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Doctor Didn’t Know He Was Being Recorded. What He Did To The Kids Will Make You Cry!




When three frightened sisters have an unusual interaction with the doctor, their mom decides to secretly record what’s happening. What the doctor did to the kids will make you cry.

Autumn, Chrysin, and Winter all wore glum expressions. Even though Autumn was the one who needed treatment at the hospital, all three girls hated the clinical environment and longed to be back outside playing. They sat in the waiting room, watching as children, all similar in age to them, were called in one by one. Then they began to feel uncomfortable. None of them had been to the hospital before, and being surrounded by ill people wasn’t exactly the fun afternoon they’d all had in mind.

Autumn began to fidget in her seat and asked her mom for a drink of water. She winced as she took a small sip. Two weeks ago, she had developed strep throat, and her symptoms were getting worse, which is how she’d ended up in the hospital waiting room. The little girl glanced around and began to feel worried when she noticed none of the other children were smiling. Even after being seen by a doctor, many of the kids still had sad faces, and some were even crying. But Autumn and her sisters were about to have a very unique hospital experience.

With no other child care options, their mom had no choice but to take all three girls to the hospital with her. It was the school holiday, and Chrysin and Winter had been happily playing in the yard of their home in Jacksonville, Florida. Autumn had been stuck inside, curled up on the couch watching TV. She’d spiked a fever, and her tonsils were inflamed, which was worrying her mom. The strep throat had been troubling the little girl for a few weeks now, but she was definitely getting worse. So her mom decided the best course of action was to go to the Wolfson Children’s Hospital.

At first, Winter and Chrysin complained about having to go, but when they saw how ill their sister looked, they began to feel sorry for her. So they reluctantly got in their mom’s car and tried to cheer Autumn up on the journey. Now that they were at the hospital, though, none of them were feeling too brave. Their mom tried to sweeten the deal, promising to take them all out for ice cream once Autumn was better, but she could tell her girls were feeling worried. Unfortunately, the hospital was very busy, and the long wait did nothing to ease their anxiety.

Fortunately, the family was called into a room and told that Dr. Chima Matthew would be with them shortly. Autumn looked at her sisters, with tears springing into her eyes. Her throat was very sore, and now she was scared the doctor would make it worse.

Dr. Matthew was the youngest doctor on duty that day. He had always known he wanted to go into medicine, but when his younger brother became ill, he’d seen the way one of the doctors had tried to make his experience better. That’s when he knew that working with children was what he wanted to do too. Chima remembered his brother’s illness like it was yesterday. When he’d first been admitted to the hospital, he’d seen the fear in his brother’s eyes. Being the older sibling, he needed to act tough, but he’d been terrified too.

To start with, the doctor looking after his brother had been professional, but there was no warmth to his care and conduct. But when his brother was assigned a new doctor who better fitted his treatment plan, everything changed. The new doctor always had a smile on his face, no matter how busy he was.

Chima had been at an age where he understood just how rushed off his feet all doctors were, but still, this one made time to talk and crack jokes. It wasn’t just his brother the doctor treated kindly; it was as if he could also sense Chima’s discomfort, and his kindness extended to the older boy. Although the medicine played a huge part in making his brother well again, Chima did not doubt that the doctor’s positive attitude had helped massively. From that moment on, he knew exactly what kind of doctor he would be.

When he went through his medical training, the job had its downsides though. Working with children was one of the most rewarding things Chima could think of, but no matter how hard he tried, some children just couldn’t be saved. It was a sad reality that the young doctor had lost count of how many funerals he attended of former patients, and each one was just as difficult as the last. On more than one occasion, Chima had been told he cared too much, but as far as he was concerned, there was no such thing. In his job, he’d seen his fair share of doctors and nurses who could switch off their emotions, but he just wasn’t that kind of person. Yes, he cared a lot, but that was what made him so good at his job.

Dr. Matthew didn’t do the job for praise and thanks, though; he did it because he genuinely enjoyed it and wanted to make even just a small difference. He’d always remember how he felt when his brother was in the hospital, and the terrified look on his face upon entrance would forever be etched on his mind. If he could just stop one kid a day from feeling like that, then it was all worth it. Things had gotten tough at the hospital recently, though.

They were severely short-staffed, and budget cuts had led to a feeling of discontent in some departments. Chima had watched as the people around him became more stressed, more overworked, and lost their spark. There was no denying that he went home every day feeling exhausted and angry that the great team around him couldn’t get on with their jobs like they wanted to. Smiling his way through the day was becoming harder and harder, but he was about to show the world what it meant to be a dedicated pediatrician with his little patient’s interest in mind.

A faint knock on the door pulled the three sisters out of their daydream, and Dr. Matthew swiftly entered the room. The girls had been imagining an old man in a white coat, but Dr. Matthew was young, even younger than their mom, they guessed. He wore sea-green scrubs with a stethoscope slung around his neck. Autumn stifled a giggle. She’d caught glimpses of all the medical dramas her mom watched and thought the stethoscope thing was only something they did on TV. But when the young doctor began to speak, the little girl’s fear returned. Autumn shifted in her seat uncomfortably, in a motion that seemed to be catching, as Chrysin and Winter did the same.

So far, Dr. Matthew had introduced himself to the whole room and then directed all his questions at their mom, but now their girls’ shuffling seemed to have caught his attention. He glanced over at them, taking them in one by one. Little did the sisters know, Dr. Matthew was getting a flashback.

Chima couldn’t help but notice how the three sisters sitting in front of him shifted awkwardly in their seats. It had started with the little girl he was here to examine, Autumn, but then her discomfort had spread to the other children, and they all squirmed with frightened looks on their faces. He could remember that feeling well. Chima and his brother had a 10-year age gap, so when his little brother fell ill, Chima had been 16, old enough to fully understand just how severe his illness had been.

Even now, the young doctor thanked his lucky stars that his brother had pulled through and was now on the verge of graduating high school and heading off to college. He remembered the day that his mom had driven them to the hospital to hear his brother’s test results, how she’d been unable to stop the tears that flowed, and how his little brother didn’t understand what was happening, but his frightened face told Chima that he still understood enough to know it wasn’t good.

Chima remembered hugging his mom and squeezing his little brother’s hand to tell him everything was going to be okay. The reality was that he had no idea whether it would be okay or not, and he felt just as upset as his mom and just as frightened as his brother. With no father around, it had been up to Chima to stay brave and strong enough for all of them.

Dr. Matthew’s notes told him Autumn had strep throat, nothing to be too concerned about, thankfully, but he could understand why she was feeling so scared. And given the high temperature and the pain, he was fully aware of how small issues could feel like big things to young kids. He glanced up at the clock on the wall. He was already behind schedule; he barely had a moment to breathe that day, and the last six hours of his shift had been manic. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

The easy thing to do would be to examine the girl and then send the family on their way with a prescription. It’s what most doctors would do when they were rushed off their feet, but Chima wasn’t like most doctors. And despite his extremely busy and tiring day, the looks on the girls’ faces brought back too many memories for him to ignore.

Turning to Autumn, Dr. Matthew explained that he would need to take a look at her throat and have a feel of the glands in her neck. He also wanted to run some basic checks like temperature and blood pressure. The little girl’s eyes were wide with shock as she fought back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. He watched as one of the sisters reached out and squeezed Autumn’s hand in a reassuring move, the same way he’d done to his brother all those years ago.

Chima smiled warmly at the girls and reached into his pocket to pull out his cell phone. “First, we need to do a warm-up exercise,” he said to the girls. He placed his phone on the examination bed, and within a few seconds, “Rolex” by

Ayo & Teo began to play. The girls were confused. They’d heard the song all over the radio, and loads of the kids at school, them included, practiced the moves from the video during recess. But why had the doctor put the song on?

Before they knew it, Dr. Matthew began to make the signature moves the girls knew well. Autumn couldn’t help but smile, and when Chima waved to the little girl, signaling for her to join in, she sprang to her feet with more energy than she had in weeks. Winter and Chrysin soon joined their sister, and before long, the three girls and their doctor were all dancing together, laughing and smiling.

The girls’ mom couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She’d tried everything to cheer her kids up, but here was this doctor dancing around and making all three of her girls feel on top of the world. She quickly pulled her phone out of her purse and hit record. The young doctor was so wrapped up in entertaining the kids that he had no idea he was being recorded.

The mom felt tears welling up as she watched her kids dancing and laughing. Two minutes out of this young doctor’s day was going to have a lasting impression on her daughters. When the song ended, Dr. Matthew applauded the three girls, who were all now giggling and excited. He put his phone back in his pocket and started Autumn’s examination, which the young girl now seemed to have no problems with.

It was a fairly quick and simple examination, and Chima wrote a script for some antibiotics and pain relief. The mom couldn’t thank him enough for making her girls feel happy and at ease. As the family left, Chima couldn’t help but smile at the fact he helped them all feel a little less frightened. He assumed his interaction with the girls was over, but he was wrong.

That evening, Autumn’s mother wrote an email to the Children’s Hospital praising Dr. Matthew for the way he’d understood that all three girls were scared, and he’d managed to cheer them up and make them feel comfortable. She’d seen just how busy the waiting room was, and she had no doubt how overworked the doctor had been.

But the fact that he’d taken the time to do what he had spoke volumes about him as a person. She attached the video as proof and turned her phone off, believing she would never hear from them again. But the next day, Wolfson Children’s Hospital shared the video on its Facebook page. However, no one realized just how much of an impact it would have.

In no time at all, the video went viral and was viewed over 11 million times, attracting over 177,000 comments from people all over the world. Some shared their stories of similar encounters with Dr. Matthew, claiming he was the best doctor they’d ever met. Others simply wanted to acknowledge that the world needed more people like him.

Many people were moved to tears by the young doctor’s passion for his job. When Dr. Matthew saw the post and the attention he had gained, he couldn’t believe it. To him, he hadn’t done anything special; he’d just been doing his job. But then he remembered the cold, stony-faced doctor his brother had first encountered, and he remembered that not everyone clicked with their patients the way he did. To him, it had been simple—the girls had been frightened, and the easiest way to make them feel better was to make them smile. If that meant spending two minutes dancing around, then so be it.

Reading through all the comments lifted the tired doctor’s spirits immensely. Sure, the job was tough and probably always would be, but it was clear that he was making a small difference in people’s lives, and that’s all he’d ever wanted to do. The video attracted the attention of local news outlets, and soon Chima found himself posing for photos with Winter, Chrysin, and Autumn.

The first time all three girls met him again, they ran over and enveloped him in tight hugs before asking if he’d learned any new dance moves. Their mom laughed and once again thanked Chima for everything he’d done for her girls. She reminded him that it would have been easy to ignore Winter and Chrysin and just get on with Autumn’s examination, but the fact he’d taken time out of his busy schedule to put them all at ease was something none of them would ever forget.

As the excitement over the viral video began to calm down, Chima once again found himself thinking about everything that had led him to the career he had. The fact that he could still remember the positive impact that his brother’s doctor had on the whole family meant there had to be some truth in the comments on the video. He really was helping people in more ways than one, and right there and then, Chima vowed that no matter how tired he was or how busy he was, he would never stop caring as much as he did now.


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Mother Imprisoned for Shocking Baby Waterboarding and Freezer “Test”





A mother from Gresham, Oregon, USA, has been sentenced to prison after waterboarding her baby and subjecting him to a chilling ordeal inside a freezer, all in a misguided attempt to test the boy’s father’s commitment to their child’s well-being.

The horrifying events unfolded when local police received a distress call about a baby being placed in a freezer at an apartment in Gresham. Officers responding to the scene were met with a chaotic and distressing scene…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Outside the apartment, police officers heard Sharday McDonald, a 30-year-old woman, screaming at the baby’s father, making shocking statements. She yelled, “I’m about to show you real quick. You don’t want him? Let me show you about this little fing baby, I don’t fing give a f*** about.”

Later, the baby’s father showed the police a video call he had with McDonald, during which she held their son and appeared to be waterboarding him. The video depicted the baby struggling as water ran down his nose and face, causing significant concern among the officers.

McDonald was promptly arrested, and during questioning, she admitted that she performed these disturbing acts out of spite, in an attempt to see if the baby’s father truly cared. She stated that she thought subjecting their baby to waterboarding would compel him to return. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

However, McDonald insisted that she had no intentions of causing physical harm or endangering the child’s life through drowning or freezing. Court documents suggest that she acknowledged her actions were inexcusable and motivated by a misguided desire to test her partner’s commitment to their child.

In the aftermath of the incident, police detectives consulted with a pediatrician who reviewed images of the October 2021 events. The pediatrician’s assessment revealed that the baby would not have been able to breathe with water running into his nose, and this horrific act could have resulted in life-threatening complications.

On September 19, Sharday McDonald was sentenced to 30 days in jail on charges of criminal mistreatment, tampering with a witness, and identity theft. According to Multnomah County Detention Center records, she is scheduled to be released on October 6.

This deeply disturbing case serves as a stark reminder of the need to prioritize child safety and well-being above all else and to address issues in a responsible and lawful manner, rather than resorting to harmful and dangerous methods.


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My Parents Want To Know My Boyfriend’s Occupation But It’s Hard To Tell Them –




When I asked about his job two years ago, he told me he was an investor. I took it literally until I asked him days later what he invested in. He laughed. “You won’t understand. Maybe later,” he said. My curiosity was piqued so for days, I pressed him to tell me what he was into. He told me he was a blogger. I asked for his blog and he later changed what he said.

I’m into bitcoin. It’s a lot complicated but it’s not a permanent job. I’m working on starting something on my own with the money I earn from Bitcoin.” I left it there knowing very well that time would do justice to the rest of the story. I visited often…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


He was mostly on his computer. Sometimes I would sit next to him and watch what he was doing. There were numbers that kept changing. I didn’t understand anything but he was doing well so I figured whatever that was was good enough. We dated for over three months before he opened up fully that he was into betting. I looked at him, wondering how betting could be a job. By the time he finished taking me through everything he had gained through betting, I was convinced he had the magic or he was a pro at what he did. He had a building project going on.

He told me everything came from betting. He had a small shop where he was selling phone accessories. He had given it out to someone to operate. That also came from betting. Where he was living was rented. A two bedroom apartment he said he rented with a friend but later the friend moved. That also came from betting. He had a beautiful car.

He said it came from one win. I knew betting wasn’t a winning game. Everyone said they lost a lot before they won once so how could he be doing so well at something everything was losing in? I spoke to friends about it. Guys who were also into betting. They said it could be real or there was some sakawa going on. The way I saw it, it couldn’t have been sakawa. He didn’t have excessive money to throw around. He didn’t live extravagantly. Just an ordinary guy going through life and making decisions that later earned money.

Though I didn’t buy the sakawa angle, I put my eyes on the floor to see if I could find something fishy. One year later, all has been well. The only thing I see is a meticulous man who is also calculative in his ways. When he wins, he shows me the cashout. When he loses, we talk about it together and insult the team that spoils the bet.

Slowly, it became a business for us rather than for him alone. He would tell me about two teams I knew nothing about and ask who would win. I wasn’t right all the time but the times I was right, we won big. I asked him to go into business with the money he had been winning. He told me he had tried that three times and failed so he was rather concentrating on his building project and maybe go into estate development later. He has big dreams.

That’s one thing I like about him. Currently, he invests in treasury bills and other soft investments here and there. The first time I took him home, it was just a flash. We didn’t spend more than five minutes there but my dad called to ask who he was. I told him he was just a friend who gave me a ride home. He didn’t believe me. He told me he looked like a good guy so I shouldn’t let him slip. The second time we went home, it was my mom who raised the flag of suspicion.

She went directly to him to ask who he was to me. He told her we were just friends but my mom insisted he was lying. She told him, “There’s a man worrying us for her hand in marriage. Are you telling me we are free to give her away?” He laughed sheepishly. My mom said, “You see I’ve caught you? We’ve been like you before so don’t think you’re smart. It’s not even a bad thing so why would you run from it?” Currently, we are at a place where I have to tell my parents the occupation of my boyfriend because we are talking about marriage. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

My parents are very traditional. When my elder sister was about to marry, my dad visited her boyfriend at his workplace to ascertain if he was telling the truth about his occupation. It was subtle. Like, “I was around the area and remembered my in-law’s office is around the corner so I decided to pass by.” It was his way of confirming what he had been told.

He said my mom’s parents did it to him and he’s taking it from them because it’s a good thing. My boyfriend’s job is not traditional. They’ll understand if I tell them he works from home or he has his own business but they’ll like to know what goes into the business. We decided to use the phone shop but it’s too small for him to buy the kind of car he’s driving. My dad would raise questions. I told him, “I will tell him the truth. You’re not a thief.

You make money online and that’s legit.” I told my dad, “He’s an online person. He works on the internet and gets paid a good sum of money.” “Is he doing sakawa?” he asked me. “No, it’s not sakawa. This is legit. Like investing in online business. You won’t understand everything so yeah, he’s into online businesses.” My elder brother called the next day asking me, “What does your boyfriend do that you can’t explain to dad? He has asked me to talk to you about it and come and explain it to him.

I confessed to my elder brother because he and I are like that. We talk. We laugh. We have a connection. He said, “You can’t tell this to dad.” I told him, “Then dress it up for him the way he will understand it.” He replied, “If he later finds out, he will never forgive the two of us so let’s tell him the truth and use the future real estate business as a defence.” Knowing the kind of man my dad is, if I tell him the truth, that would be the end of our relationship.

He would say a man who bets doesn’t have a future. Apart from that, every good perception he has about my boyfriend would be erased, because, to him, good men don’t gamble.

I’ve been thinking about it but nothing assures me that it will be easy. Dad would exaggerate the issue. Mom will add drama to make it look like the worst sin a daughter can commit. In our world, we can shroud betting in beautiful clothes and present it as wholesome but in their world, betting is gambling and gambling is for kobolors. What would you do differently if you were in my shoes? Lie your way out, right? As in paint his job with white colours as you wait for a future where the two of you will transition into something formal, right?


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Heartbreaking Final Words of a Brave 4-Year-Old Boy Will Leave You in Tears!





A little boy wakes up from a coma and says four words, and then he closes his eyes forever, leaving his family in tears.

Any parent would be willing to let go of that memories if it meant their kid would live to a happy old age.

Unfortunately, Ruth Scully, the mother of a 4-year-old boy named Nolan, only remembers what she had with her little son in their final conversation…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


In November 2015, Ruth Scully and Jonathan Scully got the news that almost any mother or father would dread that their 4-year-old son Nolan was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.

Nolan was just two years old when he was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare soft tissue cancer. These tumors develop from muscle or fibrous tissue and can grow in any body part.

Doctors told Nolan’s parents the boy needed to start with intense treatment to fight the disease. The procedure would include 43 weeks of chemotherapy sessions and five and a half weeks of radiotherapy.

The first round of chemo was rough on Nolan’s little body, but the brave boy kept enduring.

His parents created to GoFund page on Facebook to help them pay for the treatment. They also used to update their child’s condition and said that watching their son suffering was the hardest thing in the world.

Unfortunately, even with the treatment, the cancer still attacked his body, and the doctors were worried.

As a result, the boys’ families were called at the start of February 2017 to meet with his oncologist.

The doctor’s expression and the sadness in his eyes said all they needed to know. The specialist explained that Nolan’s CT scan report had shown large tumors that had grown.

These tumors were compressing both his bronchial tubes, and his heart cancer had spread like wildfire; consequently, there wasn’t anything more the doctors could do except that the continued treatment could do for her son.

He was staying in a hospice. However, his mother said, “We just wanted ONE more night together. “But as he woke, he gently put his hand on mine and said, ‘Mommy, it’s ok. Let’s just stay here ok?’ She also mentions, “My four-year-old hero was trying to make sure things were easy for me.” Over the next 36 hours, the little boy watched videos on YouTube and played with those closest to him.

He even created a will for his family; heartbreakingly, Nolan also drew a picture of how his funeral should be planned.

The smart boy decided who he would like to carry his coffin to untold his parents what he thought the congregation should wear. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

He always dreamt of becoming a police officer. Therefore, he wanted his family to remember him as a policeman.

Although Nolan wanted his mom by his side, he relented in one instance. When his mother, Ruth, asked him if it was okay for her to shower.

He agreed on the condition that his uncle would sit with him instead. So the child turned toward the bathroom and watched his mom close the door.

As the door shut, Nolan closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

After leaving the bathroom, his mom saw that her son’s support team had gathered around his bed.

Naturally, it was a moment of high emotion, and the medical staff revealed his fragile condition.

They said that Nolan couldn’t feel anything and was also having difficulty breathing because one of his lungs had collapsed. Without any hesitation, his mom climbed into bed next to him. While Ruth knew she was going to lose her son soon, perhaps no one could have predicted what would happen next.

It was a miracle. Nolan opened his eyes again as he still wanted to say something to his mom.

So the boy turned his gaze towards his mother and said, “I love you, Mommy.” Then just before midnight on February 7th, 2017, little Nolan passed away with Ruth singing to him. The four-year-old’s final words will be forever etched on his mom’s heart.

Ruth then uploaded a touching Facebook post two months after Nolan’s demise. She told the world about her son’s last message and also expressed the pain of losing him.

There Ruth mentioned how her child woke up out of a coma to say he loved her with a smile on his face.

The post said, “My son passed away like a hero and brought communities of different occupations together.” He made a difference in people’s lives all around the world and was a warrior who left with dignity and love. She described the feelings of agony and grief she has experienced since Nolan lost his “courageous battle.”

What do you think about it? Give your opinion in the comment section, and if you think more people should read this article, share it on social media and with your friends and family.


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