a teenage girl is something very few people can understand. However, most parents try their best to make sense of their complicated...
A Salt Lake City resident was visiting a Walmart store when he noticed a woman using an EBT card. When he followed her into the...
When parents and guardians leave their children in the care of daycare centers, they are entrusting those companies with a very serious responsibility. This trust...
Fate has a way of smiling and winking at us, doesn’t it? That’s the lesson that these teens learned when they decided to participate in...