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1,5 миллиард теңге ұрлады деген күдікке ілінген Перизат Қайрат туралы не белгілі




14 қарашада еріктілер қозғалысының белсендісі және “Biz Birgemiz” қоғамдық қайырымдылық қорының құрылтайшысы Перизат Қайрат 1,5 миллиард теңге жымқырды деген күдікке ілінді. Қаржы мониторингі агенттігінің мәліметінше, қазіргі уақытта ерікті ұсталып, тергеу басталып кеткен. Көктемгі су тасқынынан зардап шеккен азаматтарға көмектесу үшін жиналған қаражатты жымқырды делінген қор жетекшісі басқаратын компаниялар мен қайырымдылық қор жұмысына ақпарат агенттігі шолу жасап көрді. 

Фото: Instagram Перизат Қайрат

“Biz Birgemiz” қоғамдық қорының жетекшісі Перизат Қайрат Ақтөбе қаласында туған, 32 жаста. 2015 жылдан бері Астана қаласында тұрады екен. Британ университетін “Бизнес менеджменті” мамандығы бойынша тәмамдаған.

Ерікті 2016 жылдан бастап, 4 жыл қатарынан Біріккен Араб әмірліктерінде, атап айтқанда Абу-Дабидегі әртүрлі компанияларда жұмыс істепті. Содан кейін, елге оралып әкімдікте, саяси партияда және үкіметтік емес ұйымдарда қызмет атқарған. Қазақстанның Стратегиялық жоспарлау және реформалар агенттігінің қоғамдық кеңес мүшесі. Бұдан бөлек, Астанадағы “Rebel flowers” гүл дүкендеріне иелік етеді. Сондай-ақ ерікті араб елдеріне ет жеткізетін отбасылық кәсібі барын айтқан еді. 

Бір жазбасында ол “Biz Birgemiz Qazaqstan” қоғамдық қайырымдылық қорын тегін басқаратынын, қазіргі уақытта араб инвесторларымен бірлесіп ауқымды жобалар дайындап жатқанын жазған. 

Осы орайда, Перизат Қайрат тегін басқаратын “Biz Birgemiz Qazaqstan” қоғамдық қайырымдылық қорының жасап жатқан жұмысы мен қаржылық есебіне тоқталсақ.  

Қайырымдылық қорынан келген қомақты қаржы қоры

Kompra қазақстандық компанияның сенімділік қызметінің мәліметінше, “Biz Birgemiz Qazaqstan 2030” қоғамдық бірлестігінің бірінші басшысы Перизат Қайрат. Қайырымдылық қоры 2021 жылдың 3 маусымында жалпыұлттық еріктілер қозғалысы ретінде тіркелген. Қордың тең құрылтайшылары арасында Перизат Қайраттан басқа Amanat партиясының өкілдері де бар:

  • Тоқтар Болысов – “Inmode” ЖШС және “Consult-Invest ITIC” ЖШС компанияларының директоры;
  • Арсланбек Мағзұм – “Amanat” партиясы жанындағы “Жастар рухы” Жастар қанаты” қоғамдық бірлестігі Астана қалалық филиалының жетекшісі;
  • Сергей Матюшенко – “Amanat партиясы”  қоғамдық бірлестігінің Астана қаласы “Байқоңыр” аудандық филиалының басшысы және “Біз” азаматтық қозғалысы” қоғамдық қорының жетекшісі;
  • Гүлназ Сейткамал;
  • Аружан Аманбай;
  • Әйгерім Серікжанова – “Аmanat” партиясы жанындағы “Жастар рухы” Жастар қанаты” қоғамдық бірлестігінің Астана қалалық филиалының бұрынғы құрылтайшысы және “Sat Media” компаниясының жетекшісі;
  • Шадияр Тұрғанбай;
  • Аян Хафиз.

Қордың сайтындағы мәліметке сәйкес, олардың қозғалысының қатарында 15 мың ерікті бар. Олар, төтенше жағдайлар кезінде (су тасқыны, өрт сөндіру, пандемия), көп балалы отбасылар мен мүгедек балаларды тәрбиелеп отырған отбасыларға көмек көрсетеді. Тіпті халықаралық волонтерлік қызметпен айналысады. Мәселен, қор Түркиядағы жер сілкінісі және Палестинадағы қақтығыс кезінде қол ұшын созған. 

“Біз дағдарыс пен төтенше жағдайлар кезінде Қазақстан халқына көмек пен қолдау көрсетеміз. Сондай-ақ халықтың осал топтарының өмірін жақсарту және халықаралық көмек жобаларына қатысу арқылы әрбір адамның жақсы болашақ құруына үлес қоса алатын тұрақты ортаны құруға тырысамыз. Біз ерекше қажеттілігі бар отбасыларға қолдау көрсетіп, табиғи апаттардан зардап шеккендерге қол ұшын созамыз”, – дейді Қор құрылтайшысы желідегі жазбасында. 

Kompra қазақстандық компанияның сенімділік қызметінің дерегінше, қайырымдылық қорының 2022 жылғы салық төлемі– 537 мың 778 теңге. Ал 2023 жылғы салық төлемі 268 мың 264 теңге. Дегенмен 2024 жылдың салық бойынша есебі көрсетілмеген. Алайда қор құжатында салық бойынша қарыз 1083,20 теңге екені жазылған.  

Фото: Құжаттан скриншот

Ұйымның қазіргі уақытта жалпы қарыз көлемі 190 мың 645 теңге екен. 

Фото: Құжаттан скриншот

Қайырымдылық қорына қатысты қылмыстық іс

Бір қызығы, 2023 жылы “Biz Birgemiz Qazaqstan” қоғамдық қайырымдылық қорына қатысты 2 қылмыстық іс қозғалған. Сот шешімімен, “MM Group Estate” ЖШС-нің “Biz Birgemiz Qazaqstan 2030” жауапкершілігі шектеулі серіктестігіне қатысты материалдық көмек сомасын өндіру туралы талап арызы қанағаттандырылған. 

“Biz Birgemiz Qazaqstan” қоғамдық қайырымдылық қоры “MM Group Estate” компаниясының пайдасына 14 миллион теңге көлемінде қарыз, 420 мың теңге мемлекеттік баж салығын төлеу бойынша сот шығындары өндірілсін”, – делінген сот қаулысында.

Ал екінші қылмыстық іс бойынша талап арызды “Тукубаев” жеке кәсіпкерлігінің иесі Тукубаев Мәди Маратұлы жасаған. Сондай-ақ сот Мәди Тукубаевтың “Biz Birgemiz Qazaqstan 2030” қоғамдық бірлестігіне қарсы жазған қарыз бен өсімпұлды өндіру туралы талап арызы қанағаттандырылған. 

“Biz Birgemiz Qazaqstan 2030″ қоғамдық қайырымдылық қорынан Мәди Маратұлының пайдасына 10 миллион теңге көлемінде қарыз, 1 миллион теңге көлемінде өсімпұл және 110 мың теңге мемлекеттік баж өндірілсін”, – делінген сот хабарламасында.

Аталған қылмыстық істердің мәнжайын білейін деп компания мен кәсіпкерге байланысқа шықтық. Дегенмен жауап ала алмадық.  


Перизат Қайрат “Biz Birgemiz” қоғамдық қорының жетекшісі қызметінен бөлек “Rebel flowers” гүл дүкендеріне иелік етеді. Гүл дүкені 2022 жылы тіркеліп, Астанадағы Talan gallery және Sensata Park нысандарында орналасқан. 

Фото: Құжаттан скрин

Kompra қазақстандық компанияның сенімділік қызметінің дерегінше, гүл дүкенінің 2022-2024 жылдар аралығындағы салық түсімдеріне зер салып көрдік. Дүкен 2022 жылы 620 мың 094 теңге, 2023 жылы 756 мың 534 теңге, 2024 жылы 3 миллион 273 мың 826 теңге салық төлеген. Көрсетілген қызмет түрлері “басқа бөлшек сауда” және “көкөністерді, олардың тұқымдары мен көшеттерін өсіру”.

Сондай-ақ ол “Р-К” жеке кәсіпкерлігін басқарады және “Үстел теннисі федерациясы” республикалық қоғамдық бірлестігінің құрылтайшысы.

Түрлі елдерге саяхат, сәнді заттар мен жылжымайтын мүлік

Қаржы мониторингі агенттігінің мәліметінше, Перизат Қайрат көктемгі су тасқынынан зардап шеккен азаматтарға көмек ретінде жиналған 1,5 миллиард теңгеден астам ақшаны ұрлады деген күдікке ілінген. Агенттіктің хабарлауынша, қайырымдылықтың негізгі бөлігін күдікті сәнді заттар мен жылжымайтын мүлік сатып алуға жұмсаған.

Перизат Қайраттың өзі осы аралықта халыққа көрсетілген көмек туралы әлеуметтік желіде талай хабар таратқан. Алғашқы жазбалардың бірі туған жері Ақтөбе облысындағы су тасқынынан зардап шеккендерге көмек көрсетуге арналған.

Бұл ретте су тасқынынан зардап шеккен Қостанай облысына көрсетілген көмек туралы видеорепортаж жарияланған.

Қордың Instagram-дағы жазбаларының бірінде Қазақстанның барлық өңірлеріндегі су тасқынынан зардап шеккендерге 2 миллиард теңгеге жуық көмек көрсетілгені жазылған.

“Гуманитарлық көмекті жеткізу Қазақстан Ұлттық ұланының, Төтенше жағдайлар министрлігінің және Мұнай өңдеу зауытының әуе көлігі, жүк көліктері арқылы жүзеге асырылды. Ақтөбе, Батыс Қазақстан, Қостанай, Атырау облыстарының және Орал, Арқалық, Торғай, Амангелді, Жангелді қалаларының әкімдіктеріне “BizBirgemiz” қорының гуманитарлық көмек алғанын растағаны үшін ерекше алғысымызды білдіреміз. Төтенше жағдай жарияланған барлық өңірлердің 80 пайызына көмектесіп, қажетті құрал-жабдықтармен қамтамасыз еткен жалғыз қор”, – делінген хабарламада.

Сондай-ақ жазбалардың бірінде Перизат Қайрат 27 наурыздан бастап Қорға жиналған барлық қаражат Қаржы министрлігі мен Ұлттық банктің бақылауында болатынын хабарлады.

“Бірнеше кездесуден кейін қор шарттарымен толық келісті. Төтенше жағдай жарияланып, көмек көрсетілген аймақтарда қаражат арнайы комиссиямен жұмыс істеуі керек. Сонда ғана ақшаның қалай жұмсалып жатқанына қаржылық мониторинг жүргізіледі. Мен өз тарапымнан қолдаймын. Халықтан түскен әрбір тиынның сұрауы болуы керек”, – деп жазған Перизат Қайрат.

Су тасқыны және өңірлерде көрсетілетін көмек тақырыбына арналған осы жарияланымдардан кейін Перизат Қайрат әлемнің түкпір-түкпірінен, соның ішінде Ұлыбритания мен БАӘ-ден жеке суреттері мен жазбаларын жариялады.

Сондай-ақ өзінің жазбаларының бірінде Перизат Қайрат жазылушыларына Кембриджге оқуға түскенін хабарлаған. 

Айта кетейік, Қаржы мониторингі агенттігінің мәліметінше, 2024 жылдың көктемінде Перизат Қайрат елордадағы автосалондардан 88 миллион теңгеге “Mercedes-Benz S450”, 80 миллион теңгеге “Lexus LX-600”, 39 млиллион теңгеге “Haval” автокөліктерін сатып алған. 

Басқарманың мәліметінше, сол кезеңде ол 600 миллион теңгеге елордадан “Akbulak Riviera”, “Highvill Ishim Gold”, “Көк Жайлау” ТК, “Vela Village” коттедж қалашығында пәтер сатып алған екен. 

“Сондай-ақ Дубай, Доха, Лондон және Стамбулдағы “St. Regis”, “Shangri-La”, “Palazzo Versace” және “Kempinski” сынды бес жұлдызды қонақ үйлерде демалған. Бұл елдерде ол “Cartier” және “Louis Vuitton” сияқты брендтердің қымбат зергерлік бұйымдарын сатып алған. Ол қылмыстық схеманы жүзеге асыру үшін жақындарына 8% сыйақы берген. Қордың ақшасын қолма-қол ақшаға айналдырып отырған”, – делінген агенттік мәлімдемесінде. 

Әзірге Перизат Қайратқа қатысты тергеу жұмыстары жүріп жатыр. Жағдайдың ақ-қарасы сосын белгілі болар. 

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How to Plant, Grow and Care for Lemongrass




Have you ever dreamed of adding a touch of vibrant flavor to your dishes? You should try Lemongrass! Lemongrass is more than just a fragrant herb—it’s a powerhouse in both the kitchen and the garden. Its bright, citrusy aroma and flavor can transform everything from soups and curries to teas and marinades. It’s a key ingredient in many global cuisines, particularly Southeast Asian dishes.

Plus, it’s easy to grow at home with just a little care and attention. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about planting, growing, and caring for lemongrass. We’ll also explore how to incorporate this versatile herb into your cooking to make the most of your harvest…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


how to plant Lemongrass

What is Lemongrass?

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) is a tropical plant that belongs to the grass family. It’s known for its strong citrus aroma and flavor, which it gets from essential oils found in its long, slender stalks. Lemongrass is most commonly associated with Asian cuisine—particularly Thai, Vietnamese, and Indian dishes. Plus, it’s also used in herbal teas, as a natural insect repellent, and for medicinal purposes.

Lemongrass grows in clumps of grass-like stalks that can reach up to 3 feet tall, depending on the variety and growing conditions. It’s known for its ability to thrive in warm climates. This makes it ideal for outdoor gardening in many regions. However, with the right care, it can also be successfully grown indoors.

Benefits of Growing Lemongrass

Before you dive into the planting process, it’s helpful to understand the many benefits that come with growing lemongrass. Here are just a few:

  • Fresh Flavor Year-Round: There’s nothing quite like the taste of fresh lemongrass. Growing your own gives you an endless supply of fragrant herbs, perfect for your kitchen creations.
  • Low Maintenance: Lemongrass is one of the easier herbs to grow, requiring minimal effort once established. It’s perfect for beginners or anyone looking for a low-maintenance garden addition.
  • Natural Pest Control: The strong lemony scent of lemongrass is known to repel mosquitoes and other common garden pests. This makes it a great companion plant in the garden or on your patio.
  • Health Benefits: Lemongrass is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and essential oils. It’s often used in natural remedies for digestion, relaxation, and even skincare. Some people use lemongrass oil in aromatherapy for stress relief.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Lemongrass adds a lovely, ornamental element to any garden or indoor space with its tall, elegant green stalks.

Now that you know the benefits, let’s get to the fun part—planting!

Where to Grow Lemongrass?

Lemongrass thrives in warm, sunny environments, and it loves heat and humidity. Whether you live in a temperate or tropical climate, here’s what you need to know about choosing the best spot for your lemongrass plant.

Growing Lemongrass Outdoors

  • Sunlight: Lemongrass needs plenty of sunlight to grow strong and healthy. Aim for at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day. This is why it thrives in tropical climates and summer months in temperate zones.
  • Soil: Lemongrass prefers well-draining, slightly acidic to neutral soil (pH 6.0 to 7.0). The soil should be rich in organic matter to provide the nutrients it needs for strong growth. If your soil is heavy clay, consider amending it with compost to improve drainage.
  • Climate: Lemongrass does best in USDA hardiness zones 9 through 11. It can handle short periods of cold, but it’s sensitive to frost and should be brought indoors or covered during the winter months if grown outside in colder climates.

Growing Lemongrass Indoors

  • Containers: If you’re in a colder climate or simply want to grow lemongrass indoors, containers are your best bet. Choose a large pot (at least 12 inches in diameter) with good drainage holes. This will help prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot.
  • Lighting: Lemongrass thrives in bright, direct sunlight. Place your container on a sunny windowsill or near a south- or west-facing window. If your space doesn’t get enough natural light, you can use a grow light to supplement.
  • Temperature: Lemongrass does best in temperatures between 65°F and 85°F (18°C to 29°C). Keep it away from drafts, air conditioners, or heaters that could cause temperature fluctuations.

How to Plant Lemongrass?

There are two main ways to plant lemongrass: from seed or cutting. Let’s take a closer look at both options.

Starting Lemongrass from Seed

While starting from seed is possible, it’s a slower process and may take several weeks for the seeds to germinate. Here’s how to do it:

  • Prepare the Soil: Use a seed-starting mix in a shallow container with good drainage. Lemongrass seeds are tiny, so avoid burying them deeply in the soil. Just press them gently into the surface.
  • Soak the Seeds: For quicker germination, soak the seeds in warm water for about 1–2 hours before planting. This helps to soften the seed coat and speeds up the sprouting process.
  • Keep the Soil Moist: After sowing, lightly mist the soil with water to keep it moist. Germination usually takes 2–3 weeks.
  • Transplanting: Once the seedlings have grown large enough to handle (around 6–8 inches tall), transplant them into larger containers or your garden.

Starting Lemongrass from a Cutting (Recommended)

The most reliable way to propagate lemongrass is from a cutting, which can be done with a fresh stalk from a grocery store or a nursery. Here’s how:

  • Choose a Fresh Stalk: Look for firm, healthy lemongrass stalks with vibrant green leaves and no signs of decay.
  • Cut the Stalk: Trim a 4-6 inch piece from the bottom of the stalk, making sure to leave the base intact. This is the part that will sprout roots.
  • Place in Water: Submerge the cut end of the stalk in a jar or glass of water, ensuring the bottom portion is underwater. Place it in a warm spot with indirect light.
  • Wait for Roots to Form: Within a week or two, you should notice roots developing. Once the roots are about 2-3 inches long, it’s time to plant your lemongrass in soil.
  • Plant in Soil: Transplant the rooted stalk into a pot or garden bed with rich, well-draining soil. Water it thoroughly and continue caring for it as it grows.

How often should I water lemongrass?

Lemongrass likes consistent moisture but doesn’t want to sit in water. Water it regularly to keep the soil evenly moist, especially during hot months. However, make sure the soil drains well, as standing water can cause root rot. During colder months, you can water less frequently, but always check the soil moisture before watering.

What type of soil is best for lemongrass?

Lemongrass prefers well-draining, slightly acidic to neutral soil (pH 6.0-7.0). A loamy soil with organic matter works best, as it provides good drainage while retaining moisture. If you’re planting in a garden, amend the soil with compost to improve texture and nutrient levels. For container gardening, you can use a high-quality potting mix.

How long does lemongrass take to grow?

If you’re growing lemongrass from a cutting, it can take about 2-3 weeks for the roots to develop. Once transplanted into the soil, it can take about 2-3 months to reach a harvestable size, depending on growing conditions like sunlight, temperature, and care.

Can I grow lemongrass from seed?

Yes, you can grow lemongrass from seed, but it’s typically a slower process compared to starting from a cutting. Lemongrass seeds take around 2-3 weeks to germinate, and it may take longer to reach a harvestable size. If you’re looking for a faster method, starting with a cutting from a store-bought stalk is recommended.

Does lemongrass need a lot of sunlight?

Yes, lemongrass needs full sunlight to grow well. Ideally, it should get at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day. If you are growing it indoors, place it on a sunny windowsill that receives plenty of light, or consider using artificial grow lights if necessary.

How to Care for Lemongrass
How to Care for Lemongrass

How to Care for Lemongrass?

Once your lemongrass is planted, it’s time to take care of it. Lemongrass is a relatively low-maintenance plant, but it does have some specific needs.

1. Watering

Lemongrass likes consistent moisture but doesn’t want to sit in water. Water it regularly, ensuring that the soil stays evenly moist, but not soggy. Be sure to water it deeply to encourage strong root growth. During hotter months, you may need to water it every 2-3 days; in cooler weather, once a week is usually enough.

2. Fertilizing

To keep your lemongrass growing strong and healthy, fertilize it every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). A balanced, slow-release fertilizer works well. You can also use organic compost to enrich the soil. Avoid fertilizing in the winter when the plant is dormant. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

3. Pruning and Maintenance

Lemongrass grows in a clump, and it can get quite tall. Regular pruning helps to keep the plant healthy and encourages new growth. Here’s how to do it:

  • Remove Dead Leaves: Trim off any yellow or dead leaves to keep the plant looking neat and healthy.
  • Cut the Stalks: If your lemongrass becomes too tall or unruly, trim back the outer stalks. Always leave the inner clump of stalks intact, as this is where new growth will emerge.
  • Check for Flowers: Lemongrass can sometimes produce flower heads, but these should be removed to prevent the plant from becoming leggy.

How can I fix root rot in lemongrass?

Root rot typically occurs when the plant is overwatered or the soil does not drain well. To fix this, remove the plant from the pot or garden bed, inspect the roots, and trim away any brown or mushy parts. Report it in fresh, well-draining soil, and adjust your watering schedule to avoid overwatering in the future.

What pests affect lemongrass, and how do I get rid of them?

Lemongrass can attract pests such as aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. To treat these, you can spray the plant with a mixture of water and mild dish soap or neem oil, which is a natural insecticide. If the infestation is severe, you may need to repeat the treatment every few days until the pests are gone.

Does lemongrass need to be pruned?

Yes, lemongrass benefits from regular pruning. Remove any dead or yellowing leaves to keep the plant healthy and looking neat. You can also trim the outer stalks if the plant gets too tall or unruly. Always leave the inner stalks intact so the plant can continue to grow.

How do I store fresh lemongrass?

Fresh lemongrass can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. Simply wrap the stalks in a damp paper towel and place them in a plastic bag. If you have a large harvest, you can also freeze lemongrass for longer storage. Just cut the stalks into 2-3 inch pieces and freeze them in an airtight container or freezer bag.

Can I use dried lemongrass instead of fresh?

Yes, you can use dried lemongrass in cooking, although fresh lemongrass provides a more intense, aromatic flavor. If using dried lemongrass, you may need to increase the amount in your recipe to compensate for the less potent flavor. Dried lemongrass is particularly good for making tea or adding to slow-cooked dishes.

Common Lemongrass Problems
Common Lemongrass Problems

Common Lemongrass Problems and How to Fix Them

Like any plant, lemongrass can face a few challenges. Here are some common problems and how to address them:

1. Yellowing Leaves

Yellow leaves often indicate overwatering or a nutrient deficiency. Make sure the soil drains well, and avoid letting the plant sit in water. If the soil seems depleted, feed the plant with a balanced fertilizer or compost.

2. Pests

Lemongrass can attract pests like aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. To control these pests, spray the plant with a mixture of water and mild dish soap or use neem oil.

3. Root Rot

If you notice wilting or mushy leaves, root rot may be the issue. This happens when the plant sits in waterlogged soil. Ensure your container or garden bed has proper drainage, and allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.

How to Harvest Lemongrass?

Lemongrass is ready to harvest once it has reached a height of about 12 inches or when the stalks feel firm and full. Here’s how to harvest:

  • Cut the Stalks: Using a sharp knife or scissors cut the outermost stalks at the base of the plant. Always leave the inner stalks intact to allow the plant to continue growing.
  • Harvesting Frequency: Lemongrass can be harvested multiple times throughout the growing season. Be sure to leave enough stalks for the plant to regenerate.
  • Best Time to Harvest: The best time to harvest lemongrass is in the morning, before the sun is too hot, as the plant’s essential oils will be at their peak.

How to Use Lemongrass in the Kitchen?

Now that you’ve grown your lemongrass, it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor! Here are some delicious ways to use fresh lemongrass:

  • Tea: Simply bruise a stalk with the back of a knife and steep it in hot water for a fragrant and soothing tea.
  • Soups and Curries: Lemongrass adds a fresh, citrusy flavor to soups, stews, and curries. Slice or bruise the stalks and add them to the dish while it’s cooking. Remove them before serving.
  • Marinades: Lemongrass pairs wonderfully with garlic, ginger, and soy sauce for a flavorful marinade for meats, tofu, or vegetables.
  • Infused Oils and Sauces: You can infuse oils or create sauces with lemongrass for added depth of flavor in your cooking.

Is lemongrass safe to consume?

Yes, lemongrass is completely safe to consume. It’s widely used in cooking and is also used in herbal medicine. However, if you are using lemongrass for medicinal purposes, consult a healthcare professional to ensure it’s appropriate for your needs, especially if you are pregnant or taking medications.


1. Can lemongrass grow in cold climates?

Lemongrass is a tropical plant and does not tolerate frost. If you live in a cold climate, you can still grow lemongrass in containers and bring it indoors during the winter months. Alternatively, you can grow it in a greenhouse or indoors year-round as long as it gets enough light and warmth.

2. How big does lemongrass grow?

Lemongrass can grow quite large, with some varieties reaching up to 3 feet in height. It grows in dense clumps of long, grass-like stalks, which can spread outwards if left unchecked. Pruning can help keep it manageable and encourage new growth.

3. Can I regrow lemongrass from the kitchen?

Yes, you can regrow lemongrass from a store-bought stalk! Simply place the bottom portion of the stalk in water, and after a couple of weeks, it will begin to sprout roots. Once the roots are a few inches long, transplant them into the soil. This is a great way to start a lemongrass plant with minimal cost.


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Nutrition, Benefits, Uses and Side Effects




Have you ever sipped on a soothing cup of lemongrass tea or savored its citrusy zest in a dish? Packed with nutrients and numerous health benefits, lemongrass has been cherished for centuries in traditional medicine and modern wellness routines. But, like any natural remedy, it’s essential to understand its full story. This article will explore 18 incredible benefits of lemongrass and how you can easily grow lemongrass at home.

What is Lemongrass?

Lemongrass, also known as Cymbopogon citratus, is a tall, stalky plant with a fresh, lemony aroma and citrus flavor. It’s commonly used in various cuisines. This is particularly common in Southeast Asian dishes, where it adds a unique flavor to soups, curries, and teas…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


Beyond its culinary uses, lemongrass is prized for its medicinal properties. It is often utilized in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant effects.

Types of Lemongrass

There are several species of lemongrass, but the most commonly used types include:

  • West Indian Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus): This is the most popular variety used in cooking. It has a strong citrus flavor and aroma, making it ideal for culinary applications. It typically grows taller and has narrower leaves compared to its counterpart.
  • East Indian Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus): Known for its slightly more intense lemon scent even before cooking, this variety is often used for medicinal purposes and essential oils. It has a more purple hue and can be used both raw and cooked.
  • Citronella Grass (Cymbopogon nardus): While not typically referred to as lemongrass in culinary contexts, this species is known for its use in insect repellents due to its high citronella oil content.
what is Lemongrass

Nutritional Profile of Lemongrass

Lemongrass is not only flavorful but also packed with nutrients. Here’s a quick look at its nutritional profile per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 99 kcal
Carbohydrates 25.7 g
Protein 1.82 g
Fat 0.49 g
Fiber 2.8 g
Calcium 65 mg
Potassium 723 mg
Vitamin C 2 mg
Iron 0.3 mg

18 Health Benefits and Uses of Lemongrass

1. Promotes Weight Loss

If you’re looking to shed a few pounds, lemongrass might be your new best friend. This herb has natural diuretic properties. This means it helps flush out excess water weight and reduces bloating.

The study found the citral compound in lemongrass can boost your metabolism. This makes it easier for your body to burn fat. Additionally, the polyphenolic compounds in lemongrass stimulate metabolism and energy levels, further enhancing fat burning.

Plus, Using lemongrass in meals can also help curb cravings. Its unique flavor can make healthy dishes more satisfying, encouraging you to stick with your weight management goals.

2. Aids Digestion

Feeling bloated or uncomfortable after meals? Lemongrass can help! Known for its ability to soothe digestive issues, this herb can ease stomach cramps and promote regular bowel movements.

The essential oils in lemongrass stimulate the production of digestive juices. This makes it easier for your body to break down food. Plus, It has antibacterial properties that can combat harmful bacteria in the gut, such as H. pylori.

Regularly sipping on lemongrass tea after meals not only aids digestion but also provides a comforting ritual that can enhance your overall dining experience. Plus, its pleasant aroma can make mealtime feel even more special.

Heart Rate Chart
Heart Rate Chart

3. Supports Heart Health

Taking care of your heart is crucial, and lemongrass can play a role in that. Rich in antioxidants, particularly citral, lemongrass can help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) while boosting good cholesterol (HDL).

This balance is essential for reducing the risk of heart disease. Plus, its the ability to lower blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels.

Studies have shown that regular consumption of lemongrass may improve lipid profiles and reduce inflammation. This further protects heart health.

4. Reduces Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can be a silent threat, but lemongrass may help you manage it naturally. Its vasodilatory effects widen blood vessels, improving circulation and lowering blood pressure levels.

Additionally, its diuretic properties help eliminate excess sodium from the body. This further supports healthy blood pressure.

Drinking lemongrass tea regularly could be a simple yet effective way to keep your heart healthy while enjoying a soothing beverage. You can consider starting a cup of this aromatic tea for both relaxation and health benefits.

5. Enhances Immune Function

Boosting your immune system is always a good idea, especially during cold and flu season. Lemongrass is packed with antioxidants and has antimicrobial properties that help fight off infections.

The essential oils in lemongrass have been shown to possess antibacterial properties that combat pathogens like E. coli and Salmonella. Regular consumption of lemongrass can strengthen your immune defenses. This makes it less likely you’ll catch that pesky cold going around.

Plus, Incorporating lemongrass into soups or teas during the winter months can bolster your immunity while keeping you warm.

Extreme Fatigue and Joint Pain
Extreme Fatigue and Joint Pain

6. Aromatherapy Benefits

Lemongrass essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy. This is due to its uplifting scent that promotes mental clarity while alleviating feelings of fatigue and anxiety.

When diffused into the air or added to bathwater, it creates an invigorating atmosphere conducive to relaxation and mindfulness practices such as meditation.

Additionally, studies have shown that inhaling the scent of lemon grass oil helps improve mood by increasing serotonin levels. This makes it an excellent option for those seeking emotional balance through aromatherapy techniques!

7. Prevents Cancer

While no single food can prevent cancer, some studies suggest that lemongrass may have anticancer properties due to its ability to induce apoptosis (the death of cancer cells). The antioxidants in lemongrass also combat oxidative stress, which is linked to cancer development.

Plus, Preliminary studies indicate that compounds found in lemongrass may inhibit tumor growth and metastasis in certain types of cancer cells. It can also help reduce inflammation and support immune function.

8. Helps Treat Skin Infections

Lemongrass has powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties.  This makes it effective against various skin infections such as ringworm, athlete’s foot, sores, and scabies. When applied topically as an essential oil or infused into creams and ointments, it helps clear out dirt and impurities from the skin.

Plus, it can combat harmful bacteria like Staphylococcus species that cause infections. Using products containing lemongrass oil in affected areas not only aids healing but also prevents future outbreaks.

9. Supports Liver Health

Your liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying your body, and lemongrass may help support its function. The citric acid in this herb aids detoxification processes and protects the liver from damage caused by toxins and oxidative stress.

Regularly consuming lemongrass could contribute to better liver health over time. It can promote efficient detoxification pathways while enhancing overall well-being. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Headaches and Joint Pain
Headaches and Joint Pain

10. Relieves Pain

Whether it’s headaches or muscle aches, many people seek natural remedies for pain relief—and lemongrass fits the bill! Its analgesic properties can help alleviate discomfort from various types of pain.

Drinking warm lemongrass tea or using its essential oil topically may provide soothing relief when you need it most. This makes it an excellent addition to any natural pain management routine.

11. Improves Oral Health

Good oral hygiene is vital for overall health, and lemongrass can help! Chewing on fresh lemongrass stalks or drinking lemongrass tea may reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth. This prevents bad breath and promotes healthier gums.

Plus, Its antimicrobial properties make it a natural ally for maintaining oral health while potentially reducing plaque buildup. This makes every sip of tea count toward better dental hygiene!

12. Treats Yeast Infections

If you’re dealing with yeast infections, you might find relief with lemongrass’s antifungal properties. This herb has been shown to combat fungal infections like candidiasis effectively. It can inhibit fungal growth through its fungicidal action against Candida albicans.

Plus, Incorporating lemongrass into your diet or using it topically could aid in treating these conditions naturally. This can provide both comfort and support during recovery.

13. Boosts Red Blood Cell Production

For those at risk of anemia or low iron levels, adding more iron-rich foods like lemongrass can be beneficial. This herb supports the production of red blood cells by providing essential nutrients such as iron and vitamin C. This helps maintain energy levels and overall vitality.

Plus, Regularly enjoying lemongrass tea might just give you that extra boost you need! It’s particularly helpful for individuals recovering from illness or those who need additional iron support in their diets.

14. Detoxifies the Body

In today’s world filled with toxins from food and the environment, detoxifying our bodies is more important than ever—and lemongrass can help! Its natural detoxifying effects promote increased urination and sweating. This helps eliminate harmful substances from the body while supporting kidney function.

Plus, Adding fresh lemon grass stalks to water infusions or teas not only enhances flavor but also encourages hydration. This is a key component of effective detoxification!

Natural Remedies to Tighten Forehead Wrinkles
Natural Remedies to Tighten Forehead Wrinkles

15. Reduces Signs of Aging

The high antioxidant content in lemongrass makes it an excellent choice for combating signs of aging. Antioxidants protect skin cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Regular use of products containing lemongrass oil helps maintain skin elasticity while reducing fine lines and wrinkles over time.

Additionally, its ability to tighten pores gives the skin a smoother appearance. You can Incorporate lemongrass-infused serums or creams into your skincare routine. This can rejuvenate tired skin while promoting a youthful glow!

16. Acts as an Insect Repellent

Lemongrass is well-known as an effective insect repellent. This is due to its high concentration of citronella oil—a compound famous for keeping bugs at bay!

Many people use it as a natural alternative to chemical repellents because it’s safe for children and pets. While it still being effective against mosquitoes and other pests like flies and ants.

You can create your own insect repellent spray by mixing diluted lemongrass essential oil with water in a spray bottle. Or simply crush fresh leaves and rub them on exposed skin before heading outdoors!

17. Eliminates Body Odor

Struggling with body odor? Lemongrass might be just what you need! Its antimicrobial properties combat odor-causing bacteria while leaving behind a refreshing scent that masks unpleasant smells naturally.

You can use diluted lemongrass oil as a natural deodorant. Just apply it directly onto clean skin—its citrusy fragrance will keep you smelling fresh throughout the day without the harsh chemicals in commercial products!

18. Versatile Culinary Ingredient

Last but not least, let’s talk about how deliciously versatile lemongrass is! It adds a unique flavor profile to various dishes—especially in Asian cuisine—without piling on calories or unhealthy ingredients.

You can use fresh or dried lemongrass in soups like Tom Yum Goong or Tom Kha Gai (a creamy coconut soup), stir-fries, teas, marinades, and curries for an extra burst of flavor that’s also good for you!

Potential Side Effects and Risks

While generally safe when consumed as part of food or beverages like tea, there are some potential side effects associated with excessive consumption of lemongrass:

  • Gastrointestinal Issues: Consuming large amounts may cause stomach discomfort including nausea or diarrhea.
  • Pregnancy & Breastfeeding: While lemongrass is generally safe when consumed in culinary amounts, pregnant women should exercise caution. High doses of lemongrass or concentrated forms (like essential oils) may stimulate uterine contractions.
  • Drug Interactions: Lemongrass may interact with medications such as those used for diabetes or high blood pressure. You should consult healthcare providers if you’re on medication.
  • Allergic Reactions: Some people may experience allergic reactions such as itching or difficulty breathing if they are sensitive to grasses.
how to plant Lemongrass
how to plant Lemongrass

How to Growing Lemongrass at Home?

Lemongrass is an excellent addition to any home garden. Here is an easy way to grow lemongrass at home.

1. Choosing Your Lemongrass

  • Purchase fresh stalks from a grocery store or nursery. Look for ones with a thick base and visible green tops.
  • If buying seeds, ensure they are from a reputable source.

2. Propagating Lemongrass Stalks

Option 1: Water Propagation

  1. Cut the stalk about 2 inches from the base.
  2. Place the base in a glass of water, ensuring it’s submerged but not fully covered.
  3. Change the water every 2–3 days to prevent stagnation.
  4. After 1–2 weeks, roots will begin to grow. Once roots are about 2 inches long, it’s ready for planting.

Option 2: Direct Planting

  • Skip water propagation and plant the base directly into the soil. This method works best in warm climates.

3. Choosing the Right Location

  • For Outdoor Planting: Select a sunny spot with well-draining soil. Lemongrass doesn’t tolerate waterlogged conditions.
  • For Indoor Cultivation: Use a large pot (12–14 inches in diameter) placed near a sunny window or under grow lights.

4. Soil Preparation

  • Ideal Soil Type: Lemongrass prefers loamy soil with a neutral to slightly acidic pH (6.0–7.0).
  • Enhancing Soil: Mix compost or well-rotted manure into the soil to improve fertility and drainage.

5. Planting Lemongrass

  • Dig a hole twice as wide as the root ball.
  • Place the plant and backfill with soil, pressing gently to remove air pockets.
  • Water thoroughly after planting.

6. Watering Tips

  • Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. Overwatering can lead to root rot.
  • In hot climates, water 2–3 times a week. Reduce frequency during cooler months.

7. Fertilizing Lemongrass

  • Feed the plant every 4–6 weeks with a balanced fertilizer (10-10-10) or compost tea.
  • Avoid over-fertilizing, as it can lead to excessive leaf growth with less flavor.

8. Pruning and Harvesting

  • Pruning: Trim dead leaves and remove old stalks to encourage new growth.
  • Harvesting: Cut stalks close to the base when they are thick and about 12 inches tall.
  • Use fresh stalks immediately or freeze them for later use.

9. Pest and Disease Management

Common Pests:

  • Aphids: Spray plants with a mixture of water and mild soap.
  • Spider Mites: Wipe leaves with a damp cloth to remove mites.

Common Diseases:

  • Root Rot: Avoid overwatering and ensure proper drainage.
  • Leaf Blight: Remove infected leaves and apply a fungicide if necessary.

10. Winter Care

In colder climates, lemongrass may not survive outdoors. Follow these tips:

  • Container Plants: Bring them indoors before the first frost.
  • Outdoor Plants: Mulch heavily around the base to protect roots.
Common Lemongrass Problems
Common Lemongrass Problems


1. How do you prepare lemongrass for cooking?

To prepare lemongrass, start by trimming off the tough, dry ends of the stalks. Remove the outer leaves until you reach the tender inner stalk.

You can use the whole stalk in soups or stews for flavoring; just remember to remove it before serving. For recipes that require minced lemongrass, finely chop the tender part of the stalk or pound it with a mortar and pestle to release its oils.

3. Can you eat lemongrass raw?

Yes, you can eat lemongrass raw, but it’s often quite tough and fibrous. It’s best used in small amounts in salads or as a garnish. Many people prefer to use it cooked, where it softens and releases its aromatic oils, enhancing the flavor of dishes.

3. What does lemongrass taste like?

Lemongrass has a distinct citrus flavor that is often described as a combination of lemon and mild ginger. Its aroma is fresh and lemony, making it a popular ingredient in various dishes, especially in Asian cuisine. The flavor can be quite strong, so it’s typically used in moderation.

4. How should I store fresh lemongrass?

Fresh lemongrass can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Wrap the stalks in a damp paper towel and place them in a plastic bag to maintain moisture. Alternatively, you can freeze chopped lemongrass in ice cube trays with water or oil for longer storage.


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FDA may outlaw food dyes ‘within weeks’: Bombshell move would affect candy, soda and cakes, revolutionize American diets





The Food and Drug Administration will decide on a ban of certain food dyes in the coming weeks after receiving a petition to review the safety of Red 3, NBC News reports.

“With Red 3, we have a petition in front of us to revoke the authorization board, and we’re hopeful that in the next few weeks we’ll be acting on that petition,” Jim Jones, the deputy commissioner for human foods at the FDA, said during a Senate meeting this week, per NBC. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

According to the FDA, the agency has reviewed the safety of Red 3 —which is derived from petroleum and found snacks, beverages, candy and more — in food and drugs “multiple times” since it was first approved in 1969, but the petition has requested for the additive to be reviewed once more.

The post FDA may outlaw food dyes ‘within weeks’: Bombshell move would affect candy, soda and cakes, revolutionize American diets first appeared on .

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