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Parents told to pull the plug on brain dead daughter, then family friend pays her a visit





Young girl, who was declared brain-dead following a serious accident, reportedly made a miraculous recovery after her parents said a devout family friend came to the hospital to pray for her healing. The teen, who was 14 years old at the time of the accident, was in a coma. Her mother and father feared she would never wake up, cutting her life tragically short.

Her name is Taylor and she was with a group of friends after a football game when one of them said he had to leave. She and another friend playfully hopped onto their hood of the friend’s car to prevent him from leaving…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Police officials told the parents that the driver unwittingly began reversing, and Taylor and her friend were thrown from the hood of the car. While her friend walked away unharmed, Taylor hit her head on the ground and was knocked out.

Taylor was rushed to the hospital, where her parents, Chuck and Stacey, were informed she suffered a traumatic brain injury. For the next seven days, Taylor was in a medically induced coma to allow her brain to heal. But things did not look promising.

Several days later, she suffered a brain hemorrhage while still in the coma. The hemorrhage resulted in part of her brain sliding into her spinal canal, which doctors said was a point of no return. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

The doctors told her mom and dad that Taylor was brain-dead and that they may want to consider thinking about donating her organs and making preparations for a funeral. Luckily, everything changed after a visit from a family friend. A family friend, Jeff, came to the hospital one day after the parents received the difficult news. Jeff wanted to pray for Taylor and her family. Her parents agreed to let him pray with them anyway. He placed his hands on Taylor’s neck and asked God to spare her life.

Later that day, Taylor was taken off life support, but rather than flatlining, she began struggling to take a breath. Over the following several hours, she slowly began to show signs of improvement. Her brain became more active, her eyelids started moving and she attempted to speak for the first time in a week. Incredibly, Taylor finally awoke from her coma. Taylor was finally on the road to recovery and would go on to spend months re-learning how to do every from walking and talking to eating on her own.

Though the recovery was far from easy, Taylor overcame the odds and graduated with her class. Taylor reportedly said: “I’m always thankful to all the doctors and nurses and therapists who helped me get better, but God did most of the saving.” Ladies and gentlemen, we are republishing this story in light of recent reports that suggest deadly car crashes spiked in the last few months.


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