John Harris, a dedicated police officer, made a life-changing decision 20 years ago when he adopted six unwanted Black girls. He raised them with love...
In the dead of night, a routine traffic stop turns into a gross miscarriage of justice when Officer Bradley, a young and prejudiced cop, wrongly...
In the dead of night, the fluorescent buzz of the 24-hour laundromat stood as the only sign of life in the quiet town of Bridgeton,...
Husband PLS camera to understand wife’s insistence on bringing dog into the shower. Initially, her connection with her dog hadn’t been unusual, but as the...
On the saddest day of their lives, at their daughter’s funeral, parents are surprised when the gravedigger interrupts the ceremony and tells them to open...
As a parent, the problem with modern life these days is just how much time is spent working so you can provide a good life...
Oakwood High School, nestled in the heart of a diverse suburban community, was about to become the epicenter of an unexpected controversy. When Jasmine Carter,...
Uric acid is a waste product that is naturally present in the blood, formed from the breakdown of purines, substances found in certain foods and...
The average white person assumes that the tanned victim may have successfully incited the power – which is typically the police – to behave in this way...
A disturbing trend of criminal activity has emerged in Bryanston, where two women are alleged to have targeted unsuspecting men after a night out at Nostra,...