In the confines of the Rivers State Criminal Investigation Department, 26-year-old Sarah Nwankpo is detained following the unfortunate demise of her acquaintance, Igbodike Anthony, in...
A young man from Uganda has shared his story of how he got addicted to his aunty’s nude pictures and videos that forced him into masturbation...
A mother has confessed to having s e x with her biological son just to have a baby for her husband. Matina Agawua, lost her...
For a college student, finding affordable housing is challenging. Apartments are becoming increasingly expensive and hard to find. That’s exactly the issue that Texas student Joel...
Jim Carrey is a Canadian-American comedian, actor, and writer who has left a lasting impact on the entertainment business. Carrey was born on January 17, 1962,...
Promotion and New Rules Nia got promoted to general manager at a major fashion retail outlet. Enthusiastic about her new role, she implemented strict changes, emphasizing...
An Australian-born mother and her migrant husband who allegedly beat and tortured their 14 children at a squalid ‘house of horrors’ presented themselves as ‘the perfect...
A three-year-old girl died three months after being sent home from A&E because doctors “missed opportunities” to find out she had a rare illness .Ryleigh Hillcoat-Bee...
It might sound surprising, but placing a piece of aluminum foil under your pillow can have some fascinating benefits. This simple trick, often overlooked, taps into...
Modern airlines frequently try to get away with too much; after all, who is going to drive across the ocean? They overbook, charge for average-sized luggage,...