A Portuguese man claims he was arrested in Turkey and kept in a squalid prison for nearly three weeks because he ‘looked gay’. Miguel Alvaro...
Per reports, the grieving mom said that the funeral director reportedly refused to let her see the body of her 9-month-old baby after the child...
According to the court documents, the man shared details of his rampage that stunned the whole world. He has been imprisoned following his confessed murders...
Woman in China brutally beaten and stripped in public after she was suspected to be a mistress. Alleged mistress gets brutally beaten after ‘being caught...
Prosecutors said that the 13-year-old girl, who was not named due to her age, suffered an unimaginably brutal se-ual assault at the hands of six...
Per reports, the then-18-year-old defendant, Christopher, reportedly abducted 12-year-old girl, Tiffany, took her to an abandoned house, and r-ped her for 2 days. Prosecutors said...
When Katie and Josh dicovered that they were expecting a baby they were both ecstatic. They decided that their first son would be called Dewey...
Drama ensued in a courtroom, which made the sitting judge angrily pronounce a ‘air verdict, on an unruly murder suspect charging him with contempt of...
According to his parents, their son, Jack, grew up in a happy home. Once he grew up and ventured out of the home, he settled...
A black chef named Marcus was unjustly fired for no reason by the new head chef from the restaurant where he had worked for years....