In a quiet, small town, a courageous act of bravery by Daryl, a 35-year-old Black mechanic, unexpectedly turns his life upside down. When Daryl, a...
He told his mom to dig up his grave one year after his funeral. When his mother finally did that, what she saw made her...
Fear of childbirth is universal. Because of the stories of bad experiences passed down for years, many women fear childbirth. As a result, many women...
Stock photo of a sippy cup (left), Angela Denise Brewer (right) (Photo Credit: Andrew Seaman/Flickr, Pickens County Sheriff’s Office) Angela Denise Brewer, 46, was watching over...
In New South Wales, Australia, the Lismore local court denied bail to two young men brought into police custody. They were accused of molesting of Polly the...
People how become teachers do it to teach, to inspire, and to mold young minds. Some get way out of hand when dispensing ‘justice’ and punishments,...
All people are equal and I think it’s wonderful that these parents are able to look past from such trivialities as skin color and instead...
Jaden, a 23-year-old young man, had a tough day working two jobs—one as a machine operator and the other as a cleaner in a production...
The Macciantonio family’s life changed forever after their baby daughter had a chance meeting with Pope Francis in Philadelphia, leading to an outcome they never...
Ten years ago, a woman made the life-changing decision to adopt three Black children. Little did she know, making this choice would result in the...