Just when it seemed that Jennifer Garner couldn’t possibly endear herself more to fans worldwide, the beloved actress has once again demonstrated an extraordinary gesture of...
Welcome, vigilant readers! Mastering the art of spotting minuscule details is a valuable life skill that can give you a significant edge. Imagine wowing your friends...
Being born at 28 weeks is way too early. But, Pixie Grant was born that early. Her doctors were watching her in utero and could see...
She likes to save her money to buy something a little special for the patients at the hospital each Christmas. This year, she outdid herself! On...
The husband pretends to be infertile for 40 years, and you won’t believe why. Jenna Carter had envisioned a future with a large White House picket...
Gloria Okon. © Joliba Heritage & Culture On the 22nd of April, 1985, the National Security Organization (NSO) arrested a 35-year-old lady named Gloria Okon at...
We believe all people deserve an equal chance – no matter their gender, sexual orientation or skin color. And the thought that a parent, or parents,...
The photo above shows Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci in a Milan morgue. After being hanged upside down from a gas station girder, some...
Samuel Ajayi Crowther (c. 1809–31 December 1891), was a Yoruba linguist and the first African Anglican bishop in Nigeria. Born in Osogun (in what is now...
Getting old is not something fun that happens to us. The body begins to betray us, the skin begins to become loose in places where it...