In a shocking incident that unfolded in Oklahoma, the chilling attempt on the lives of law enforcement officers has left the community reeling and authorities...
A Florida teen has allegedly confessed to a heinous crime, admitting that he followed a mother and daughter home after spotting them on the street....
It’s a funny saying among law enforcement personnel that criminals are the smartest people around, otherwise they wouldn’t be criminals. Well here’s a video that...
We all love babies, right? Many parents are actually surprised at how small and delicate their newborn is, making them worried that they will do...
When there is a newborn baby in the room, it is impossible not to hug, hold and kiss them. For those of us whose babies...
Chloe and her husband Rohan had three wonderful boys, but they really wanted a girl. They decided to try to have one more child, and...
“Never go to bed angry.” It’s something that almost every young couple has heard. But for a mother-of-three not listening to that advice turned out...
During an interview, the unfortunate 32-year-old Gemma said that she has an extremely rare medical condition that forces her to hear her own blood course...
Instagram user @maratca lives in Tuman, Russia with his wife and 7-year-old daughter. Marat’s wife does most of the cooking and takes care of the...
Valerie Watts experienced something no parent should experience. She was nine months pregnant and had a few days left before giving birth, when she received...