Shina Rambo The story of Shina Rambo has found its place in the history of Nigeria. This is the true story of a man, the historical...
Sergeant Angela Rivers stood in the bustling airport terminal, her eyes scanning the departure board with a sense of urgency. Her heart pounded as she clutched...
We see people all the time walking the street with their earbuds in. We have our music or movies or games with us at all times....
Jamaican artist, Donovan Nelson’s illustration paying tribute to the Igbo Landing Event. Countless accounts of terrifying and dehumanizing events that happened during the slave trade era...
During the reign of the Songhai empire in the 16th century, Islamic art and culture were widely spread throughout the whole land. But their fall in...
The devastating fire that burned through Gatlinburg, Tennessee in early December 2016 claimed, according to CNN, the lives of 14 people and injured another 175. Three...
My life was a mess. Just believe me, that moment when everything piles up, and you’re waiting for a miracle. But the heavens heard me. I...
Margaret Johnson, an 82-year-old woman with silver hair, slowly pushed her shopping cart through the aisles of her local supermarket. She enjoyed her weekly trips to...
Jaja Wachuku is a name that can never be forgotten in the annals of Nigerian history and the country’s struggle for independence. Jaja Wachuku, during his...
My son stole my husband’s laptop to study for an exam. Everything appeared fine until he approached me, visibly disturbed, and said, “Mom, I unintentionally discovered...