A 14-year-old boy who raped his 8-year-old cousin and threatened her with a pair of scissors is being tried as an adult in Maryland. Solomon...
Judy Arnold Alexander had an out of the ordinary day as a postal worker on May 13 in Ash Flat Arkansas because she found two girls...
Courtney and Brian were a happily married couple until Brian got into a terrible truck accident and died in February 2016. He was a retired...
The eight-year-old victim, who has not been named, is said to have been unhappy that her parents got a divorce and threw a tantrum that...
An unlicensed day care owner in Olathe, Kansas, has been found guilty in court after she allegedly committed an atrocious crime that left a baby blind...
One should never underestimate the power of love, especially parental love – loving fathers and mothers that would do anything for their children exist all around...
For a mother, there’s nothing more heartbreaking than feeling excluded from her child’s life. A woman named Greta is utterly shattered after her son and daughter-in-law...
A father’s decision to carry his dog instead of his son has sparked a viral curiosity. A woman recorded the unusual scene from her car and published the video on her TikTok account. While...
No matter if you’re a devoutly religious or a convinced atheist person, you have to admit that this Texas teen’s story really makes you think...
In 2003, documentary maker Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard, faced a tragic and horrifying end when they were attacked and killed by bears in...