The world is home to millions of tree species, each with its unique characteristics. While some trees are renowned for their medicinal properties, fruit, or peculiar...
Humans have created some of the most horrible technology by using their ingenuity. These tools were employed in the past to torture people who had broken...
A controversial video has taken the internet by storm, showcasing a man making a shocking revelation about his daily routine. The individual, whose identity remains unknown,...
The man disappeared 15 years ago. One evening, the phone rang and the wife learned a terrible truth. Hi friends. Have you ever thought about how...
The history of EFCC takes us back to 2003 when it was established by the democratic regime of President Olusegun Obasanjo to tackle economic and financial...
Federico Guidi is the new coach of Milan Primavera. The Rossoneri club made the announcement with a note on their official website. “Born in Florence on...
Kenyan youths began massive protests across the country against the 2024 finance bill two week ago. The president went ahead to accept the demands of the...
Stress and bad posture can cause constant pain in your back, neck, legs, and other joints. When people have pain in their back, joints, or neck,...
Bose Ogulu, the mother and manager of Grammy-winning singer, Burna Boy, took to her Instastories to celebrate him as he turned 33. She wrote,...
When Darius was 40 years old he found out he had cancer. And if that wasn’t enough, he was also fired from his job and lost...