In the quiet town of Elmwood, an incident of cosmic proportions unfolded amidst tragedy and violence. A harrowing collision between an ambulance and the enigmatic local...
Malaysian authorities announced that they finally managed to capture the ‘Wild Child from Borneo’, who was observed hundreds of times by villagers in the area, and...
Sydney Wellington, age 54, from London, England, sues a local soy milk company after noticing dramatic changes in his body as a result of consuming of...
When an alleged burglar entered a residence, he had a face-to-face encounter with the family’s rescued pit bull. Police were astounded when they arrived 20 minutes...
When a young boy died in a car crash, he says he went to heaven. After being resuscitated, he came back with a message he says...
Are you looking for a natural way to nourish and revitalize your hair? Look no further than the liquid gold in your kitchen pantry: olive oil. This...
Are you looking for a natural way to nourish and revitalize your hair? Look no further than the liquid gold in your kitchen pantry: olive oil. This...
Joe lovingly and carefully reared his triplets, Jade, Ruby, and Emily, for six years. When she left the family, he was both their father and mother....
A woman who was buried alive at a cemetery in Brazil has been rescued after being trapped for more than 10 hours inside a tomb Two...
Are you ready to be amazed by a kitchen secret that’s been hiding in plain sight? It turns out, banana peels, which we’ve been hastily discarding...