Patrick Shaw stands out as a legendary figure in Kenya’s law enforcement history, best remembered as a feared police reservist and administrator at the prestigious Starehe...
A Black woman named Vanessa walks into an upscale clothing store managed by Tom, a man whose assumptions about who belongs there lead to an...
When this retired police dog stumbled on a suspicious tree, her incessant barking pushed her owner to call the authorities. What the cops found inside...
When this retired police dog stumbled on a suspicious tree, her incessant barking pushed her owner to call the authorities. What the cops found inside...
A judge saw a black girl in his courtroom making frantic hand signals. He called her out to ask her questions. Three minutes later, something...
“Do you remember the black couple who had a white child? This is her now. ‘You clumsy adopted child! Look at the mess you’ve made....
A black man named Jamal West is wrongfully arrested by two racist police officers, Riley and Jenkins. But when Jamal’s true identity is revealed, the...
A doctor named James adopts a Black boy that he found crying in the park during his afternoon stroll. Years later, the boy’s biological father...
A young black boy named Jordan notices a little girl, Emily, upset after her favorite toy breaks. Feeling compassion, he offers to fix it for...
A young black boy named Jordan notices a little girl, Emily, upset after her favorite toy breaks. Feeling compassion, he offers to fix it for...