A harrowing story of incestuous abuse and familial tragedy has emerged from Kenya. A young woman bravely recounts her traumatic experiences, involving her father’s horrifying actions...
In a poignant account, a woman recounts the harrowing night when she stumbled upon an unimaginable scene in her own matrimonial bed—a memory forever etched...
Lindsay and Matthew Brentlinger had to wait for some years before becoming parents and when they did, it was worth the wait. They had twins....
Sometimes it is said that love is blind and knows no boundaries. And this is what this woman experienced after recovering from an unimaginable trauma....
If you are a mother (or happen to know one) you know that everyday life as a mother is wonderful, challenging, scary and stressful –...
Kind black teen helps old woman fix her TV for free. Next day, she shows up at his home with the police. Jamal had always...
A teacher scolds a boy for coming late to class and demands to meet his parents, but the boy doesn’t show up the next day and...
A woman was left screaming in pain after she purposely willing dipped her hand into a boiling hot spring at Yellowstone National Park in the latest...
When stores are busy and everyone are inside buying gifts, food, or anything else, it’s very easy to get distracted and not to pay attention...
Evelyn held on to the leather strap hanging from the subway ceiling. She had traveled this route dozens of times, but this time there were...